local bait = require 'bait' local commander = require 'commander' local lunacolors = require 'lunacolors' local M = {} local counter = 0 M._messages = {} M.icons = { INFO = '', SUCCESS = '', WARN = '', ERROR = '' } hilbish.messages = {} --- Represents a Hilbish message. --- @class hilbish.message --- @field icon string Unicode (preferably standard emoji) icon for the message notification. --- @field title string Title of the message (like an email subject). --- @field text string Contents of the message. --- @field channel string Short identifier of the message. `hilbish` and `hilbish.*` is preserved for internal Hilbish messages. --- @field summary string A short summary of the message. --- @field read boolean Whether the full message has been read or not. function expect(tbl, field) if not tbl[field] or tbl[field] == '' then error(string.format('expected field %s in message')) end end --- Sends a message. --- @param message hilbish.message function hilbish.messages.send(message) expect(message, 'text') expect(message, 'title') counter = counter + 1 message.index = counter message.read = false M._messages[message.index] = message bait.throw('hilbish.notification', message) end function hilbish.messages.read(idx) local msg = M._messages[idx] if msg then M._messages[idx].read = true end end function hilbish.messages.readAll(idx) for _, msg in ipairs(hilbish.messages.all()) do hilbish.messages.read(msg.index) end end function hilbish.messages.delete(idx) local msg = M._messages[idx] if not msg then error(string.format('invalid message index %d', idx or -1)) end M._messages[idx] = nil end function hilbish.messages.clear() for _, msg in ipairs(hilbish.messages.all()) do hilbish.messages.delete(msg.index) end end function hilbish.messages.all() return M._messages end return M