Frequently Asked Questions

Last updated Nov 12, 2023

Is Hilbish POSIX compliant?

No, it is not. POSIX compliance is a non-goal. Perhaps in the future, someone would be able to write a native plugin to support shell scripting (which would be against it’s main goal, but ….)

Windows Support?

It compiles for Windows (CI ensures it does), but otherwise it is not directly supported. If you’d like to improve this situation, checkout the discussion .


Hilbish emerged from the desire of a Lua configured shell. It was the initial reason that it was created, but now it’s more: to be hyper extensible, simpler and more user friendly.

Does it have “autocompletion” or “tab completion”

Of course! This is a modern shell. Hilbish provides a way for users to write tab completion for any command and/or the whole shell. Inline hinting and syntax highlighting are also available.