local opts = {} hilbish.opts = {} setmetatable(hilbish.opts, { __newindex = function(_, k, v) if opts[k] == nil then error(string.format('opt %s does not exist', k)) end opts[k] = v end, __index = function(_, k) return opts[k] end }) local function setupOpt(name, default) opts[name] = default pcall(require, 'nature.opts.' .. name) end local defaultOpts = { autocd = false, history = true, greeting = string.format([[Welcome to {magenta}Hilbish{reset}, {cyan}%s{reset}. The nice lil shell for {blue}Lua{reset} fanatics! ]], hilbish.user), motd = true, fuzzy = false, notifyJobFinish = true, crimmas = true } for optsName, default in pairs(defaultOpts) do setupOpt(optsName, default) end