local commander = require 'commander' local fs = require 'fs' local lunacolors = require 'lunacolors' commander.register('doc', function(args) local moddocPath = hilbish.dataDir .. '/docs/' local apidocHeader = [[ # %s {grayBg} {white}{italic}%s {reset} ]] if #args > 0 then local mod = args[1] local f = io.open(moddocPath .. mod .. '.md', 'rb') local funcdocs = nil if not f then -- assume subdir -- dataDir/docs//.md moddocPath = moddocPath .. mod .. '/' local subdocName = args[2] if not subdocName then subdocName = 'index' end f = io.open(moddocPath .. subdocName .. '.md', 'rb') if not f then print('No documentation found for ' .. mod .. '.') return end funcdocs = f:read '*a' local moddocs = table.filter(fs.readdir(moddocPath), function(f) return f ~= 'index.md' end) local subdocs = table.map(moddocs, function(fname) return lunacolors.underline(lunacolors.blue(string.gsub(fname, '.md', ''))) end) if subdocName == 'index' then funcdocs = funcdocs .. '\nSubdocs: ' .. table.concat(subdocs, ', ') end end if not funcdocs then funcdocs = f:read '*a' end local valsStr = funcdocs:match '%-%-%-\n([^%-%-%-]+)\n' local vals = {} if valsStr then local _, endpos = funcdocs:find('---\n' .. valsStr .. '\n---\n\n', 1, true) funcdocs = funcdocs:sub(endpos + 1, #funcdocs) -- parse vals local lines = string.split(valsStr, '\n') for _, line in ipairs(lines) do local key = line:match '(%w+): ' local val = line:match '^%w+: (.-)$' vals[key] = val end end if mod == 'api' then funcdocs = string.format(apidocHeader, vals.name, vals.description) .. funcdocs end local backtickOccurence = 0 local formattedFuncs = lunacolors.format(funcdocs:sub(1, #funcdocs - 1):gsub('`', function() backtickOccurence = backtickOccurence + 1 if backtickOccurence % 2 == 0 then return '{reset}' else return '{underline}{green}' end end):gsub('#+.-\n', function(t) return '{bold}{magenta}' .. t .. '{reset}' end)) print(formattedFuncs) f:close() return end local modules = table.map(fs.readdir(moddocPath), function(f) return lunacolors.underline(lunacolors.blue(string.gsub(f, '.md', ''))) end) io.write [[ Welcome to Hilbish's doc tool! Here you can find documentation for builtin functions and other things. Usage: doc
[subdoc] A section is a module or a literal section and a subdoc is a subsection for it. Available sections: ]] io.flush() print(table.concat(modules, ', ')) end)