-- The preload file initializes everything else for our shell local ansikit = require 'ansikit' local bait = require 'bait' local commander = require 'commander' local fs = require 'fs' local lunacolors = require 'lunacolors' local _ = require 'succulent' -- Function additions local oldDir = hilbish.cwd() local shlvl = tonumber(os.getenv 'SHLVL') if shlvl ~= nil then os.setenv('SHLVL', shlvl + 1) else os.setenv('SHLVL', 0) end -- Builtins local recentDirs = {} commander.register('cd', function (args) if #args > 0 then local path = table.concat(args, ' '):gsub('$%$','\0'):gsub('${([%w_]+)}', os.getenv) :gsub('$([%w_]+)', os.getenv):gsub('%z','$'):gsub('^%s*(.-)%s*$', '%1') if path == '-' then path = oldDir print(path) end oldDir = hilbish.cwd() local ok, err = pcall(function() fs.cd(path) end) if not ok then print(err:sub(17)) return 1 end bait.throw('cd', path) -- add to table of recent dirs recentDirs[11] = nil if recentDirs[#recentDirs - 1] ~= path then table.insert(recentDirs, 1, path) end return end fs.cd(hilbish.home) bait.throw('cd', hilbish.home) table.insert(recentDirs, 1, hilbish.home) recentDirs[11] = nil end) commander.register('exit', function() bait.throw('hilbish.exit') os.exit(0) end) commander.register('doc', function(args) local moddocPath = hilbish.dataDir .. '/docs/' local modDocFormat = [[ %s %s # Functions ]] if #args > 0 then local mod = args[1] local formattedFuncs = '' local iface = mod:match '%w+%.%w+' local f = io.open(moddocPath .. mod .. '.txt', 'rb') local funcdocs = nil if not f and not iface then -- assume subdir -- dataDir/docs//.txt moddocPath = moddocPath .. mod .. '/' local subdocName = args[2] if not subdocName then subdocName = 'index' end f = io.open(moddocPath .. subdocName .. '.txt', 'rb') if not f then print('No documentation found for ' .. mod .. '.') return end funcdocs = f:read '*a' local moddocs = table.filter(fs.readdir(moddocPath), function(f) return f ~= 'index.txt' end) local subdocs = table.map(moddocs, function(fname) return lunacolors.underline(lunacolors.blue(string.gsub(fname, '.txt', ''))) end) if subdocName == 'index' then funcdocs = funcdocs .. '\nSubdocs: ' .. table.concat(subdocs, ', ') end if not funcdocs then funcdocs = f:read '*a' end local desc = '' local backtickOccurence = 0 formattedFuncs = lunacolors.format(funcdocs:sub(1, #funcdocs - 1):gsub('`', function() backtickOccurence = backtickOccurence + 1 if backtickOccurence % 2 == 0 then return '{reset}' else return '{underline}{green}' end end)) f:close() end local ok, lmod if iface then modName = mod:match '%w+' local okk, module = pcall(require, modName) ok = okk if ok then lmod = module[iface:sub(modName:len() + 2)] end else ok, lmod = pcall(require, mod) end if ok then local props = {} local propstr = '' local modDesc = '' local modmt = getmetatable(lmod) modDesc = modmt.__doc if modmt.__docProp then -- not all modules have docs for properties props = table.map(modmt.__docProp, function(v, k) return lunacolors.underline(lunacolors.blue(k)) .. ' > ' .. v end) end if #props > 0 then propstr = '\n# Properties\n' .. table.concat(props, '\n') .. '\n' end desc = string.format(modDocFormat, modDesc, propstr) end print(desc .. formattedFuncs) return end local modules = table.map(fs.readdir(moddocPath), function(f) return lunacolors.underline(lunacolors.blue(string.gsub(f, '.txt', ''))) end) io.write [[ Welcome to Hilbish's doc tool! Here you can find documentation for builtin functions and other things. Usage: doc
[subdoc] A section is a module or a literal section and a subdoc is a subsection for it. Available sections: ]] print(table.concat(modules, ', ')) end) local helpTexts = { [[ Hello there! Welcome to Hilbish, the comfy and nice little shell for Lua users and fans. Hilbish is configured with Lua, and its scripts are also in Lua. It also runs both Lua and shell script when interactive (aka normal usage). ]], [[ What does that mean for you, the user? It means that if you prefer to use Lua for scripting instead of shell script but still have ordinary shell usage for interactive use. ]], [[ If this is your first time using Hilbish and Lua, check out the Programming in Lua book here: https://www.lua.org/pil After (or if you already know Lua) check out the doc command. It is an in shell tool for documentation about Hilbish provided functions and modules. ]], [[ If you've updated from a pre-1.0 version (0.7.1 as an example) you'll want to move your config from ~/.hilbishrc.lua to ]] .. hilbish.userDir.config .. '/hilbish/init.lua' .. [[ and also change all global functions (prompt, alias) to be in the hilbish module (hilbish.prompt, hilbish.alias as examples). Since 1.0 is a big release, you'll want to check the changelog at https://github.com/Rosettea/Hilbish/releases/tag/v1.0.0 to find more breaking changes. ]] } commander.register('guide', function() ansikit.clear() ansikit.cursorTo(0, 0) for _, text in ipairs(helpTexts) do print(text) local out = hilbish.read('Hit enter to continue ') ansikit.clear() ansikit.cursorTo(0, 0) if not out then return end end print 'Hope you enjoy using Hilbish!' end) do local virt_G = { } setmetatable(_G, { __index = function (_, key) local got_virt = virt_G[key] if got_virt ~= nil then return got_virt end virt_G[key] = os.getenv(key) return virt_G[key] end, __newindex = function (_, key, value) if type(value) == 'string' then os.setenv(key, value) virt_G[key] = value else if type(virt_G[key]) == 'string' then os.setenv(key, '') end virt_G[key] = value end end, }) bait.catch('command.exit', function () for key, value in pairs(virt_G) do if type(value) == 'string' then virt_G[key] = os.getenv(key) end end end) end commander.register('cdr', function(args) if not args[1] then print(lunacolors.format [[ cdr: change directory to one which has been recently visied usage: cdr to get a list of recent directories, use {green}{underline}cdr list{reset}]]) return end if args[1] == 'list' then if #recentDirs == 0 then print 'No directories have been visited.' return 1 end print(table.concat(recentDirs, '\n')) return end local index = tonumber(args[1]) if not index then print(string.format('received %s as index, which isn\'t a number', index)) return 1 end if not recentDirs[index] then print(string.format('no recent directory found at index %s', index)) return 1 end fs.cd(recentDirs[index]) end) -- Hook handles bait.catch('command.not-found', function(cmd) print(string.format('hilbish: %s not found', cmd)) end) bait.catch('command.no-perm', function(cmd) print(string.format('hilbish: %s: no permission', cmd)) end)