--- title: Module hilbish.editor description: interactions for Hilbish's line reader layout: doc menu: docs: parent: "API" --- ## Introduction The hilbish.editor interface provides functions to directly interact with the line editor in use. ## Functions ||| |----|----| |getLine() -> string|Returns the current input line.| |getVimRegister(register) -> string|Returns the text that is at the register.| |insert(text)|Inserts text into the line.| |setVimRegister(register, text)|Sets the vim register at `register` to hold the passed text.|

hilbish.editor.getLine() -> string

Returns the current input line. #### Parameters This function has no parameters.

hilbish.editor.getVimRegister(register) -> string

Returns the text that is at the register. #### Parameters This function has no parameters.


Inserts text into the line. #### Parameters This function has no parameters.

hilbish.editor.setVimRegister(register, text)

Sets the vim register at `register` to hold the passed text. #### Parameters This function has no parameters.