# Hilbish 🎀 a nice lil shell for lua people made with go and lua It is currently in a mostly beta state but is very much usable (I'm using it right now). # Links - **[Documentation](https://github.com/Hilbis/Hilbish/wiki)** # Building Prebuilt binaries are not yet provided, so to try it out you'll have to manually compile. **NOTE:** Hilbish is currently only officially supported and tested on Linux ### Requirements - Go 1.16 ### Install ```sh git clone https://github.com/Hilbis/Hilbish cd Hilbish make build sudo make install # Or sudo make all ``` Alternativly, if you use Arch Linux, you can install Hilbish with an **(unofficial)** AUR package ```sh yay -S hilbish-git ``` ### Uninstall ```sh sudo make uninstall ``` # License [MIT](LICENSE)