--- title: Module hilbish.history description: command history layout: doc menu: docs: parent: "API" --- ## Introduction The history interface deals with command history. This includes the ability to override functions to change the main method of saving history. ## Functions ||| |----|----| |add(cmd)|Adds a command to the history.| |all() -> table|Retrieves all history as a table.| |clear()|Deletes all commands from the history.| |get(index)|Retrieves a command from the history based on the `index`.| |size() -> number|Returns the amount of commands in the history.|


Adds a command to the history. #### Parameters `string` **`cmd`**

hilbish.history.all() -> table

Retrieves all history as a table. #### Parameters This function has no parameters.


Deletes all commands from the history. #### Parameters This function has no parameters.


Retrieves a command from the history based on the `index`. #### Parameters `number` **`index`**

hilbish.history.size() -> number

Returns the amount of commands in the history. #### Parameters This function has no parameters.