--- title: Module commander description: library for custom commands layout: doc menu: docs: parent: "API" --- ## Introduction Commander is the library which handles Hilbish commands. This makes the user able to add Lua-written commands to their shell without making a separate script in a bin folder. Instead, you may simply use the Commander library in your Hilbish config. ```lua local commander = require 'commander' commander.register('hello', function(args, sinks) sinks.out:writeln 'Hello world!' end) ``` In this example, a command with the name of `hello` is created that will print `Hello world!` to output. One question you may have is: What is the `sinks` parameter? The `sinks` parameter is a table with 3 keys: `input`, `out`, and `err`. There is an `in` alias to `input`, but it requires using the string accessor syntax (`sinks['in']`) as `in` is also a Lua keyword, so `input` is preferred for use. All of them are a <a href="/Hilbish/docs/api/hilbish/#sink" style="text-decoration: none;">Sink</a>. In the future, `sinks.in` will be removed. - `in` is the standard input. You may use the read functions on this sink to get input from the user. - `out` is standard output. This is usually where command output should go. - `err` is standard error. This sink is for writing errors, as the name would suggest. ## Functions ||| |----|----| |<a href="#deregister">deregister(name)</a>|Removes the named command. Note that this will only remove Commander-registered commands.| |<a href="#register">register(name, cb)</a>|Adds a new command with the given `name`. When Hilbish has to run a command with a name,| |<a href="#registry">registry() -> table</a>|Returns all registered commanders. Returns a list of tables with the following keys:| <hr> <div id='deregister'> <h4 class='heading'> commander.deregister(name) <a href="#deregister" class='heading-link'> <i class="fas fa-paperclip"></i> </a> </h4> Removes the named command. Note that this will only remove Commander-registered commands. #### Parameters `string` **`name`** Name of the command to remove. </div> <hr> <div id='register'> <h4 class='heading'> commander.register(name, cb) <a href="#register" class='heading-link'> <i class="fas fa-paperclip"></i> </a> </h4> Adds a new command with the given `name`. When Hilbish has to run a command with a name, it will run the function providing the arguments and sinks. #### Parameters `string` **`name`** Name of the command `function` **`cb`** Callback to handle command invocation #### Example ```lua -- When you run the command `hello` in the shell, it will print `Hello world`. -- If you run it with, for example, `hello Hilbish`, it will print 'Hello Hilbish' commander.register('hello', function(args, sinks) local name = 'world' if #args > 0 then name = args[1] end sinks.out:writeln('Hello ' .. name) end) ``` </div> <hr> <div id='registry'> <h4 class='heading'> commander.registry() -> table <a href="#registry" class='heading-link'> <i class="fas fa-paperclip"></i> </a> </h4> Returns all registered commanders. Returns a list of tables with the following keys: - `exec`: The function used to run the commander. Commanders require args and sinks to be passed. #### Parameters This function has no parameters. </div>