an extremely simple pure lisp built in c++ templates it is bodged together and more of a proof of concept than anything it hasn't been properly tested
Dosyaya git
sortai 677f3611f5 removed underscores from title 2021-09-12 19:11:58 +00:00
.gitignore Initial commit 2021-09-12 15:58:32 +00:00 removed underscores from title 2021-09-12 19:11:58 +00:00
main.cpp added a couple of comments 2021-09-12 16:03:43 +00:00

LISP in templates

An extremely simple pure lisp built in c++ templates. It is bodged together and more of a proof of concept than anything. It hasn't been properly tested.

The file "main.cpp" contains both the implementation and a test case (inside the main function, which contains nothing else).