done! still have some stuff to clean up like multiple calls of (file->lines nicethings-path), but whatever!

m455 2020-06-15 13:55:24 -04:00
parent 17528dd23e
commit 6748e545c5
1 changed files with 98 additions and 51 deletions

View File

@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
#lang racket
#lang racket/base
(require racket/file
;; ------------------------------------------------
;; values
@ -6,7 +11,7 @@
(define nicethings-string ".nicethings")
(define home-directory (find-system-path 'home-dir))
(define listof-home-contents (directory-list home-directory))
(define nicethings-path-local (build-path home-directory nicethings-string))
(define nicethings-path (build-path home-directory nicethings-string))
;; ------------------------------------------------
;; messages
@ -14,6 +19,9 @@
(define messages
'not-found "> '~a' wasn't found."
'item-not-found (list "> Error: Item not found."
"> Try using the 'ls' command to see which number correlates to which message in your list.")
'empty-list "> Your list of nice things is empty."
'not-found-prompt "> You will need it to use nicethings.\n> Do you want to create it? [y/n]\n> "
'wrong-permissions "> '~a''s permissions are incorrect."
'wrong-permissions-prompt "> You will need the permissions to be fixed before using nicethings.\n> Do you want to fix them? [y/n]\n> "
@ -26,24 +34,17 @@
'not-an-option "> Error: '~a' is not an option."
'add-expected-arg (list "> Error: Found 'add', but no arguments were found."
"> The 'add' command expects one quoted argument after it."
"> Example:"
"nicethings add \"You are beautiful\".")
"> Example: nicethings add \"You are beautiful\".")
'rm-expected-arg (list "> Error: Found 'rm', but no arguments were found."
"> The 'rm' command expects one number as an argument after it."
"> Example:"
"nicethings rm 2"
"> Note: You may need to use the 'ls' command to see which number correlates to which message.")
"> Example: nicethings rm 2"
"> Note: You may need to use the 'ls' command to see which number correlates to which message in your list.")
'ls-expected-no-args (list "> Error: Found 'ls', but also found other arguments."
"> The 'ls' command expects no arguments after it."
"> Example:"
"nicethings ls")
;; I don't currently use this message yet:
'rm-expected-number (list "> Error: Found '~a' after 'rm'."
"> The 'rm' command expects one number as an argument after it."
"> Example:"
"nicethings rm 2"
"> Note: You may need to use the 'ls' command to see which number correlates to which message.")
'added "> Added '~a' to the list."))
'added "> Added '~a' to your list of nice things."
'removed "> Removed '~a' from your list of nice things."))
;; ------------------------------------------------
;; helpers
@ -52,6 +53,9 @@
(for ([string strings])
(displayln string)))
(define (display-message-list key)
(apply displayln-for (messages-ref key)))
(define-syntax-rule (displayln-format str ...)
(displayln (format str ...)))
@ -61,8 +65,6 @@
(define (file-has-420-permissions? file)
(equal? 420 (file-or-directory-permissions file 'bits)))
(define (append-nicethings-file home-directory)
(build-path home-directory nicethings-string))
;; ------------------------------------------------
;; repair
;; ------------------------------------------------
@ -75,8 +77,8 @@
(define (repair/fix-permissions)
(file-or-directory-permissions nicethings-path-local 420)
(displayln-format (messages-ref 'permissions-fixed) nicethings-path-local)
(file-or-directory-permissions nicethings-path 420)
(displayln-format (messages-ref 'permissions-fixed) nicethings-path)
(define (repair/wrong-permissions)
@ -88,8 +90,8 @@
[else (repair/not-an-option user-input)])))
(define (repair/create-file)
(close-output-port (open-output-file nicethings-path-local))
(displayln-format (messages-ref 'file-created) nicethings-path-local)
(close-output-port (open-output-file nicethings-path))
(displayln-format (messages-ref 'file-created) nicethings-path)
(define (repair/not-found)
@ -103,21 +105,70 @@
(define (repair)
;; Check for a "fake" '.nicethings' file, which is a directory named '.nicethings'
[(directory-exists? nicethings-path-local)
(begin (displayln-format (messages-ref 'fake-file-found) nicethings-path-local)
[(directory-exists? nicethings-path)
(begin (displayln-format (messages-ref 'fake-file-found) nicethings-path)
;; Check for a missing '.nicethings' file
[(not (file-exists? nicethings-path-local))
(begin (displayln-format (messages-ref 'not-found) nicethings-path-local)
[(not (file-exists? nicethings-path))
(begin (displayln-format (messages-ref 'not-found) nicethings-path)
;; Check for incorrect permissions on '.nicethings' file
[(not (file-has-420-permissions? nicethings-path-local))
(begin (displayln-format (messages-ref 'wrong-permissions) nicethings-path-local)
[(not (file-has-420-permissions? nicethings-path))
(begin (displayln-format (messages-ref 'wrong-permissions) nicethings-path)
[else 'do-nothing]))
;; ------------------------------------------------
;; add message
;; ls
;; ------------------------------------------------
(define (ls/display-list listof-nicethings)
;; add1 starts the listof-numbers at 1 instead of 0
(let* ([listof-numbers (map add1 (range (length listof-nicethings)))]
[listof-number-strings (map number->string listof-numbers)]
[combine-lists (lambda (a b) (string-append a ". " b))]
[listof-numbered-items (map combine-lists
(for ([item listof-numbered-items])
(displayln item))))
(define (ls)
(let ([listof-nicethings (file->lines nicethings-path)])
(if (null? listof-nicethings)
(displayln (messages-ref 'empty-list))
(ls/display-list listof-nicethings))))
;; ------------------------------------------------
;; rm
;; ------------------------------------------------
(define (rm/remove-item listof-nicethings item-number)
(let* ([item-to-remove (list-ref listof-nicethings item-number)]
[list-without-item (remove item-to-remove listof-nicethings)])
(display-lines-to-file list-without-item
#:exists 'truncate)
(displayln-format (messages-ref 'removed) item-to-remove)))
(define (rm string)
(let* ([listof-nicethings (file->lines nicethings-path)]
;; subtract 1 because the index starts at
;; 0 under the hood, but the numbers presented from 'ls'
;; start at 1.
[item-number (sub1 (string->number string))]
[list-length (length listof-nicethings)])
(if (and (not (null? listof-nicethings))
(number? item-number)
(positive? item-number)
;; less than length, because the index
;; starts at 0 under the hood
(< item-number list-length))
(rm/remove-item listof-nicethings item-number)
(display-message-list 'item-not-found))))
;; ------------------------------------------------
;; add
;; ------------------------------------------------
;; The string-cleaned and -remade is incase there
;; are multiple newline characters. This ensures
@ -125,32 +176,30 @@
(define (add string)
(let* ([string-no-newline (string-replace string "\n" "")]
[string-newline (string-append string-no-newline "\n")])
;; tell user item was added
[string-newline (string-append string-no-newline "\n")])
(display-to-file string-newline
#:exists 'append)
(displayln-format (messages-ref 'added) string-no-newline)))
;; ------------------------------------------------
;; random message
;; ------------------------------------------------
(define (random-message/append-nicethings-file home-directory)
(build-path home-directory nicethings-string))
(define (random-message)
(let* ([root (find-system-path 'sys-dir)] ;; /
[root-home (build-path root "home")] ;; /home
[listof-homes (directory-list root-home #:build? #t)] ;; #:build #t builds the full path
[paths-to-nicethings (map append-nicethings-file listof-homes)] ;; '("/home/username/.nicethings")
(let* ([root (find-system-path 'sys-dir)]
[root-home (build-path root "home")]
[listof-homes (directory-list root-home #:build? #t)]
[paths-to-nicethings (map random-message/append-nicethings-file listof-homes)]
[directories-with-nicethings (filter file-exists? paths-to-nicethings)]
[directories-with-420 (filter file-has-420-permissions? directories-with-nicethings)])
(for ([i directories-with-420])
(displayln i))
;; (when (not (zero? list-length))
;; (let* ([random-number (random list-length)]
;; [random-nicething (list-ref listof-nicethings random-number)])
;; (displayln random-nicething)))))
[directories-with-420 (filter file-has-420-permissions? directories-with-nicethings)]
[listof-nicethings (apply append (map file->lines directories-with-420))]
[random-number (random (length listof-nicethings))]
[random-nicething (list-ref listof-nicethings random-number)])
(displayln random-nicething)))
;; ------------------------------------------------
;; help
@ -175,22 +224,20 @@
(define (process-args vectorof-args)
(define (args-ref number)
(vector-ref vectorof-args number))
(define (display-message key)
(apply displayln-for (messages-ref key)))
(match vectorof-args
;; Proper usage
[(or '#("-h")
'#("help")) (help)]
[(vector "add" _) (add (args-ref 1))]
[(vector "rm" _) (displayln "todo: make rm procedure")]
[(vector "ls") (displayln "todo: make ls procedure")]
[(vector "rm" _) (rm (args-ref 1))]
[(vector "ls") (ls)]
[(vector) (random-message)]
;; Improper usage (Give the user hints if part of the usage is correct)
[(vector "ls" _) (display-message 'ls-expected-no-args)]
[(vector "add") (display-message 'add-expected-arg)]
[(vector "rm") (display-message 'rm-expected-arg)]
[(vector _ ...) (display-message 'try)]))
[(vector "ls" _) (display-message-list 'ls-expected-no-args)]
[(vector "add") (display-message-list 'add-expected-arg)]
[(vector "rm") (display-message-list 'rm-expected-arg)]
[(vector _ ...) (display-message-list 'try)]))
(define (main vectorof-args)
(process-args vectorof-args))