updated makefile

m455 2020-07-07 14:27:00 -04:00
parent 0c4fc2ae8d
commit c6de80cc32
1 changed files with 9 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -16,17 +16,17 @@ file-executable-current= $(directory-current)/$(file-executable)
.PHONY: help
@echo "Usage"
@echo " make [command]"
@echo " make command [<args>]"
@echo ""
@echo "Commands:"
@echo " help - Displays this help message"
@echo " clean - Removes the $(file-executable) executable from $(directory-source)/"
@echo " build - Creates a $(file-executable) executable in your current directory"
@echo " install-global - Installs a $(file-executable) executable in $(directory-global)/"
@echo " uninstall-global - Deletes a $(file-executable) executable from $(directory-global)/"
@echo " install-local - Installs a $(file-executable) executable in $(directory-local)/"
@echo " uninstall-local - Deletes a $(file-executable) executable from $(directory-local)/"
@echo " install-custom - Installs a $(file-executable) executable in a custom location"
@echo " help - Displays this help message"
@echo " clean - Removes the $(file-executable) executable from $(directory-source)/"
@echo " build - Creates a $(file-executable) executable in your current directory"
@echo " install-global - Installs a $(file-executable) executable in $(directory-global)/"
@echo " uninstall-global - Deletes a $(file-executable) executable from $(directory-global)/"
@echo " install-local - Installs a $(file-executable) executable in $(directory-local)/"
@echo " uninstall-local - Deletes a $(file-executable) executable from $(directory-local)/"
@echo " install-custom [<args>] - Installs a $(file-executable) executable in a custom location"
@echo ""
@echo "Examples:"
@echo " make help"