okay i think i figured it out, i needed lambdas to do delay the evaluation!

This commit is contained in:
m455 2020-01-26 23:35:53 -05:00
parent 948d1ff3f0
commit 457af43ca2

View File

@ -48,23 +48,21 @@
(display (format (hash-ref messages:messages 'item-removed) item-to-remove)))
(define (check-list-conditions)
;; If list exists and not empty
[(and (file-exists? config:list-file)
(not (null? (file:file->lines config:list-file))))
(display (file->vertically-numbered-list config:list-file))]
(let ([file-exists? (lambda () (file-exists? config:list-file))]
[file-null? (lambda () (null? (file:file->lines config:list-file)))])
[(and (file-exists?)
(display-messages '(empty-list))]
;; If list exists and empty
[(and (file-exists? config:list-file)
(null? (file:file->lines config:list-file)))
(display-messages '(empty-list))]
[(and (file-exists?)
(not (file-null?)))
(display (file->vertically-numbered-list config:list-file))]
;; If not exist
[(and (not (file-exists? config:list-file)))
(display-messages '(file-not-found
[(not (file-exists?))
(display-messages '(file-not-found try-init))]
[else (display-messages '(show-usage))]))
[else (display-messages '(show-usage))])))
(define (append-element-to-end-of-list lst item-to-add)
(reverse (cons item-to-add (reverse (file:file->lines lst)))))
@ -85,8 +83,8 @@
(display-messages '(file-not-found
(define (remove-item-from-list user-args)
(let* ([item-to-remove (list-ref (file:file->lines config:list-file) user-args)]
(define (remove-item-from-list args)
(let* ([item-to-remove (list-ref (file:file->lines config:list-file) args)]
[new-list (remove item-to-remove (file:file->lines config:list-file))])
(file:display-lines-to-file new-list config:list-file #:mode 'text #:exists 'truncate)
(display-item-removed item-to-remove)))
@ -103,11 +101,11 @@
[(and (directory-exists? config:program-directory)
(file-exists? config:list-file)
(not (null? config:list-file)))
(let ([user-args (string->number (list-ref args 1))]
(let ([args (string->number (list-ref args 1))]
;; Length subtract one because the numbering starts at zero
[list-length (sub1 (length (file:file->lines config:list-file)))])
(if (not (> user-args list-length))
(remove-item-from-list user-args)
(if (not (> args list-length))
(remove-item-from-list args)
;; Otherwise
(display-messages '(item-not-found))))]