simplied, organized, and just better programmed everything haha

This commit is contained in:
Jesse Laprade 2020-06-19 17:54:51 -04:00
parent 7e3ed3e25d
commit d472c4c155
5 changed files with 277 additions and 280 deletions

View File

@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
#lang racket/base
(require racket/file
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define (process-args vectorof-args)
(let ([lengthof-vector (vector-length vectorof-args)])
;; if no args
[(= lengthof-vector 0)
(displayln-messages '(show-usage))]
;; if more than 2 args
;; Note: The add command requires items to be surrounded
;; in double quotes, so single quotation marks can
;; be used by the user in their add command text.
[(> lengthof-vector 2)
(displayln-messages '(too-many-args show-usage))]
;; if help command
[(and (= lengthof-vector 1)
(equal? (vector-ref vectorof-args 0) help-command))
(displayln-messages '(show-help))]
;; if initialize command
[(and (= lengthof-vector 1)
(equal? (vector-ref vectorof-args 0) initialize-command))
;; if list command
[(and (= lengthof-vector 1)
(equal? (vector-ref vectorof-args 0) list-command))
;; if add command
[(and (= lengthof-vector 2)
(equal? (vector-ref vectorof-args 0) add-command))
(add (vector-ref vectorof-args 1))]
;; if remove command
[(and (= lengthof-vector 2)
(equal? (vector-ref vectorof-args 0) remove-command)
(real? (string->number (vector-ref vectorof-args 1)))
(positive? (string->number (vector-ref vectorof-args 1))))
(rm (string->number (vector-ref vectorof-args 1)))]
[else (displayln-messages '(show-usage))])))

View File

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
#lang racket/base
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define program-name "rodo")
(define program-directory (build-path (find-system-path 'home-dir) ".config" "rodo"))
(define program-file (build-path program-directory "list.txt"))
(define help-command "help")
(define initialize-command "initialize")
(define add-command "add")
(define list-command "ls")
(define remove-command "rm")

View File

@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
#lang racket/base
(require "config.rkt")
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define hyphen " - ")
(define indent " ")
(define newline "\n")
(define newline-double "\n\n")
(define messages
"NAME" newline
indent (format "~a" program-name)
indent (format (string-append "~a is a todo-list program for the command line. "
"~a does not use any data formats, and cannot "
"remove multiple items at once.")
program-name program-name)
"USAGE" newline
indent (format "~a [command] [<args>]" program-name)
"COMMANDS" newline
indent initialize-command hyphen (format "Creates a list file located at ~a" program-file)
indent list-command hyphen "Displays items from your todo list"
indent add-command " \"A quoted string\"" hyphen "Adds an item to your todo list"
indent remove-command " <number>" hyphen "Removes an item from your todo list"
indent (format "~a ~a" program-name initialize-command)
indent (format "~a ~a" program-name list-command)
indent (format "~a ~a \"Go for a walk\"" program-name add-command)
indent (format "~a ~a 2" program-name remove-command)
"If you can't see the whole help message, then try running the following command: " newline
(format "~a ~a | less" program-name help-command))
'empty-list "> There is nothing in your todo list"
'show-usage (format "> For usage type the following command:\n~a ~a" program-name help-command)
'initialize-prompt (format "> A todo list file will be created at ~a\n> Are you sure you want to continue? [y/n]" program-file)
'cancel (format "> Cancelled initialization of ~a" program-name)
'creating (format "> Creating ~a ..." program-file)
'successfully-created (format "> Your todo list file was successfully created at ~a" program-file)
'try-init (format "> Try typing the following command to initialize ~a:\n~a ~a" program-name program-name initialize-command)
'try-ls (format "> Try typing the following command to see which item corresponds to which number in your list:\n~a ~a" program-name list-command)
'item-added "> Added \"~a\" to your todo list"
'item-removed "> Removed \"~a\" from your todo list"
'too-many-args "> Error: Too many arguments"
'creation-error (format "> Error: Could not create ~a" program-file)
'file-already-exists (format "> Error: A todo list file already exists at ~a" program-file)
'file-not-found (format "> Error: Could not find ~a" program-file)
'item-not-found "> Error: Could not find that item"
'choose-y/n "> Error: Please choose y or n"
'not-in-list "> Error: Item does not exist"))

View File

@ -1,6 +1,282 @@
#lang racket/base
(require "args.rkt")
(require racket/file
;; ------------------------------------------------
;; values
;; ------------------------------------------------
(define help-command "help")
(define ls-command "ls")
(define rm-command "rm")
(define add-command "add")
(define program-name "rodo")
(define program-name-dotted (string-append "." program-name))
(define home-directory-path (find-system-path 'home-dir))
(define program-path (build-path home-directory-path program-name-dotted))
(define correct-permissions 384)
(define message-prefix "> ")
;; ------------------------------------------------
;; messages
;; ------------------------------------------------
(define messages
'error-add (list (format "Error: No arguments were found after the '~a' command." add-command)
(format "Suggestion: Try using a quoted argument after the '~a' command." ls-command)
(format "Example: ~a add \"Go for a walk\"" program-name))
'item-not-found (list "Error: Item not found."
(format "Suggestion: Try using the '~a' command to see which number " ls-command)
" correlates to which message in your list."
(format "Example: ~a ~a" program-name ls-command))
'error-rm (list (format "Error: No arguments were found after the '~a' command." rm-command)
(format "Suggestion: Try using a number after the '~a' command." rm-command)
(format "Example: ~a ~a 2" program-name rm-command)
(format "Note: You may need to run the '~a' command to see which " ls-command)
" number correlates to which item in your list."
(format "Example: ~a ~a" program-name ls-command))
'error-usage (list "Error: Incorrect usage."
(format "Suggestions: Try running the '~a' command." help-command)
(format "Example: ~a ~a" program-name help-command))
'error-ls (list (format "Error: Found arguments after the '~a' command." ls-command)
(format "Suggestions: Try using '~a' without any arguments." ls-command)
(format "Example: ~a ~a" program-name ls-command))
'error-fake-file (list (format "Error: A '~a' directory was found in your home directory." program-name-dotted)
(format "Suggestion 1: Move the '~a' directory out of your " program-name-dotted)
(format " home directory before using ~a." program-name)
(format "Suggestion 2: Rename the '~a' directory before using ~a." program-name-dotted program-name))
'error-permissions-prompt (list (format "Error: '~a''s permissions are incorrect." program-path)
"Would you like to fix them? [y/n]")
'cancel-creation (list (format "Cancelled the creation of ~a." program-path))
'permissions-fixed (list (format "'~a''s permissions were successfully fixed." program-path))
'file-created (list (format "'~a' was successfully created." program-path))
'not-found-prompt (list (format "'~a' wasn't found." program-path)
"Would you like to create it? [y/n]")
'error-option (list "Error: '~a' is not an option.")
'empty-list (list "There is nothing in your list.")
'added (list "'~a' was added to your list.")
'removed (list "'~a' was removed from your list.")))
;; ------------------------------------------------
;; helpers
;; ------------------------------------------------
(define (messages-ref key)
(map (lambda (element) (string-append message-prefix element))
(hash-ref messages key)))
(define-syntax-rule (displayln-message-format key string ...)
(let ([string-to-format (string-join (messages-ref key) "\n")])
(displayln (format string-to-format string ...))))
(define (displayln-message-list key)
(let ([listof-strings (messages-ref key)])
(for ([string listof-strings])
(displayln string))))
(define (displayln-for . strings)
(for ([string strings])
(displayln string)))
;; -rw------- permissions
(define (file-has-correct-permissions? file)
(equal? correct-permissions (file-or-directory-permissions file 'bits)))
;; ------------------------------------------------
;; repair
;; ------------------------------------------------
(define (repair/not-an-option user-input)
(displayln-message-format 'error-option user-input)
(define (repair/cancel)
(displayln-message-list 'cancel-creation)
(define (repair/fake-file)
(displayln-message-list 'error-fake-file)
(define (repair/create-exit-mode key)
(match key
[(or 'ls 'rm) (exit)]
['add 'do-nothing]))
(define (repair/fix-permissions key)
(file-or-directory-permissions program-path correct-permissions)
(displayln-message-list 'permissions-fixed)
(repair/create-exit-mode key))
(define (repair/wrong-permissions key)
(displayln-message-list 'error-permissions-prompt)
(display message-prefix)
(let ([user-input (read-line)])
(case (string->symbol user-input)
['y (repair/fix-permissions key)]
['n (repair/cancel)]
[else (repair/not-an-option user-input)])))
(define (repair/create-file key)
(close-output-port (open-output-file program-path))
(file-or-directory-permissions program-path correct-permissions)
(displayln-message-list 'file-created)
(repair/create-exit-mode key))
(define (repair/not-found key)
(displayln-message-list 'not-found-prompt)
(display message-prefix)
(let ([user-input (read-line)])
(case (string->symbol user-input)
['y (repair/create-file key)]
['n (repair/cancel)]
[else (repair/not-an-option user-input)])))
(define (repair key)
[(directory-exists? program-path)
[(not (file-exists? program-path))
(repair/not-found key)]
[(not (file-has-correct-permissions? program-path))
(repair/wrong-permissions key)]
[else 'do-nothing]))
;; ------------------------------------------------
;; ls
;; ------------------------------------------------
(define (ls/display-list listof-items)
;; add1 starts the listof-numbers at 1 instead of 0
(let* ([listof-numbers (map add1 (range (length listof-items)))]
[listof-number-strings (map number->string listof-numbers)]
[combine-lists (lambda (a b) (string-append a ". " b))]
[listof-numbered-items (map combine-lists
(for ([item listof-numbered-items])
(displayln item))))
(define (ls)
(repair 'ls)
(let ([listof-items (file->lines program-path)])
(if (null? listof-items)
(displayln-message-list 'empty-list)
(ls/display-list listof-items))))
;; ------------------------------------------------
;; rm
;; ------------------------------------------------
(define (rm/remove-item listof-items item-number)
(let* ([item-to-remove (list-ref listof-items item-number)]
[list-without-item (remove item-to-remove listof-items)])
(display-lines-to-file list-without-item
#:exists 'truncate)
(displayln-message-format 'removed item-to-remove)))
(define (rm string)
(repair 'rm)
(let* ([listof-items (file->lines program-path)]
;; subtract 1 because the index starts at
;; 0 under the hood, but the numbers presented from 'ls'
;; start at 1.
[item-number (string->number string)]
[item-number-sub1 (sub1 item-number)]
[list-length (length listof-items)])
(if (and (not (null? listof-items))
(number? item-number)
(positive? item-number)
;; 1 less than length, because we want to
;; remove the index number, which is one less
;; than the item the user chose
;; Example:
;; We have a list length of 3:
;; '(1 2 3)
;; `list-ref` in rm/remove-item above
;; uses an index that starts at 0, so
;; the index of the numbers above are:
;; '(0 1 2)
;; The 2 is the last index number in a
;; list of length 3, which is what we
;; want, because if you try to remove
;; an index larger than 2, such as the
;; list length 3, then that would be
;; an error
(< item-number-sub1 list-length))
(rm/remove-item listof-items item-number-sub1)
(displayln-message-list 'item-not-found))))
;; ------------------------------------------------
;; add
;; ------------------------------------------------
;; The string-cleaned and -remade is incase there
;; are multiple newline characters. This ensures
;; there is only one newline character.
(define (add string)
(repair 'add)
(let* ([string-no-newline (string-replace string "\n" "")]
[string-newline (string-append string-no-newline "\n")])
(display-to-file string-newline
#:exists 'append)
(displayln-message-format 'added string-no-newline)))
;; ------------------------------------------------
;; help
;; ------------------------------------------------
(define (help)
(format " ~a [<command>] [<args>]" program-name)
(format " ~a - Adds an item to your list." add-command)
(format " ~a - Prints a numbered list of your items." ls-command)
(format " ~a - Removes an item from your list." rm-command)
(format " ~a ~a \"Go for a walk\"" program-name add-command)
(format " ~a ~a" program-name ls-command)
(format " ~a ~a 2" program-name rm-command)))
(define (process-args vectorof-args)
(define (args-ref number)
(vector-ref vectorof-args number))
(match vectorof-args
;; Proper usage
[(or '#("-h")
'#(help-command)) (help)]
[(vector add-command _) (add (args-ref 1))]
[(vector rm-command _) (rm (args-ref 1))]
[(vector ls-command) (ls)]
;; Improper usage
;; This is checked so we can give the user hints on how to
;; use the software if they have part of the command
;; correct
[(vector ls-command _) (displayln-message-list 'error-ls)]
[(vector add-command) (displayln-message-list 'error-add)]
[(vector rm-command) (displayln-message-list 'error-rm)]
[(or (vector)
(vector _ ...)) (displayln-message-list 'error-usage)]))
(define (main vectorof-args)
(process-args vectorof-args))

View File

@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
#lang racket/base
(require racket/file
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define (append-period string)
(string-append string ". "))
(define (combine-lists lst1 lst2)
(map (lambda (lst1 lst2) (string-append lst1 lst2))
(define (messages-ref key)
(hash-ref messages key))
(define (displayln-messages key-list)
(for ([key key-list])
(displayln (messages-ref key))))
(define (displayln-format-message key item)
(displayln (format (messages-ref key) item)))
(define (check-paths-exist)
(when (not (or (directory-exists? program-directory)
(file-exists? program-file)))
(displayln-messages '(file-not-found try-init))
(define (check-file-empty)
(when (null? (file->lines program-file))
(displayln-messages '(empty-list))
;; This may be affected by the user's umask
(define (file-create-600 a-file)
(open-output-file a-file
#:mode 'text
#:exists 'truncate))
(file-or-directory-permissions a-file #o600))
;; This may be affected by the user's umask
(define (directory-create-700 a-directory)
(make-directory a-directory)
(file-or-directory-permissions a-directory #o700))
;; --------------------------------------------------------
;; ls
;; --------------------------------------------------------
;; The (map add1 ...) here starts the numbering at 1 instead of 0
(define (ls)
(let* ([listof-file-lines (file->lines program-file)]
[listof-numbers (map add1 (range (length listof-file-lines)))]
[listof-number-strings (map number->string listof-numbers)]
[listof-dotted-number-strings (map append-period listof-number-strings)]
[combined-lists (combine-lists listof-dotted-number-strings listof-file-lines)]
[numbered-list (string-join combined-lists "\n" #:after-last "\n")])
(display numbered-list)))
;; --------------------------------------------------------
;; add
;; --------------------------------------------------------
(define (add/append-item-to-list lst subcommand)
(let* ([listof-lines (file->lines lst)]
[listof-lines-reversed (reverse listof-lines)]
[listof-lines-reversed-with-item (cons subcommand listof-lines-reversed)])
(reverse listof-lines-reversed-with-item)))
(define (add subcommand)
(let ([list-with-item (add/append-item-to-list program-file subcommand)])
(display-lines-to-file list-with-item
#:mode 'text
#:exists 'truncate)
(displayln-format-message 'item-added subcommand)))
;; --------------------------------------------------------
;; rm
;; --------------------------------------------------------
;; The (sub1 subcommand-number) is because list-ref starts
;; its index at 0, so we want to lower the user input by 1
(define (rm subcommand-number)
(if (<= subcommand-number (length (file->lines program-file)))
(let* ([item-number (sub1 subcommand-number)]
[listof-lines (file->lines program-file)]
[item-to-remove (list-ref listof-lines item-number)]
[list-without-item (remove item-to-remove listof-lines)])
(display-lines-to-file list-without-item
#:mode 'text
#:exists 'truncate)
(displayln-format-message 'item-removed item-to-remove))
(displayln-messages '(item-not-found try-ls))))
;; --------------------------------------------------------
;; Initialize
;; --------------------------------------------------------
(define (initialize/cancel)
(displayln-messages '(cancel))
(define (initialize/start)
(displayln-messages '(creating))
(directory-create-700 program-directory)
(file-create-600 program-file)
(if (and (directory-exists? program-directory)
(file-exists? program-file))
(displayln-messages '(successfully-created))
(displayln-messages '(creation-error))))
(define (initialize/prompt)
(displayln-messages '(initialize-prompt))
(display "> ")
(let ([user-input (read-line)])
(case (string->symbol user-input)
['y (initialize/start)]
['n (initialize/cancel)]
[else (displayln-messages '(choose-y/n))])))
(define (initialize)
(if (file-exists? program-file)
(displayln-messages '(file-already-exists))