#lang racket/base (require "config.rkt") (provide (all-defined-out)) (define messages (hash 'show-help (string-append "* " initialize-command ": " "initialize a file in " program-path program-directory program-file "\n" "\x09Example: " "rodo init\n\n" "* " list-command ": " "lists items on the list" "\n" "\x09Example: " "rodo rm 1\n\n" "* " add-command ": " "adds an item to the list" "\n" "\x09Note: For multi-word items you will need to\n" "\x09surround your item in double quotes as so:\n" "\x09rodo add \"go to the bank\"\n" "\x09Example: " "rodo add bread\n\n" "* " remove-command ": " "removes an item from the list\n" "\x09Note: You may have to run `rodo ls` to see which\n" "\x09number corresponds to which item to remove it.\n" "\x09Example: " "rodo rm 1\n") 'show-usage (string-append "> For usage type " "`" program-name " -h`" " or " "`" program-name " --help`\n") 'creating-folder (string-append "> creating a " program-directory " folder in " program-path " ...\n") 'creating-file (string-append "> creating a " program-file " file in " program-path program-directory " ...\n") 'creation-error (string-append "> Error: Could not create " program-file " in " program-directory program-path ".\n" "> This may be due to directory permissions\n") 'file-already-exists (string-append "> Error: " program-name " already exists in " program-path program-directory program-file "\n") 'successfully-created (string-append "> " program-path program-directory program-file " has been successfully created\n") 'file-not-found (string-append "> Error: Could not find " program-path program-directory program-file "\n") 'init-y/n (string-append "> A " program-file " file will be created in " program-path program-directory "\n" "> Are you sure you want to continue? [y/n]\n") 'try-init (string-append "> Try typing " "`" program-name " init` " "to set it up\n") 'terminating (string-append "> Exiting " program-name " ...\n") 'choose-y/n "> Error: Please choose y or n\n" 'item-added-prefix "> Added " 'item-added-suffix " to list\n" 'item-removed-prefix "> Removed " 'item-removed-suffix " from list\n")) (define y/n (hash 'yes '("yes" "Yes" "y" "Y") 'no '("no" "No" "n" "N")))