# rodo A minimal todo list program for people who live on the command line. # Screenshot ![](screenshot.png) # Table of Contents - [rodo](#rodo) - [Screenshot](#screenshot) - [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents) - [TL;DR](#tldr) - [Platforms](#platforms) - [Requirements](#requirements) - [Downloading Racket](#downloading-racket) - [Downloading the rodo source code](#downloading-the-rodo-source-code) - [Setup](#setup) - [Setting up a $PATH](#setting-up-a-path) - [Adding rodo to your $PATH](#adding-rodo-to-your-path) - [List of commands](#list-of-commands) - [Usage examples](#usage-examples) - [Configuring rodo](#configuring-rodo) - [Todos](#todos) # TL;DR 1. Make sure [Racket](https://racket-lang.org/) is installed 2. `git clone https://github.com/m455/rodo` into a directory of your choice 3. `cd` into the `rodo` directory 4. Choose one of the options below for running rodo: * To use rodo using the Racket interpreter run: `racket rodo.rkt` * To use rodo as an single-file executable follow the two steps below: 1. Run `raco exe rodo.rkt` to compile rodo into a single-file executable. 2. Run `./rodo`. 5. (optional) Create a wrapper in your `$PATH` directory to run rodo from anywhere: ``` #!/usr/bin/env bash racket ~/path/to/rodo.rkt "$@" ``` # Platforms Below is a list of platforms that rodo can run on. * GNU/Linux * Windows Subsystem for Linux * macOS (Untested) # Requirements The following items must be installed before you can use rodo: * Racket: [https://racket-lang.org/](https://racket-lang.org/) * rodo's source code: [https://github.com/m455/rodo](https://github.com/m455/rodo) ## Downloading Racket 1. run `sudo apt install racket` on the command line ## Downloading the rodo source code 1. run `git clone https://github.com/m455/rodo` # Setup For convenience, rodo can be added to your `$PATH`. This section will guide you through setting up a `$PATH` and adding rodo to your `$PATH`. ## Setting up a $PATH A `$PATH` is a directory in which you can place executable files or scripts. After placing executable files or scripts in your `$PATH` directory, you can run these files or scripts from any directory on your machine. Tip: If you have set up a `$PATH` already, then skip to the next step, [Adding rodo to your $PATH](https://github.com/m455/rodo#adding-rodo-to-your-path). 1. Create a directory for your `$PATH` by running `mkdir ~/bin/` 2. Add your newly-created `~/bin/` directory to your `$PATH` by running `echo "export PATH=~/bin:\$PATH" >> .bashrc` ## Adding rodo to your $PATH 1. Create a file in your `~/bin/` directory with the following contents in it: ``` #!/usr/bin/env bash racket ~/path/to/rodo.rkt "$@" ``` For example: If you downloaded the project to your `~/downloads/` folder you would change the line `racket ~/path/to/rodo.rkt "$@"` to `racket ~/downloads/rodo/rodo.rkt "$@"`. 2. Save the file 3. Make the file executable by running `chmod u+x ~/bin/name-of-your-file` # List of commands This section lists and describes rodo's commands. * `-h` or `--help` displays the help message * `init` creates a list file (See the `config.rkt` file for the default location of this file) * `ls` displays your list * `add` adds an item to your list * `rm` removes an item from your list # Usage examples The examples below assume that you have [added rodo to your $PATH](https://github.com/m455/rodo#adding-rodo-to-your-path). `rodo -h` `rodo --help` `rodo init` `rodo ls` `rodo add "this is an item"` `rodo add this is an item without quotation marks` `rodo rm 1` (This removes the first item from your list) Note: You may have to run `rodo ls` to see which number corresponds to which item in your list. # Configuring rodo **Caution: Changing the `config.rkt` file should be done at your own risk as it may break rodo's functionality** Settings such as the program name, directory, and the filename of the todo list file can be changed by editing the `config.rkt` file. # Todos When I have time, I plan on adding the following features to rodo: - Colour - Encrypted list files