#lang racket/base (require (prefix-in list: racket/list) (prefix-in file: racket/file) (prefix-in string: racket/string) (prefix-in config: "config.rkt") (prefix-in messages: "messages.rkt")) (provide (all-defined-out)) (define (check-for-program-file) (file-exists? config:path-to-file)) (define (create-program-file) (let ([opened-file (open-output-file config:path-to-file #:mode 'text #:exists 'truncate)]) (close-output-port opened-file)) (file-or-directory-permissions config:path-to-file #o600)) (define (check-for-program-directory) (directory-exists? config:program-directory)) (define (create-program-directory) (make-directory config:program-directory) (file-or-directory-permissions config:program-directory #o700)) (define (display-hash-ref hash-list key) (display (hash-ref hash-list key))) (define (file->string-list config:path-to-file-to-file) (let ([to-do-list (file:file->lines config:path-to-file-to-file #:mode 'text #:line-mode 'any)]) to-do-list)) (define (list-empty? lst) (list:empty? (file->string-list lst))) (define (get-removed-item lst args) ;; Subtract one from what the user chose, because what they are actually ;; viewing is a list starting from "1" rather than "0". Under the hood, ;; the real list starts at 0. (list-ref (file->string-list lst) (sub1 (string->number args)))) (define (surround-with-quotation-marks args) (display (string-append "\"" args "\""))) (define (list->dotted-list lst) (string-append lst ". ")) (define (list->numbered-list lst) ;; Take the list made in the first (map), which is ;; '(1 2 3 ...), and append that to each item in a list (map string-append ;; Note: compose starts from the last element in it's ;; list. In this case, it starts at (number->string). (map (compose1 list->dotted-list number->string) (list:range 1 (add1 (length lst)))) lst)) (define (display-prettified-program-file) (display (string:string-join (list->numbered-list (file->string-list config:path-to-file)) "\n" #:after-last "\n"))) ;; Don't ask (define (append-item-to-end args lst) (reverse (cons args (reverse (file->string-list lst))))) (define (display-item-added args) (display-hash-ref messages:messages 'item-added-prefix) (surround-with-quotation-marks args) (display-hash-ref messages:messages 'item-added-suffix)) (define (display-item-removed args) (display-hash-ref messages:messages 'item-removed-prefix) (surround-with-quotation-marks args) (display-hash-ref messages:messages 'item-removed-suffix)) (define (show-list-from-program-file) (cond [(and (check-for-program-directory) (check-for-program-file)) (if (list-empty? config:path-to-file) (display-hash-ref messages:messages 'empty-to-do-list) (display-prettified-program-file))] [else (display-hash-ref messages:messages 'file-not-found) (display-hash-ref messages:messages 'try-init)])) (define (write-item-to-program-file args) ;; Add an item to the end of a list and write to a file (let ([new-list (append-item-to-end args config:path-to-file)]) (file:display-to-file (string:string-join new-list "\n") config:path-to-file #:mode 'text #:exists 'truncate) ;; After writing to the file, tell the user what was written (display-item-added args))) (define (add-item-to-list args) (if (and (check-for-program-directory) (check-for-program-file)) ;; The cdr here prevents the first command line argument ("add") ;; from being added to the file (write-item-to-program-file (string:string-join (cdr (vector->list args)))) ;; Else (begin (display-hash-ref messages:messages 'file-not-found) (display-hash-ref messages:messages 'try-init)))) (define (remove-item-from-program-file args) (let* ([removed-item (get-removed-item config:path-to-file args)] [new-list (remove removed-item (file->string-list config:path-to-file))]) (file:display-to-file (string:string-join new-list "\n") config:path-to-file #:mode 'text #:exists 'truncate) (display-item-removed removed-item))) (define (remove-item-from-list args) (cond [(list-empty? config:path-to-file) (display-hash-ref messages:messages 'empty-to-do-list)] [(and (check-for-program-directory) (check-for-program-file)) (remove-item-from-program-file (vector-ref args 1))] [(and (not (check-for-program-directory)) (not (check-for-program-file))) (begin (display-hash-ref messages:messages 'file-not-found) (display-hash-ref messages:messages 'try-init))]))