
87 lines
3.0 KiB
Executable File

#! /usr/bin/env racket
#lang racket/base
(require json racket/vector)
;; set the name of the program here
(define program-name "rodo")
;; set which path the program will live in
(define program-path "~/.")
;; because I don't want to type `(display (hash-ref...` over and over again
(define (d-hash-ref hash-list key)
(displayln (hash-ref hash-list key)))
#|(define (add-to-list)
(let ([args (vector-ref (current-command-line-arguments) 1)])
(string-append "> Added " args " to list")))
(define (remove-from-list)
(let ([args (vector-ref (current-command-line-arguments) 1)])
(string-append "> Removed " args " from list")))
;; define all messages for quick access
(define messages
'incorrect-usage (string-append "> For usage type `" program-name " -h` or `" program-name " --help`")
'file-not-found (string-append "> " program-name " has not been setup in your home directory\n> Would you like to set it up now? [y/n]")
'file-exists (string-append "> ." program-name " file exists")
'creating-file (string-append "> Creating ." program-name " file in your home directory...")
'item-added "> Added item to list"
'item-removed "> Added item to list"
'initializing (string-append "> Initializing " program-name " in your home directory")
'terminating (string-append "> Exiting " program-name "...")
'choose-y/n "> Error: Please choose y or n"))
;; some possible user-input related "mistakes" that will be accepted for input
(define y/n
'yes '("yes" "Yes" "y" "Y")
'no '("no" "No" "n" "N")))
;; yet again, less typing for opening a file
(define (open/create-file path)
(let ([path (expand-user-path path)])
(let ([opened-file (open-output-file path
#:mode 'text
#:exists 'can-update)])
(close-output-port opened-file))))
;; talk with user if something goes wrong/right
(define (prompt-initialize prompt-message)
(d-hash-ref messages prompt-message)
(display "> ")
(let ([user-input (read-line)])
[(member user-input (hash-ref y/n 'yes))
(d-hash-ref messages 'creating-file)
(open/create-file (string-append program-path program-name))]
[(member user-input (hash-ref y/n 'no))
(d-hash-ref messages 'terminating)]
(d-hash-ref messages 'choose-y/n)
(prompt-initialize 'file-not-found)])))
(define (check-args args)
(let ([args-length (vector-length args)])
[(or (equal? args-length 0) (> args-length 2))
(d-hash-ref messages 'incorrect-usage)]
[(and (equal? args-length 2) (equal? (vector-member "add" args) 0))
(d-hash-ref messages 'item-added)]
[(and (equal? args-length 1) (equal? (vector-member "init" args) 0))
(define (todo-list-exist?)
(if (file-exists? (expand-user-path (string-append program-path program-name)))
(d-hash-ref messages 'file-exists)
(prompt-initialize 'file-not-found)))
(define (main)
(check-args (current-command-line-arguments)))