import os import re from os.path import expanduser import subprocess import click from click import ClickException, Abort from click.types import Path from shutil import rmtree from .click_types import WikiRepo from .compilation import compile_wiki from . import git_wrapper as git # TODO support reading from env SITE_NAME = '' PUBLISH_PATH = '/var/www/{site_name}/wiki'.format(site_name=SITE_NAME) PREVIEW_PATH = expanduser('~/public_html/wiki') LOCAL_REPOSITORY_PATH = expanduser('~/wiki') REPOSITORY_PATH = '/wiki' WIPE_PROMPT = 'This will wipe everything at {}. Proceed?' LOCK_PATH = '/tmp/tildewiki.lock' DEFAULT_PATH_KWARGS = dict( exists=True, writable=True, readable=True, file_okay=False, dir_okay=True) class Config: def __init__(self): self.site_name = SITE_NAME self.publish_path = PUBLISH_PATH self.preview_path = PREVIEW_PATH self.local_repo_path = LOCAL_REPOSITORY_PATH self.repo_path = REPOSITORY_PATH self.author_name = os.environ.get('LOGNAME') @property def author_email(self): return '{}@{}'.format(self.author_name, self.site_name) pass_config = click.make_pass_decorator(Config, ensure=True) @click.option('--site-name', default=SITE_NAME, help='The root domain of the wiki.') @click.option('--publish-path', default=PUBLISH_PATH, help='System level path to wiki for publishing.', type=Path(**DEFAULT_PATH_KWARGS)) @click.option('--repo-path', default=REPOSITORY_PATH, help='Path to the shared wiki repository.', type=WikiRepo(**DEFAULT_PATH_KWARGS)) @pass_config def main(config, site_name, publish_path, repo_path): # TODO click does not appear to call expanduser on things. it'd be nice to # opt into that with the Path type. Should click be patched? Or should we # use a custom Path type? config.site_name = site_name config.publish_path = publish_path config.repo_path = repo_path @main.command() @click.option('--local-repo-path', default=LOCAL_REPOSITORY_PATH, help='Path to shared wiki git repository.', type=Path(file_okay=False)) @click.option('--preview-path', default=PREVIEW_PATH, help='Local path to wiki for previewing.', type=Path(file_okay=False)) @pass_config def init(config, local_repo_path, preview_path): """ This command, `wiki init`, does the following: - clones REPOSITORY_PATH to LOCAL_REPOSITORY_PATH - creates PREVIEW_PATH - calls the preview command """ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(local_repo_path)): raise ClickException( '{} already exists. Have you already run wiki init?'.format( local_repo_path)) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(preview_path)): raise ClickException( '{} already exists. Have you already run wiki init?'.format( preview_path)) click.echo('Cloning {} to {}...'.format(config.repo_path, local_repo_path)) git.create_repo( config.repo_path, config.local_repo_path, config.author_name, config.author_email ) click.echo('Creating {}...'.format(preview_path)) os.makedirs(preview_path) click.echo('Compiling wiki preview for the first time...') _preview(preview_path, local_repo_path) click.echo('~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~') click.echo("Congrats, you are ready to contribute to {}'s wiki!".format( config.site_name )) @main.command() @click.option('--local-repo-path', default=LOCAL_REPOSITORY_PATH, help='Path to local clone of wiki repository.', type=WikiRepo(**DEFAULT_PATH_KWARGS)) @click.option('--preview-path', default=PREVIEW_PATH, help='Local path to wiki for previewing.', type=Path(**DEFAULT_PATH_KWARGS)) @pass_config def preview(config, preview_path, local_repo_path): click.confirm( WIPE_PROMPT.format(preview_path), abort=True) clear_directory(preview_path) _preview(preview_path, local_repo_path) @main.command() @click.option('--local-repo-path', default=LOCAL_REPOSITORY_PATH, help='Path to local clone of wiki repository.', type=WikiRepo(**DEFAULT_PATH_KWARGS)) @pass_config def publish(config, local_repo_path): if os.path.exists(LOCK_PATH): raise ClickException('The wiki lock file already exists. Seems like someone else is compiling.') rm_error_paths = [] onerror = lambda f,p,e: rm_error_paths.append(p) error = None lockf = open(LOCK_PATH, 'w') try: click.echo('Committing your changes locally...') git.make_commit(local_repo_path, config.author_name, config.author_email) git.pull_from_origin(local_repo_path) click.echo('Pushing your changes...') git.push_hard(local_repo_path, config.repo_path) click.echo('Compiling wiki to {}'.format(config.publish_path)) click.confirm(WIPE_PROMPT.format(config.publish_path), abort=True) clear_directory(config.publish_path) compile_wiki(config.repo_path, config.publish_path) except ClickException: raise except Abort: raise except Exception as e: error = e finally: lockf.close() try: os.remove(LOCK_PATH) except FileNotFoundError: pass if error is not None: raise ClickException('Failed publishing wiki. Error: {}'.format(error)) @main.command() @click.option('--preview', help='show pages from your local wiki', is_flag=True) @click.option('--preview-path', default=PREVIEW_PATH, help='Local path to wiki for previewing.', type=Path(file_okay=False)) @click.argument('path') @pass_config def get(config, preview, preview_path, path): read_path = config.publish_path if preview: read_path = preview_path path = os.path.join(read_path, path) if os.path.exists(path)\ and os.path.isdir(path)\ and os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'index.html')): path = os.path.join(path, 'index.html') elif os.path.exists(path + '.html'): path = path + '.html' else: raise ClickException("Couldn't find path {}".format(path))['sensible-browser', path]) # TODO sync command that: # - offers to wipe any local changes or commit them # - pulls from origin # - pushes to origin @main.command() @click.option('--local-repo-path', default=LOCAL_REPOSITORY_PATH, help='Path to shared wiki git repository.', type=WikiRepo(**DEFAULT_PATH_KWARGS)) @pass_config def reset(config, local_repo_path): click.confirm("This will overwrite any changes you've made locally. Proceed?", abort=True) git.reset_from_origin(local_repo_path) def _preview(preview_path, local_repo_path): compile_wiki(local_repo_path, preview_path) click.echo('Your wiki preview is ready! navigate to ~{}/wiki'.format( os.environ.get('LOGNAME'))) def clear_directory(path:str) -> None: """Given a path to a directory, deletes everything in it. Use with caution.""" if path in ['', '/', '~', '*']: raise ValueError('"{}" is not a valid path for clearing'.format(path)) if not os.path.isdir(path): raise ValueError('{} is not a directory'.format(path)) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): for f in files: os.unlink(os.path.join(root, f)) for d in dirs: rmtree(os.path.join(root, d))