import os import re from datetime import datetime from shutil import copy from typing import Optional, Callable from markdown import markdown DOUBLE_NEWLINE_RE = re.compile(r'\n\n', flags=re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL) HEADER_TITLE_RE = re.compile(r'(.*?)') TITLE_RE = re.compile(r'.*?') LINK_RE = re.compile(r'href="\/wiki') SRC_RE = re.compile(r'src="\/wiki') DEFAULT_ON_CREATE = lambda _: None def relativize_links(content:str, depth:int) -> str: """Given compiled html content, change URLs that start in "/wiki" to be relative instead of absolute. Depth indicates how many pairs of dots we should use to traverse upward.""" dots = os.path.join(*['..' for _ in range(depth)]) href_repl = 'href="{}'.format(os.path.join(dots, 'wiki')) src_repl = 'src="{}'.format(os.path.join(dots, 'wiki')) out = re.sub(LINK_RE, href_repl, content) return re.sub(SRC_RE, src_repl, out) def compile_wiki(source_path: str, dest_path: str, on_create: Callable[[str], None]=DEFAULT_ON_CREATE) -> None: """Given a source path (presumably a git repository) and a destination path, compiles the files found in {source_path}/articles and compiles them all to {dest_path}/. THIS FUNCTION CLEARS {dest_path}/! Be absolutely sure you know what you are doing when you call this ^_^ If passed, on_create will be called per directory and file created by the compiler. The default is to take no action. """ last_compiled = '

last compiled: {}

'.format(datetime.utcnow()) header_content = compile_markdown(os.path.join(source_path, 'src/')) footer_content = last_compiled + compile_markdown(os.path.join(source_path, 'src/')) logo_path = 'src/logo.png' css_path = 'src/main.css' articles_root = os.path.join(source_path, 'src/articles') toc_content = '{}\n' toc_path = os.path.join(dest_path, 'toc.html') with open(toc_path, 'w') as f: f.write(relativize_links(toc_content, 1)) f.write(footer_content) on_create(toc_path) def slurp(file_path:str) -> str: """Convenience function for reading a file and returning its contents.""" content = None with open(file_path, 'r') as f: content = return content def compile_source_file(source_file_path:str, header_content:str, footer_content:str) -> str: """Given a path to a source file, this function: - picks an appropriate compiler for the file extension - compiles the file - sandwiches it between the provided header and footer content - returns the constructed string """ if not os.path.isabs(source_file_path): raise ValueError( '{} is not an absolute path.'.format(source_file_path)) # pick a compiler if source_file_path.endswith('.md'): compiler = compile_markdown elif source_file_path.endswith('.txt'): compiler = compile_plaintext else: # this just copies through any files that we don't recognize as needing # conversion. compiler = slurp content = compiler(source_file_path) title = extract_title(content) if title is not None: header_content = update_title(header_content, title) return '{}\n{}\n{}'.format(header_content, content, footer_content) def update_title(content:str, title:str) -> str: """Given a chunk of HTML, finds, updates, and returns the title element to be the given title. If there is no title element, the content is returned unmodified.""" return re.sub(TITLE_RE, '{}'.format(title), content) def extract_title(content:str) -> Optional[str]: """Given a string of page content, look for a header in the first line. Returns it if found; returns None otherwise.""" first_line = content.split('\n')[0] matches = re.match(HEADER_TITLE_RE, first_line) if matches is not None: return matches.groups()[1] return None def compile_markdown(file_path:str) -> str: """Given a string of markdown, compiles it and returns the result.""" return markdown( slurp(file_path), output_format='html5') def compile_plaintext(file_path:str) -> str: output = '

\n' output += re.sub( DOUBLE_NEWLINE_RE, '

', slurp(file_path)) output += '\n

\n' return output