"""TODO""" import os import re import sys from os.path import expanduser from os.path import exists as path_exists from os.path import join as path_join import click import pygit2 from click import ClickException from click.types import Path from markdown import markdown # TODO support reading from env SITE_NAME = 'tilde.town' PUBLISH_PATH = '/var/www/{site_name}/wiki'.format(site_name=SITE_NAME) PREVIEW_PATH = expanduser('~/public_html/wiki') LOCAL_REPOSITORY_PATH = expanduser('~/wiki') REPOSITORY_PATH = '/wiki' DOUBLE_NEWLINE_RE = re.compile(r'\n\n', flags=re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL) DEFAULT_PATH_KWARGS = dict( exists=True, writable=True, readable=True, file_okay=False, dir_okay=True) class GitRepo(Path): name = 'git repository' def convert(self, value, param, ctx): path = super().convert(value, param, ctx) if not path_exists(path_join(path, '.git')): self.fail('No .git directory found in {}'.format(path)) return path class WikiRepo(GitRepo): name = 'wiki repository' def convert(self, value, param, ctx): path = super().convert(value, param, ctx) # TODO check for header.md and footer.md if not path_exists(path_join(path, 'src/articles')): self.fail( '{} does not appear to be a wiki repository; missing src/articles.'.format( path)) return path class Config: def __init__(self): self.site_name = SITE_NAME self.publish_path = PUBLISH_PATH self.preview_path = PREVIEW_PATH self.local_repo_path = LOCAL_REPOSITORY_PATH self.repo_path = REPOSITORY_PATH pass_config = click.make_pass_decorator(Config, ensure=True) @click.group() @click.option('--site-name', default=SITE_NAME, help='The root domain of the wiki.') @click.option('--publish-path', default=PUBLISH_PATH, help='System level path to wiki for publishing.', type=Path(**DEFAULT_PATH_KWARGS)) @click.option('--repo-path', default=REPOSITORY_PATH, help='Path to your clone of the shared git repository.', type=WikiRepo(**DEFAULT_PATH_KWARGS)) @pass_config def main(config, site_name, publish_path, repo_path): # TODO click does not appear to call expanduser on things. it'd be nice to # opt into that with the Path type. Should click be patched? Or should we # use a custom Path type? config.site_name = site_name config.publish_path = publish_path config.repo_path = repo_path @main.command() @click.option('--local-repo-path', default=LOCAL_REPOSITORY_PATH, help='Path to shared wiki git repository.', type=Path(file_okay=False)) @click.option('--preview-path', default=PREVIEW_PATH, help='Local path to wiki for previewing.', type=Path(file_okay=False)) @pass_config def init(config, local_repo_path, preview_path): """ This command, `wiki init`, does the following: - clones REPOSITORY_PATH to LOCAL_REPOSITORY_PATH - creates PREVIEW_PATH - calls the preview command """ if path_exists(path_join(local_repo_path)): raise ClickException( '{} already exists. Have you already run wiki init?'.format( local_repo_path)) if path_exists(path_join(preview_path)): raise ClickException( '{} already exists. Have you already run wiki init?'.format( preview_path)) click.echo('Cloning {} to {}...'.format(config.repo_path, local_repo_path)) pygit2.clone_repository(config.repo_path, local_repo_path) click.echo('Creating {}...'.format(preview_path)) os.makedirs(preview_path) click.echo('TODO once we have compliation, this will compile') click.echo('~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~') click.echo("Congrats, you are ready to contribute to {}'s wiki!") @main.command() @click.option('--local-repo-path', default=LOCAL_REPOSITORY_PATH, help='Path to shared wiki git repository.', type=WikiRepo(**DEFAULT_PATH_KWARGS)) @click.option('--preview-path', default=PREVIEW_PATH, help='Local path to wiki for previewing.', type=Path(**DEFAULT_PATH_KWARGS)) @pass_config def preview(config, preview_path, local_repo_path): preview_prompt = 'This will wipe everything at {}. Proceed?' click.confirm( preview_prompt.format(preview_path), abort=True) compile_wiki(local_repo_path, preview_path) # TODO print some stuff about what just happend @main.command() @click.option('--local-repo-path', default=LOCAL_REPOSITORY_PATH, help='Path to shared wiki git repository.', type=WikiRepo(**DEFAULT_PATH_KWARGS)) @pass_config def publish(config, local_repo_path): raise NotImplementedError() @main.command() @pass_config def get(config): raise NotImplementedError() @main.command() @click.option('--local-repo-path', default=LOCAL_REPOSITORY_PATH, help='Path to shared wiki git repository.', type=WikiRepo(**DEFAULT_PATH_KWARGS)) @pass_config def reset(config, local_repo_path): raise NotImplementedError() def compile_wiki(source_path, dest_path): """Given a source path (presumably a git repository) and a destination path, compiles the files found in {source_path}/articles and compiles them all to {dest_path}/. THIS FUNCTION CLEARS {dest_path}/! Be absolutely sure you know what you are doing when you call this ^_^ """ # TODO progress bar # TODO recursively delete dest_path (maybe after gzipping, backing up) # TODO lockfile on dest_path # TODO pickup links and publish toc.html header_content = compile_markdown(path_join(source_path, 'src/header.md')) footer_content = compile_markdown(path_join(source_path, 'src/footer.md')) articles_root = path_join(source_path, 'src/articles') for root, dirs, files in os.walk(articles_root): # given root, i need to "diff" it against articles_root to get whatever # point i should be at in preview_root. current_suffix = root.replace(articles_root, '') if current_suffix and current_suffix[0] == '/': current_suffix = current_suffix[1:] preview_root = path_join(dest_path, current_suffix) for directory in dirs: os.mkdir(path_join(preview_root, directory)) for source_filename in files: source_file_path = path_join(root, source_filename) output = compile_source_file( source_file_path, header_content, footer_content) dest_filename = source_filename.split('.')[0] + '.html' with open(path_join(preview_root, dest_filename), 'w') as f: f.write(output) def slurp(file_path): content = None with open(file_path, 'r') as f: content = f.read() return content def compile_source_file(source_file_path, header_content, footer_content): if not os.path.isabs(source_file_path): raise ValueError( '{} is not an absolute path.'.format(source_file_path)) compiler = None if source_file_path.endswith('.md'): compiler = compile_markdown elif source_file_path.endswith('.txt'): compiler = compile_plaintext elif source_file_path.endswith('.html'): compiler = slurp if compiler is None: raise ValueError( '{} is not a recognized file type.'.format(source_file_path)) content = compiler(source_file_path) # TODO extract title from content; will probably mean not just blindly # taking a header_content return '{}\n{}\n{}'.format(header_content, content, footer_content) def compile_markdown(source_file_path): return markdown( slurp(source_file_path), output_format='html5') def compile_plaintext(source_file_path): output = '

\n' output += re.sub( DOUBLE_NEWLINE_RE, '

', slurp(source_file_path)) output += '\n

\n' return output