# tildemush handbook This handbook will serve as a reference for [tilde.town](https://tilde.town)'s tildemush virtual community, lead by [vilmibm](https://tilde.town/~vilmibm/). It is intended for new and experienced users who have an account on [tilde.town](https://tilde.town). This handbook will provide an introduction to tildemush, understanding the interface, using tildemush, and the WITCH scripting language. **Table of Contents** - [tildemush handbook](#tildemush-handbook) - [What is tildemush?](#what-is-tildemush) - [Describing tildemush](#describing-tildemush) - [Creating tildemush](#creating-tildemush) - [Getting started](#getting-started) - [Conventions used in this handbook](#conventions-used-in-this-handbook) - [Requirements](#requirements) - [Platforms](#platforms) - [Software](#software) - [Starting tildemush](#starting-tildemush) - [To start tildemush](#to-start-tildemush) - [Understanding the interface](#understanding-the-interface) - [Using tildemush](#using-tildemush) - [Scripting with WITCH](#scripting-with-witch) - [More information](#more-information) # What is tildemush? This section consists of the following topics: - [Describing tildemush](#describing-tildemush) - [Creating tildemush](#creating-tildemush) ## Describing tildemush tildemush is a command line-, text-based virtual community used for chatting, creating, roleplaying, games, or anything a user can think of. Currently, tildemush hosted on [tilde.town](https://tilde.town). tildemush looks like a chatroom with elements such as: * Your location name * A list user-created objects that exist in your location * Your inventory tildemush also has its own scripting language called WITCH. This language is used to create in-game objects, which users can interact with. tildemush provides a separate tab for scripting in WITCH. ## Creating tildemush [For vilmibm, if they are comfortable with filling this out. Go all out!] # Getting started This section consists of the following topics: - [Conventions used in this handbook](#conventions-used-in-this-handbook) - [Requirements](#requirements) - [Platforms](#platforms) - [Software](#software) - [Quick start](#quick-start) - [Starting tildemush](#starting-tildemush) ## Conventions used in this handbook * **Note ++** - Notes signify additional information * **Tip >>** - Tips signify an alternate procedure for completing a step * **Caution !!** - Cautions signify that damage or loss of data may occur * **Example** - Examples provide a visual reference of how a procedure would be performed * `Inline code` - Inline code signifies package names, filenames, commands, and keyboard keys * ```Code block - Code blocks signify file contents, or an interface element``` * Section - Heading 1s are referred to as "Sections" * Topics - Heading 2s, 3s, etc. are referred to as "Topics" ## Requirements * A [tilde.town](https://tilde.town) account ## Starting tildemush Starting tildemush will run the software required to connect to the tildemush virtual community that exists on [tilde.town](https://tilde.town). ### To start tildemush **Caution !!** - Before continuing, you should know that tildemush's database may be wiped at any time, because it is still under development. This means that anything you create, may be deleted at any time. 1. `ssh` into [tilde.town](https://tilde.town) 2. Run `tmclient` 3. Use the `up-arrow`, `down-arrow`, and `enter-key` to login or create an account # Understanding the interface # Using tildemush # Scripting with WITCH # More information