# tildemush handbook This handbook will serve as a reference for [tilde.town](https://tilde.town)'s tildemush virtual community. It is intended for new and experienced users. This handbook will provide an introduction to tildemush, understanding the interface, using tildemush, and the WITCH scripting language. **Table of Contents** - [tildemush handbook](#tildemush-handbook) - [Quick start](#quick-start) - [What is tildemush?](#what-is-tildemush) - [Description](#description) - [Background](#background) - [Getting started](#getting-started) - [Conventions used in this handbook](#conventions-used-in-this-handbook) - [Requirements](#requirements) - [Platforms](#platforms) - [Software](#software) - [Starting tildemush](#starting-tildemush) - [Understanding the interface](#understanding-the-interface) - [Using tildemush](#using-tildemush) - [Scripting with WITCH](#scripting-with-witch) - [More information](#more-information) # Quick start This section is for people who are comfortable with what they know about tildemush, but need a few commands to get them started. 1. `ssh` into [tilde.town](https://tilde.town) 2. Run `tmclient` 3. Use the `up-arrow`, `down-arrow`, and `enter-key` to login or register # What is tildemush? ## Description ## Background # Getting started ## Conventions used in this handbook * Note - Notes signify additional information * Tip- Tips signify an alternate procedure for completing a step * Caution - Cautions signify that damage may occur * Example - Examples provide a visual reference of how a procedure would be performed * Inline code - Inline code signifies package names, filenames, commands, and keyboard keys * Code block - Code blocks signify file contents, or an interface element ## Requirements ### Platforms ### Software ## Starting tildemush # Understanding the interface # Using tildemush # Scripting with WITCH # More information