oof, get user creation working

nathaniel smith 2017-02-15 23:25:39 -08:00
parent 2b46bef460
commit 55562572ae
3 changed files with 150 additions and 1 deletions

scripts/abc 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
some stuff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
KEYFILE_PATH = '/home/{}/.ssh/authorized_keys2'
def main(argv):
username = argv[1]
with open(KEYFILE_PATH.format(username), 'w') as f:
if __name__ == '__main__':

View File

@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
import os
import re
from subprocess import run, CalledProcessError, PIPE
from tempfile import TemporaryFile
from django.db.models import Model
from django.db.models.signals import pre_save
from django.db.models.signals import pre_save, post_save, post_delete
from django.dispatch import receiver
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.db.models import TextField, BooleanField, CharField, ForeignKey
@ -15,6 +18,23 @@ SSH_TYPE_CHOICES = (
('ssh-dss', 'ssh-dss',),
KEYFILE_HEADER = """Hi! This file is automatically managed by tilde.town. You
probably shouldn't change it. If you want to add more public keys that's
totally fine: you can put them in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"""
TMP_PATH = '/tmp/ttadmin'
ENSURE_PRESENT = 'present'
ENSURE_ABSENT = 'absent'
def user_in_passwd(username):
"""Given a username, returns either the user's line in passwd or None.
Opens and reads passwd every time. Memoize or something if this becomes an
with open('/etc/passwd') as passwd:
for line in passwd:
if username == line.split(':')[0]:
return line.rstrip()
class Townie(User):
"""Both an almost normal Django User as well as an abstraction over a
@ -44,6 +64,58 @@ class Townie(User):
# managing concrete system state
def reconcile(self, ensure):
dot_ssh_path = '/home/{}/.ssh'.format(self.username)
if ensure == ENSURE_ABSENT:
# TODO delete
# This is manual for now because it very rarely comes up and I want
# the present case to work.
if ensure == ENSURE_PRESENT:
# TODO handle rename case either with update fields or a rename action
# Add the user
result = run(['sudo',
# Create .ssh
run(['sudo', '--user={}'.format(self.username), 'mkdir', dot_ssh_path])
# Write out authorized_keys file
with TemporaryFile(dir="/tmp") as fp:
def generate_authorized_keys(self):
"""returns a string suitable for writing out to an authorized_keys
pubkeys = Pubkey.objects.filter(townie=self)
for key in pubkeys:
if key.startswith('ssh-'):
content += '\n {}'.format(key.key)
content += '\n{} {}'.format(key.key_type, key.key)
return content
class Pubkey(Model):
key_type = CharField(max_length=50,
@ -62,3 +134,62 @@ def on_townie_pre_save(sender, instance, **kwargs):
if not existing[0].reviewed and instance.reviewed == True:
@receiver(post_save, sender=Townie)
def post_save_reconcile(sender, instance, **kwargs):
if not instance.reviewed:
@receiver(post_delete, sender=Townie)
def post_delete_reconcile(sender, instance, **kwargs):
if not instance.reviewed:
# TODO should i actually do this check?
# I might want to make it such that users can never become un-reviewed.
# what the puppet module does:
# * creates user account
# * creates home directory
# * creates authorized_keys2
# * adds user to group 'tilde' (why?)
# * sets shell
# * creates .ssh directory
# * creates .irssi directory
# * creates templatized .irssi config file (irssi isn't even default anymore...)
# * creates hardcoded .twurlrc file (why not skel?)
# some of this stuff is pointless and the actually required stuff is:
# * create user account (useradd)
# * create home dir (useradd)
# * create .ssh/authorized_keys2 (need functions for this
# * set shell (chsh)
# * create .twurlrc (just use /etc/skel)
# other things to consider:
# * what happens when a user wants their name changed?
# * it looks like usermod -l and a mv of the home dir can change a user's username.
# * would hook this into the pre_save signal to note a username change
# * what happens when a user is marked as not reviewed?
# * does this signal user deletion? Or does literal Townie deletion signal
# "needs to be removed from disk"? I think it makes the most sense for the
# latter to imply full user deletion.
# * I honestly can't even think of a reason to revert a user to "not reviewed"
# and perhaps it's best to just not make that possible. for now, though, I
# think I can ignore it.
# * what happens when a user needs to be banned?
# * the Townie should be deleted via post_delete signal
# * what are things about a user that might change in django and require changes on disk?
# * username
# * displayname (only if i start using this?)
# * ssh key
# how should this code be structured?
# * within the Townie model, hardcoded
# * outside the Townie model, procedurally
# * within an abstract class
# for now my gut says to implement stuff hardcoded in the Townie class but with
# an eye towards generalizing the pattern in some base class for other
# resources as needed.