from random import shuffle import re from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from django.forms import Form, CharField, EmailField, Textarea, ChoiceField, BooleanField import sshpubkeys as ssh from .models import Townie, SSH_TYPE_CHOICES from common.forms import CaptchaField, throttler submission_throttle = {} throttle_submission = throttler(submission_throttle) USERNAME_RE = re.compile(r'[a-z][a-z0-9_]+') USERNAME_MIN_LENGTH = 3 DISPLAY_NAME_RE = re.compile(r"[a-zA-Z0-9_\-']+") DISPLAY_MIN_LENGTH = 2 def validate_username(username): if len(username) < USERNAME_MIN_LENGTH: raise ValidationError('Username too short.') if not USERNAME_RE.match(username): raise ValidationError('Username must be all lowercase, start with a letter, and only use the _ special character') duplicate = Townie.objects.filter(username=username).exclude(state=Townie.REJECTED).count() if duplicate > 0: raise ValidationError('Username already in use :(') def validate_displayname(display_name): if len(display_name) < DISPLAY_MIN_LENGTH: raise ValidationError('Display name too short.') if not DISPLAY_NAME_RE.match(display_name): raise ValidationError("Valid characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, -, _, and '.") def validate_pubkey(pubkey): # TODO see if I can get the type out key = ssh.SSHKey(pubkey, strict_mode=False, skip_option_parsing=True) try: key.parse() except ssh.InvalidKeyException as e: raise ValidationError('Could not validate key: {}'.format(e)) except NotImplementedError as e: raise ValidationError('Invalid key type') except Exception as e: raise ValidationError('unknown error: {}'.format(e)) class TownieForm(Form): username = CharField( validators=(validate_username,), help_text='lowercase and no spaces. underscore ok', label='username') email = EmailField( help_text='only used to message you about your account and nothing else.', label='e-mail') displayname = CharField( validators=(validate_displayname,), help_text='100% optional. pseudonyms welcome.', label='display name', required=False) referral = CharField( required=False, label='did a townie refer you? put their handle here.', help_text="this is optional and just helps us when reviewing your application.") reasons = CharField( widget=Textarea, required=True, label='what interests you about', help_text=""" What about this intentional community intrigues you and makes you want to be a part of it? """.strip()) plans = CharField( widget=Textarea, required=True, label='what sort of things do you want to do on', help_text=""" Do you want to socialize? Make something? Learn stuff? """.strip()) socials = CharField( widget=Textarea, required=False, label='where else are you online?', help_text="""Optional, but if you're comfortable sharing with us some links to other online spaces you're in (like twitter, mastodon, neocities, or whatever) we'd love to get to know you when reviewing your application. """.strip()) captcha = CaptchaField() pubkey = CharField( widget=Textarea, validators=(validate_pubkey,), label='SSH public key', help_text='if this is not a thing you are familiar with, that\'s okay! you can make one here or read our guide to learn more.') pubkey_type = ChoiceField( choices=SSH_TYPE_CHOICES, label='SSH public key type', help_text="unless you know what you're doing you can leave this be.") aup = BooleanField( label="i agree to the town's acceptable use policy", help_text='please read our code of conduct and click this box if you agree.') def clean(self): result = super().clean() if self.errors: raise ValidationError('oops, looks like there were some problems below.') throttle_submission(self.cleaned_data['email']) return result