from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from django.forms import Form, CharField, EmailField, Textarea, ChoiceField from common.forms import CaptchaField ISSUE_TYPE_CHOICES = ( ('logging_in', 'help logging in'), ('concern_site', 'concern about the site'), ('concern_user', 'concern about another user'), ('package', 'install a package'), ('question', 'just a question',), ('other', 'something else'), ) def validate_issue_text(text): if len(text) == 0: raise ValidationError('please describe yr issue') if len(text) > 500: raise ValidationError('too long') class TicketForm(Form): name = CharField(label='name', help_text='your username if you have one, otherwise just something to address you as' ) email = EmailField( help_text='only used to message you about this ticket and nothing else.', label='e-mail', ) issue_type = ChoiceField( choices=ISSUE_TYPE_CHOICES, label='type of issue', help_text='the type of issue that best describes your problem' ) issue_text = CharField( widget=Textarea, label="what's up?", help_text='describe your issue (in 500 characters or less)', validators=(validate_issue_text,), ) captcha = CaptchaField() def clean(self): result = super().clean() if self.errors: raise ValidationError('oops, looks like there were some problems below.') return result