commit /var/www/

Michael F. Lamb 2015-10-20 20:48:22 +00:00
parent 5d99711103
commit 8348fb551b
1 changed files with 372 additions and 218 deletions

View File

@ -2,230 +2,101 @@
<title>welcome to tilde town!</title>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<style type="text/css">
body {
background-color: pink;
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
<link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" />
<h1> is a small unix server built for sharing</h1>
<marquee><strong>~*~*~* {{active_user_count}} townies active right now *~*~*~</strong></marquee>
<marquee><em><a href="">donate</a> to</a></em></marquee>
<td style="width:25%">
our esteemed users ({{num_users}})<br>
<sub>generated at {{generated_at}}</sub><br>
<h1 style="text-align:center"></h1>
<h3 style="text-align:center"><em>is a small unix server made for sharing</em></h3>
<p style="text-align:center">
<a href="/~wiki/faq.html">faq</a>
| <a href="/guestbook">sign our guestbook</a>
| <a href="">signup</a>
| <a href="/~wiki/conduct.html">code of conduct</a>
| <a href="/helpdesk">file help ticket</a>
| <a href="">donate</a>
| <a href="/~wiki">wiki</a>
<marquee behavior="alternate"><strong>~*~*~* {{active_user_count}} townies active right now *~*~*~</strong></marquee>
<table width="100%">
<td valign="top" width="20%">
<h3>our esteemed users </h3>
<sub>({{num_live_users}} / {{num_users}} shown)</sub><br>
<sub>generated at {{generated_at}}</sub><br>
<sub>sorted by recent changes</sub><br>
<a href="{{username}}">{{username}}</a>
{{#default}}(default :3){{/default}}
<a href="/~{{username}}">{{username}}</a>
<td valign="top">
<h2>what is the</h2>
<p> is an intentional community focused on <b>radical inclusivity</b> and the <b>creation of digital art</b>. We strive to create a place that is open to people of all backgrounds and technical ability and strive together to make beautiful works of art that can be conveyed via the web.</p>
<h2>how do i join</h2>
<p>sign up with this fancy form, here! it takes a few days since there is
just one person managing the signups and each user must be manually added.
Please read our <a href="">code of
conduct</a> and only sign up if you agree to be bound by it.</p>
<h3><a href="">sign up form</a></h3>
<h2>what isn't</h2>
<p>it's never super fun to define stuff in a negative sense, but there has been a lot of confusion around what is and isn't. is <i>not</i> a startup. it is <i>not</i> commercial in any way., as a side effect, has features of a social network but it is not intended to be the "next" anything (except maybe geocities or angelfire). is <b>not</b> <a href=""></a> but is inspired by it.</p>
<h2>who is</h2>
<p> is made up of its members. we are a group of creative folk
interested in peer education and digital art. the founder is <a
href="">~vilmibm</a> whom you are more than welcome to
talk at via <a href="">twitter</a> or <a
<p>making websites is harder than ever; everything that
can be commercialized is being commercialized; knowledge is being carved up and
locked away for profit; software is increasingly proprietary and bloated. is an experiment in reclaiming a bygone era of low-barrier,
judgement-free, low stakes expression with a focus on low-tech art and
pseudonymous creation.</p>
<td valign="top">
<h2>tilde town news</h2>
<a href="/users.html">full user list</a>
<td valign="top" width="40%">
<p>this site is an intentional digital community for creating and
sharing works of art, educating peers, and technological
anachronism. we are a completely
non-commercial, <a href="">donation supported</a>, and
committed to rejecting false technological progress in favor of
empathy and sustainable computing.</p>
<h3>donations! also, new disk</h3>
<p><sub><em>Wed Apr 29 06:04:58 UTC 2015</em></sub></p> <p>An exciting day for We now have way to donate via <a
href="">patreon</a>. Thanks to all the
folx who have already become patrons! y'all make the heart of this sysadmin
warm and fuzz. A big part of the push for donations was a need for more server
space which we have as of tonight's server upgrade/reboot. The main
server now has a 40gb disk. Enjoy!</p>
<h3>stuff you can do here</h3>
<li>geocities style hosting</li>
<li>internal irc network</li>
<li>private usenet constellation</li>
<li>internal mail</li>
<li>command line / unix tutelage</li>
<li>make ascii art</li>
<li>host twitter bots</li>
<li>participate in our <a href="">communal twitter</a></li>
<li>generate random poetry <em>(under construction)</em></li>
<p>Some updates coming down the pipe:
<li>2gb quota for all users</li>
<li>fixed poetry server</li>
<li>better signup process/docs</li>
<a style="text-decoration:none" href="/cgi/random">
<pre title="go to a random page">
<h3>welcome haiku</h3>
<p><sub><em> Thu Mar 5 21:19:42 UTC 2015</em></sub></p>
<p>If you signed up in the last two months or so you had a bum welcome present
in your /home. the script has been fixed and now everyone retroactively has a
welcome haiku in their home directory. enjoy.</p>
| ! /\ | X |
| ! //\\ | / \ |
| @@@ ! |~~~~~~~~~~~~~| ///\\\ |/ \|
| @@@@@ /i\|=============| ////\\\\ |\ /|
| @@@ /(i)\====== == ===| /////\\\\\| \ / |
| /((i))\============| //////\\\\\\ X |
| |% % %|=== ===== ==| I||||||||||I / \ |
| |% % %|====== =====| I||||||||||I/ \|
|::: |% # %|============| I||||||||||I\ /|
|::: |% % %|= ====== ===| I||||||||||I \ / |
|::: |% % #|==== ==+++++++++++++|||||||I X |
|:::HHHHHHHHHHHH |% % %|=======! ! ! ! ! ! !|||||||I / \ |
|:::HHHHHH HHHHH |% # %|= =====! ! ! ! ! ! !|||||||I/ \|
|:::HHHHHHHHHHHH |# % %|=== ===! ! ! ! ! ! !|||||||I\ /|
|:::HHH HHHHHHHH |% % %|=======! ! ! ! ! ! !|||||||I \ / |
|:::HHHHHHTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT % #|== = ==! ! ! ! ! ! !|||||||I X |
|:::HHHHHHI [] [] [] [] I # #|=======! ! ! ! ! ! !|||||||I / \ |
|::: HHHHHI [] [] [] [] I % %|==== =! ! ! ! ! ! !|||||||I/ \|
|:::HHHH HI [] [] [] [] I # %|== ====! ! ! ! ! ! !|||||||I\ /|
|:::HHHHHHI [] [] [] [] I % %|=======! ! ! ! ! ! !|||||||I \ / |
|:::HHHHHHI [] [] [] [] I % #|=== = =! ! ! ! ! ! !|||||||I X |
|:::HH HHHI [] [] [] [] I % #| ======! ! ! ! ! ! !|||||||I / \ |
|:::HHHHHHI [] [] [] [] I # #|= = ===! ! ! ! ! ! !|||||||I/ \|
|:::HHHHH I [] [] [] [] I % %|==== ==! ! ! ! ! ! !|||||||I\ /|
|:::HHHHHHI [] [] [] [] I % #|=======! ! ! ! ! ! !|||||||I \ / |
|:::HHHHHHI [] [] [] [] I # #|= =====! ! ! ! ! ! !|||||||I X |
|:::H HHHHI [] [] [] [] I # #|=== = =! ! ! ! ! ! !|||||||I / \ |
|:::HHHHHHI [] [] [] [] I # #|=======! ! ! ! ! ! !|||||||I/ \|
<h3>server restart</h3>
<p><sub><em>Tue Jan 27 21:13:27 UTC 2015</em></sub></p>
<p>Hi. Today had to restart to pick up a patch for <a
href="">CVE 2015-0235</a>. (our poetry server) has also been patched and restated. Sorry
for any inconvenience!</p>
<h3>lots of people</h3>
<p><sub><em>Thu Jan 1 07:37:16 UTC 2015</em></sub></p>
<p>we have ~370 users. isn't that wild?</p>
<h3>Scheduled Downtime Tonight</h3>
<p><sub><em>Wed Nov 26 21:19:12 UTC 2014</em></sub></p>
<p>To accommodate our growing user base, there will be a server resize/reboot
tonight (Pacific time). Sadly I cannot give an exact time as I still don't have
internet at my new place and will have to opportunistically find some to
execute this upgrade.</p>
<p>The server should only be down for a few minutes, but this will terminate
any running applications (like tmux/screen/irssi). Any files open in an editor
should be preserved by a swap file but you still may want to save and close
things in the next several hours.</p>
<p>Also, this upgrade means that is no longer an essentially free
project, so I may put up something for donations soon.</p>
<h3>100+ users party report</h3>
<p><sub><em>Sun Nov 9 23:07:08 UTC 2014</em></sub></em>
<p> now has 102 users. We crossed into three digits last night and
lots of townies hung out in irc to celebrate. Some new features even
<li>the homepage userlist is now sorted by modified time</li>
<li>there is now a shared <pre>tweet</pre> command that all users can use to tweet to the <a href="">@tildetown</a> account (protip: <pre>haiku | tweet</pre>)</li>
<li>run <pre></pre> to get a random ascii art pokemon (thanks, <a href="">~sanqui</a>)</li>
<li>an insane <a href="">git-based wiki</a> that all townies can edit (thanks for the help, <a href="">~datagrok</a>)</li>
<li>an IRC bot (thanks, <a href="">~selfsame</a>) that plays numberwang</li>
<li>even moar learnings up on the page of <a href="">~shanx</a></li>
<li>general good feels</li>
<h3>80 users!</h3>
<p><sub><em>Wed Oct 29 18:19:45 UTC 2014</em></sub></em>
<p> just added its 80th user. Welcome! Some folks have been having
trouble with ssh public keys. Remember, public keys are really confusing if you
aren't too familiar with them, and there is no judgement if you can't
immediately get them to work. Feel free to tweet at <a
href="">@tildetown</a> or send an email to <a
href="">~vilmibm</a> if you'd like some help.</p>
<h3>60 users</h3>
<p><sub><em>Sat Oct 25 19:37:47 UTC 2014</em></sub></em>
<p> is up to 60 users. This is lovely! It is also only a tenth of our
planned total user capacity, so if you are interested in a tilde* account we'd
love to have you. You can even submit a user request with a fancy form now!</p>
<strong><a href="">submit a user account request!</a></strong>
<h3>Change of IP, warnings when you ssh</h3>
<p><sub><em>Sun Oct 19 03:28:59 UTC 2014</em></sub></p>
In the interest of making sure we don't suddenly disappear from the Internet
as a result of a dynamic IP change on AWS I switched to using an Elastic
IP (amusingly, "elastic" IPs are static).
The upside is that we now have a static IP (also it's free) (woo).
The downside is that when you try to SSH into, now, you'll get an
error about "something nasty" and there will be many @ characters. You'll want
to edit your .ssh/known_hosts file and remove the entry for (your
error message should have a cute copy-pasta-able one-liner for doing this for
Go ahead and do that, and then log in With Confidence. Hopefully this won't happen again.
I'll close by mentioning the imminent arrival of many new tildeverse members. We (the tildeverse operators) are just about ready to accept the signups currently languishing in a waitlist. This means lots of new users, which is lovely, but may mean some growing pains while I adapt our server to the new user load in the most cost-effective way.
Have you guess 'd you yourself would not continue?
The wanderer would not heed me
`` He told me at parting, that he should soon write
Mr. Elton looked all happiness at this proposition
what is it to us what the rest do or think?
I doubted it more the next day on Box Hill
Come thou, arise from the ground unto the place yonder
One was the son of Mars, and was killed before Troy
He had done his duty and could return to his son.
I never saw any thing so outree!
; woods, together with mountains, are on fire.
`` He told me at parting, that he should soon write
`` He told me at parting, that he should soon write
; and, abhorring the light, they fly { abroad} by night.
Can not you guess what this parcel holds?''
And these things I see suddenly, what mean they?
And you, paid to defile the People
Very strongly may be sincerely fainting.
she cried with a most open eagerness
`` He told me at parting, that he should soon write
Let me hear from you without delay
By him she was put in mind of what she might do
; but Emma 's countenance was as steady as her words.
Dear Miss Woodhouse, do advise me.''
It was certainly barbara in the eyes of a Greek
One can not creep upon a journey
One was the son of Mars, and was killed before Troy
`` He told me at parting, that he should soon write
[ 77 and struck the guilty{ draught} from his mouth.
; The golden sun of June declines, It has not caught her eye.
Clarke translates miseri senis ore,
: naught there is Save body, having property of touch.
Alas poor boy, he will never be better,
; but if he wished to do it, it might be done.
`` He told me at parting, that he should soon write
One was the son of Mars, and was killed before Troy
I knew who it came from. The virgin shrieks aloud
To feel the presence of a brave commanding officer But she was always right.
I 'd rather you would.'' This was a river of Troy
o | | |
_|_ | | __| _ _|_ __ _ _
| | |/ / | |/ | / \_| | |_/ |/ |
|_/|_/|__/\_/|_/|__/o|_/\__/ \/ \/ | |_/
orators, singers, musicians to come!
She will break it to you better than I can.
@ -273,10 +144,293 @@ orators, singers, musicians to come!
Any nonsense will serve. the flesh over and over!
Eleves, I salute you!`` I not aware!'
Have you guess 'd you yourself would not continue?
The wanderer would not heed me
`` He told me at parting, that he should soon write
Mr. Elton looked all happiness at this proposition
what is it to us what the rest do or think?
I doubted it more the next day on Box Hill
Come thou, arise from the ground unto the place yonder
One was the son of Mars, and was killed before Troy
He had done his duty and could return to his son.
I never saw any thing so outree!
; woods, together with mountains, are on fire.
`` He told me at parting, that he should soon write
`` He told me at parting, that he should soon write
; and, abhorring the light, they fly { abroad} by night.
Can not you guess what this parcel holds?''
And these things I see suddenly, what mean they?
And you, paid to defile the People
Very strongly may be sincerely fainting.
she cried with a most open eagerness
`` He told me at parting, that he should soon write
Let me hear from you without delay
By him she was put in mind of what she might do
; but Emma 's countenance was as steady as her words.
Dear Miss Woodhouse, do advise me.''
It was certainly barbara in the eyes of a Greek
One can not creep upon a journey
One was the son of Mars, and was killed before Troy
`` He told me at parting, that he should soon write
[ 77 and struck the guilty{ draught} from his mouth.
; The golden sun of June declines, It has not caught her eye.
Clarke translates miseri senis ore,
: naught there is Save body, having property of touch.
Alas poor boy, he will never be better,
; but if he wished to do it, it might be done.
`` He told me at parting, that he should soon write
One was the son of Mars, and was killed before Troy
I knew who it came from. The virgin shrieks aloud
To feel the presence of a brave commanding officer But she was always right.
I 'd rather you would.'' This was a river of Troy
<td valign="top" width="40%">
<h4>Systems status</h4>
<p><sub><em>Wed Oct 14 13:49:12 PDT 2015</em></sub></p>
~vilmibm released a rewrite to the server's infrastructure yesterday. Nothing should be different, but it'll be much easier to work on new features and consume fewer resources.
Currently, the <strong>guestbook</strong> is down. Usenet has also been disabled for now since no one was using it and it has a nontrivial impact on the system. If you want to talk about bringing usenet back, bring it up in irc &lt;3.
<h4>BIRTHDAY! The Town Turns 1</h4>
<p><sub><em>Sun Oct 11 18:54:35 UTC 2015</em></sub></p>
Exactly a year ago, <a href="/~vilmibm">~vilmibm</a> gave himself
a birthday present in the form of a small unix server meant for
commnunity and sharing. Now, is a thriving community of
feels, peer education and beautiful digital art.
If you are not yet a towner, check out our <a
href="">code of conduct</a>,
look at some user pages, and <a
up!</a>. Everyone is welcome here regardless of skill level and if
making SSH keys is a little scary, that's okay. Reach out to <a
href="">for help</a>.
<strong>Here's to another year of html and feels.</strong>
<h4>new stuff!</h4>
<p><sub><em>Sat Aug 1 17:27:15 PDT 2015</em></sub></p>
today was a day of things happening!
<li>the first ever volunteer admin meeting happened today. <a href="/~insom">~insom</a>, <a href="/~krowbar">~krowbar</a>, and <a href="/~vilmibm">~vilmibm</a> all met to talk about the future and how to ease the burden of things like user signups. Marks the first ever international face-to-face meeting of townies. exciting!
<a href="/guestbook">guestbook</a> went live! (<em>lol</em>)
you can now click on the pretty ascii over to the
left to visit a random page (or just go directly
to <a href="/cgi/random">/cgi/random</a>).
as always, is a place for html and feels. feels run
strong and well today. come say hi!
<p><sub><em>Sun Jul 26 18:01:58 PDT 2015</em></sub></p>
<h4>new homepage design</h4>
<p><sub><em>Sun Jul 26 18:01:58 PDT 2015</em></sub></p>
<a href="/~vilmibm">~vilmibm</a> made a cleaned up homepage. it's linking to two under construction feature--a new help desk for admin requests and a random page linker. there is also a new <a href="/~wiki/faq.html">FAQ</a>.
we've also hit a cool donation milestone of $60. thank you
everyone who has donated! our monthly costs are now covered and if
we hit $65 we can do some more server enhancements.
<h4>donations! also, new disk</h4>
<p><sub><em>Wed Apr 29 06:04:58 UTC 2015</em></sub></p> <p>An exciting day for We now have way to donate via <a
href="">patreon</a>. Thanks to all the
folx who have already become patrons! y'all make the heart of this sysadmin
warm and fuzz. A big part of the push for donations was a need for more server
space which we have as of tonight's server upgrade/reboot. The main
server now has a 40gb disk. Enjoy!</p>
<p>Some updates coming down the pipe:
<li>2gb quota for all users</li>
<li>fixed poetry server</li>
<li>better signup process/docs</li>
<h4>welcome haiku</h4>
<p><sub><em> Thu Mar 5 21:19:42 UTC 2015</em></sub></p>
<p>If you signed up in the last two months or so you had a bum welcome present
in your /home. the script has been fixed and now everyone retroactively has a
welcome haiku in their home directory. enjoy.</p>
<h4>server restart</h4>
<p><sub><em>Tue Jan 27 21:13:27 UTC 2015</em></sub></p>
<p>Hi. Today had to restart to pick up a patch for <a
href="">CVE 2015-0235</a>. (our poetry server) has also been patched and restated. Sorry
for any inconvenience!</p>
<h4>lots of people</h4>
<p><sub><em>Thu Jan 1 07:37:16 UTC 2015</em></sub></p>
<p>we have ~370 users. isn't that wild?</p>
<h4>Scheduled Downtime Tonight</h4>
<p><sub><em>Wed Nov 26 21:19:12 UTC 2014</em></sub></p>
<p>To accommodate our growing user base, there will be a server resize/reboot
tonight (Pacific time). Sadly I cannot give an exact time as I still don't have
internet at my new place and will have to opportunistically find some to
execute this upgrade.</p>
<p>The server should only be down for a few minutes, but this will terminate
any running applications (like tmux/screen/irssi). Any files open in an editor
should be preserved by a swap file but you still may want to save and close
things in the next several hours.</p>
<p>Also, this upgrade means that is no longer an essentially free
project, so I may put up something for donations soon.</p>
<h4>100+ users party report</h4>
<p><sub><em>Sun Nov 9 23:07:08 UTC 2014</em></sub></em>
<p> now has 102 users. We crossed into three digits last night and
lots of townies hung out in irc to celebrate. Some new features even
<li>the homepage userlist is now sorted by modified time</li>
<li>there is now a shared <pre>tweet</pre> command that all users can use to tweet to the <a href="">@tildetown</a> account (protip: <pre>haiku | tweet</pre>)</li>
<li>run <pre></pre> to get a random ascii art pokemon (thanks, <a href="">~sanqui</a>)</li>
<li>an insane <a href="">git-based wiki</a> that all townies can edit (thanks for the help, <a href="">~datagrok</a>)</li>
<li>an IRC bot (thanks, <a href="">~selfsame</a>) that plays numberwang</li>
<li>even moar learnings up on the page of <a href="">~shanx</a></li>
<li>general good feels</li>
<h4>80 users!</h4>
<p><sub><em>Wed Oct 29 18:19:45 UTC 2014</em></sub></em>
<p> just added its 80th user. Welcome! Some folks have been having
trouble with ssh public keys. Remember, public keys are really confusing if you
aren't too familiar with them, and there is no judgement if you can't
immediately get them to work. Feel free to tweet at <a
href="">@tildetown</a> or send an email to <a
href="">~vilmibm</a> if you'd like some help.</p>
<h4>60 users</h4>
<p><sub><em>Sat Oct 25 19:37:47 UTC 2014</em></sub></em>
<p> is up to 60 users. This is lovely! It is also only a tenth of our
planned total user capacity, so if you are interested in a tilde* account we'd
love to have you. You can even submit a user request with a fancy form now!</p>
<strong><a href="">submit a user account request!</a></strong>
<h4>Change of IP, warnings when you ssh</h4>
<p><sub><em>Sun Oct 19 03:28:59 UTC 2014</em></sub></p>
In the interest of making sure we don't suddenly disappear from the Internet
as a result of a dynamic IP change on AWS I switched to using an Elastic
IP (amusingly, "elastic" IPs are static).
The upside is that we now have a static IP (also it's free) (woo).
The downside is that when you try to SSH into, now, you'll get an
error about "something nasty" and there will be many @ characters. You'll want
to edit your .ssh/known_hosts file and remove the entry for (your
error message should have a cute copy-pasta-able one-liner for doing this for
Go ahead and do that, and then log in With Confidence. Hopefully this won't happen again.
I'll close by mentioning the imminent arrival of many new tildeverse members. We (the tildeverse operators) are just about ready to accept the signups currently languishing in a waitlist. This means lots of new users, which is lovely, but may mean some growing pains while I adapt our server to the new user load in the most cost-effective way.
<h1> is a small unix server built for sharing</h1>
<td style="width:25%">
our esteemed users ({{num_users}})<br>
<sub>generated at {{generated_at}}</sub><br>
<a href="{{username}}">{{username}}</a>
{{#default}}(default :3){{/default}}
<td valign="top">
<h2>what is the</h2>
<p> is an intentional community focused on <b>radical inclusivity</b> and the <b>creation of digital art</b>. We strive to create a place that is open to people of all backgrounds and technical ability and strive together to make beautiful works of art that can be conveyed via the web.</p>
<h2>how do i join</h2>
<p>sign up with this fancy form, here! it takes a few days since there is
just one person managing the signups and each user must be manually added.
Please read our <a href="">code of
conduct</a> and only sign up if you agree to be bound by it.</p>
<h3><a href="">sign up form</a></h3>
<h2>what isn't</h2>
<p>it's never super fun to define stuff in a negative sense, but there has been a lot of confusion around what is and isn't. is <i>not</i> a startup. it is <i>not</i> commercial in any way., as a side effect, has features of a social network but it is not intended to be the "next" anything (except maybe geocities or angelfire). is <b>not</b> <a href=""></a> but is inspired by it.</p>
<h2>who is</h2>
<p> is made up of its members. we are a group of creative folk
interested in peer education and digital art. the founder is <a
href="">~vilmibm</a> whom you are more than welcome to
talk at via <a href="">twitter</a> or <a
<p>making websites is harder than ever; everything that
can be commercialized is being commercialized; knowledge is being carved up and
locked away for profit; software is increasingly proprietary and bloated. is an experiment in reclaiming a bygone era of low-barrier,
judgement-free, low stakes expression with a focus on low-tech art and
pseudonymous creation.</p>