#!/usr/local/bin/python3 # stats.py - tilde data in tilde data protocol format. # Copyright 2015 Michael F. Lamb # License: GPLv3+ """ Outputs JSON data conforming to "~dp (Tilde Description Protocol)" as defined at: http://protocol.club/~datagrok/beta-wiki/tdp.html It is a JSON structure of the form: { 'name': (string) the name of the server. 'url': (string) the URL of the server. 'signup_url': (string) the URL of a page describing the process required to request an account on the server. 'want_users': (boolean) whether the server is currently accepting new user requests. 'admin_email': (string) the email address of the primary server administrator. 'description': (string) a free-form description for the server. 'users': [ (array) an array of users on the server, sorted by last activity time { 'username': (string) the username of the user. 'title': (string) the HTML title of the user’s index.html page. 'mtime': (number) a timestamp representing the last time the user’s index.html was modified. }, ... ] 'user_count': (number) the number of users currently registered on the server. } We also overload this with some data we were using in the previous version of stats.py, which is of the form: { 'users': [ (array) of users on the server. { 'default': (boolean) Is the user still using their unmodified default index.html? 'favicon': (string) a url to an image representing the user }, ... ] 'live_user_count': (number) count of live users (those who have changed their index.html) 'active_user_count': (number) count of currently logged in users 'generated_at': (string) the time this JSON was generated in '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' format. 'generated_at_msec': (number) the time this JSON was generated, in milliseconds since the epoch. 'uptime': (string) output of `uptime -p` 'news': collection of tilde.town news entries containing 'title', 'pubdate', and 'content', the latter being raw HTML } Usage: stats.py > /var/www/html/tilde.json """ import datetime import json import os import pwd import re import subprocess SYSTEM_USERS = ['wiki', 'root', 'ubuntu', 'nate', 'nobody'] DEFAULT_HTML_FILENAME = "/etc/skel/public_html/index.html" NEWS_PATH = '/home/vilmibm/news.posts' blank_line_re = re.compile(r'\s*\n') title_re = re.compile(r']*>(.*)', re.DOTALL) def active_user_count(): """Return the count of unique usernames logged in.""" return len(set(line.split()[0] for line in subprocess.check_output( ["who"], universal_newlines=True).splitlines())) def get_title(indexhtml): """Given an html file, return the content of its """ with open(indexhtml, 'rt', errors='ignore') as fp: title = title_re.search(fp.read()) if title: return title.group(1) def get_users(): """Generate tuples of the form (username, homedir) for all normal users on this system. """ return ((p.pw_name, p.pw_dir) for p in pwd.getpwall() if p.pw_uid >= 1000 and p.pw_shell != '/bin/false' and p.pw_name not in SYSTEM_USERS) def most_recent_within(path): """Return the most recent timestamp among all files within path, 3 levels deep. """ return max(modified_times(path, maxdepth=3)) def modified_times(path, maxdepth=None): """Walk the directories in path, generating timestamps for all files. """ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): if maxdepth and len(root[len(path):].split(os.sep)) == maxdepth: dirs.clear() for f in files: try: yield os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(root, f)) except (FileNotFoundError, PermissionError): pass def tdp_user(username, homedir): """Given a unix username, and their home directory, return a TDP format dict with information about that user. """ public_html = os.path.join(homedir, 'public_html') index_html = os.path.join(public_html, 'index.html') if os.path.exists(index_html): return { 'username': username, 'title': get_title(index_html), 'mtime': int(most_recent_within(public_html) * 1000), # tilde.town extensions and backward compatibility 'favicon': 'TODO', 'default': subprocess.call( ['diff', '-q', DEFAULT_HTML_FILENAME, index_html], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL) == 0, } else: return { 'username': username, 'default': False } def parse_news(news_path): """Given a path to a .posts file, builds an returns a list of news entries with keys 'title', 'content', and 'pubdate'""" metadata_keys = ['title', 'pubdate'] in_meta = True in_content = False current_entry = {'content':''} entries = [] with open(news_path, 'r') as f: line = 'not null' while line: line = f.readline() if blank_line_re.match(line) or line.startswith('#'): continue elif line == '--\n': entries.append(current_entry) current_entry = {'content':''} in_meta = True in_content = False elif in_meta: key, value = line.split(':', 1) current_entry[key] = value.rstrip().lstrip() if set(metadata_keys).issubset(current_entry.keys()): in_content = True in_meta = False elif in_content: current_entry['content'] += "\n{}".format(line.lstrip().rstrip()) return entries def tdp(): now = datetime.datetime.now() users = sorted( (tdp_user(u, h) for u, h in get_users()), key=lambda x:x['mtime'], reverse=True) # TDP format data data = { 'name': 'tilde.town', 'url': 'https://tilde.town', 'signup_url': 'http://goo.gl/forms/8IvQFTDjlo', 'want_users': True, 'admin_email': 'nathanielksmith@gmail.com', 'description': " ".join(l.strip() for l in """ an intentional digital community for creating and sharing works of art, educating peers, and technological anachronism. we are a completely non-commercial, donation supported, and committed to rejecting false technological progress in favor of empathy and sustainable computing. """.splitlines()), 'user_count': len(users), 'users': users, } # tilde.town extensions and backward compatibility data.update({ 'active_user_count': active_user_count(), 'generated_at': now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'generated_at_msec': int(now.timestamp() * 1000), 'uptime': subprocess.check_output(['uptime', '-p'], universal_newlines=True), 'live_user_count': sum(1 for x in data['users'] if not x['default']), 'news': parse_news(NEWS_PATH), }) return data def main(): print(json.dumps(tdp(), sort_keys=True, indent=2)) if __name__ == '__main__': raise SystemExit(main())