remove some old stuff

vilmibm 2023-02-10 20:07:10 +00:00
parent ea484671ed
commit 336622ca62
1 changed files with 0 additions and 141 deletions

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@ -330,39 +330,6 @@ so, spatialized, every room is a question. the rooms take shape as a linear scri
and finally at the end, a verb to confirm submission.
one idea but i'm scratchin:
It's dark. Before you a button appears. It's a pink circle with a ~ at the center. It looks like a button. You could press it.
/press button
A thin seam splits the darkness from the top and buttom of the button. The darkness splits apart and you're standing in a forest clearing. Birds are singing in strange octaves.
A cube is here, floating.
cube: hello! how are you? you can respond to me by typing anything and pressing "ctrl+d"
cube: thank you for telling me. i'm just a program so i can't really understand. i hope you forgive me.
cube: i'm here to help you apply for a homestead over there in tilde town.
the cube inclines in the direction of what looks like a far off town.
cube: first, what is an email address we can use to contact you?
cube: cool, thank you. that's <email> right? if so, you can /nod to confirm. otherwise just tell me again what your email is.
cube: excellent. next, you'll talk to
type character struct {
@ -400,111 +367,3 @@ func main() {
From the start point the player advances the "form" by performing a tactile action. for now it's a button press but it could be something more interesting later. Keeping this as a one room, limited-verb thing is good for accessibility.
so the script is a list of strings that advance by it dialogue? or scene description? i think i should fake dialogue /as/ scene description.
You open your eyes. You're standing in a small room. It's dim, lit softly by a mix of candles and electro-luminescent wire. Computers.
type answers struct {
username string
email string
applied time.Time
howDay string
howHeard string
reasons string
plans string
socials string
sshKey string
func _main(args []string, s *streams) error {
p.Say("you are standing in a field.")
p.Say("there are flowers around you. you are standing in a slight depression and before you is grass touching a purple sky.")
p.Say("you are not sure how long it's been when a cube about a meter high appears at the top of the hill before you.")
p.Say("the cube's surface is murky but iridescently reflective like an oil slick.")
p.CharSay("cube", "hello. how is your day going?")
p.Say("(you can type a response and hit enter to talk to the cube)")
howDay := InputAnswer{}
err := p.Ask("you say:", &howDay)
if err != nil {
return err
a.howDay = howDay.Value
p.Say("the cube inclines towards you gently as if nodding.")
p.CharSay("cube", "i see.")
p.CharSay("cube", "i am guessing that if you are here, you want to be there.")
p.Say("you blink and are somewhere else.")
p.Say("the field of flowers is behind you and now you are up on the hill. the cube is next to you.")
p.Say("you can see clear across a wide open plain. structures large and small dot the landscape. you catch a whiff of a savory smell and can just barely hear voices on the wind.")
p.CharSay("cube", "the tilde town lies before us. if you want to continue, i'll ask you some questions about acquiring a home down in the town. you'll be free to edit your responses before i carry them off.")
p.CharSay("cube", "first, i'm curious how you found out about the town?")
answer := InputAnswer{}
if err := p.Ask("you say:", &answer); err != nil {
return err
a.howHeard = answer.Value
p.CharSay("cube", "interesting, thanks.")
p.CharSay("cube", "what sort of stuff do you want to get up to on the town?")
if err := p.Ask("you say:", &answer); err != nil {
return err
a.plans = answer.Value
p.CharSay("cube", "thanks.")
p.CharSay("cube", "what do you like about the town?")
if err := p.Ask("you say:", &answer); err != nil {
return err
a.reasons = answer.Value
p.CharSay("cube", "i appreciate it.")
p.CharSay("cube", "can you paste some links to other places you are active online? maybe a homepage or social media profile? if you aren't comfortable sharing or there are none, just say so.")
if err := p.Ask("you say:", &answer); err != nil {
return err
a.socials = answer.Value
p.CharSay("cube", "ok, last thing. in order to break ground in the town, you'll need an SSH key. If you don't know what that is, you can check out this link: .")
if err := p.AskLong("paste SSH public key; press control+d to submit:", &answer); err != nil {
return err
a.sshKey = answer.Value
p.CharSay("cube", "i know that was a lot so i appreciate it. i've got everything written down here. before i carry it off, do you want to review and edit what you wrote?")