#!/bin/bash set -e mkdir -p "${HOME}/public_gopher/blog" > /dev/null mkdir -p "${HOME}/public_gemini/blog" > /dev/null mkdir -p "${HOME}/public_html/blog" > /dev/null srcDir=$HOME/blog postDir=$srcDir/posts htmlIndexTmpl=$srcDir/index.tmpl.html htmlIndex=$HOME/public_html/blog/index.html gopherPath=$HOME/public_gopher/blog gopherIndex="${gopherPath}/gophermap" geminiPath=$HOME/public_gemini/blog geminiIndex="${geminiPath}/index.gmi" rssIndexTmpl=$srcDir/feed.tmpl.xml rssIndex=$HOME/public_html/blog/feed.xml # attempt compilation if [ ! -e "linkpost" ] then go build -o linkpost main.go fi lp="$(pwd)/linkpost" # backup HTML index if [ -e "${htmlIndex}" ] then cp $htmlIndex "${htmlIndex}.bak" fi # backup RSS feed if [ -e "${rssIndex}" ] then cp $rssIndex "${rssIndex}.bak" fi cp $htmlIndexTmpl $htmlIndex cp $rssIndexTmpl $rssIndex # Remove old gopher and gemini posts rm -f ${gopherPath}/* rm -f ${geminiPath}/* # Initialize blog gophermap echo "!the phlog of vilmibm as it were" > $gopherIndex echo >> $gopherIndex # Initialize blog index for gemini echo "the gemblog of vilmibm as it were" > $geminiIndex echo >> $geminiIndex # Initialize rss rfc822pubDate="$(date +'%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z')" printf " %s\n" "${rfc822pubDate}" >> $rssIndex printf " %s\n" "${rfc822pubDate}" >> $rssIndex cd $postDir > /dev/null metadataKeys="pubdate:|title:|slug:|summary:" for p in $(ls *.md | sort -r) do pubdate=$(grep "pubdate:" $p | sed 's/pubdate: //') title=$(grep "title:" $p | sed 's/title: //') slug=$(grep "slug:" $p | sed 's/slug: //' | tr -d \[:blank:\]) summary=$(grep "summary:" $p | sed 's/summary: //' | tr -d \[:blank:\]) httpLink="https://tilde.town/~vilmibm/blog#${slug}" if [ -z "$pubdate" ] || [ -z "$title" ] || [ -z "$slug" ] || [ -z "$summary" ] then echo "warning: missing at least one of: pubdate, slug, title, summary in ${p}" else # HTML echo "
" >> $htmlIndex echo "


" >> $htmlIndex echo " ${pubdate}" >> $htmlIndex echo "
" >> $htmlIndex echo "
" >> $htmlIndex grep -Ev "$metadataKeys" $p | $lp --mode "html" | pandoc -fmarkdown -thtml >> $htmlIndex echo "
" >> $htmlIndex # Gopher echo "0${title} ${slug}.txt" >> $gopherIndex gopherPostPath="${gopherPath}/${slug}.txt" echo "# ${title}" > $gopherPostPath echo >> $gopherPostPath echo "_published ${pubdate}_" >> $gopherPostPath grep -Ev "$metadataKeys" $p | $lp --mode "gopher" >> $gopherPostPath # Gemini echo "=> gemini://tilde.town/~vilmibm/blog/${slug}.gmi ${title}" >> $geminiIndex geminiPostPath="${geminiPath}/${slug}.gmi" echo "# ${title}" > $geminiPostPath echo >> $geminiPostPath echo "_published ${pubdate}_" >> $geminiPostPath grep -Ev "$metadataKeys" $p | $lp --mode "gemini" >> $geminiPostPath # RSS echo " " >> $rssIndex echo " ${title}" >> $rssIndex echo " ${httpLink}" >> $rssIndex echo " ${httpLink}" >> $rssIndex echo " ${rfc822pubDate}" >> $rssIndex echo " ${summary}" >> $rssIndex echo " " >> $rssIndex fi done # Finalize HTML echo "" >> $htmlIndex # Finalize RSS echo " " >> $rssIndex echo "" >> $rssIndex