package witch /* This file contains the definitions of functions that are injected into scope for WITCH scripts. See witch.go's ScriptContext to see how they are actually added to a LuaState. TODO: consider making this (or witch.go) a different package entirely. the `witch` prefix for the function names in this file is a little annoying. */ import ( "log" "strings" lua "" ) func witchHas(l *lua.LState) int { l.SetGlobal("_has", l.ToTable(1)) return 0 } func witchProvides(l *lua.LState) int { // TODO test this manually verbAndPattern := l.ToString(1) cb := l.ToFunction(2) split := strings.SplitN(verbAndPattern, " ", 2) verb := split[0] pattern := split[1] return addPatternHandler(l, verb, pattern, cb) } func witchHears(l *lua.LState) int { pattern := l.ToString(1) cb := l.ToFunction(2) return addPatternHandler(l, "say", pattern, cb) } func witchSees(l *lua.LState) int { pattern := l.ToString(1) cb := l.ToFunction(2) return addPatternHandler(l, "emote", pattern, cb) } func witchGoes(l *lua.LState) int { // TODO validate direction // TODO convert direction constant to english direction := l.ToString(1) targetRoom := l.ToString(2) cb := func(l *lua.LState) int { log.Printf("please move sender to target room '%s'", targetRoom) return 0 } // TODO call addPatternHandler again for the reverse direction (make a reverse helper) return addPatternHandler(l, "go", direction, l.NewFunction(cb)) } func witchSeen(l *lua.LState) int { cb := l.ToFunction(1) return addHandler(l, "look", cb) } func witchMy(l *lua.LState) int { hasT := l.GetGlobal("_has").(*lua.LTable) val := hasT.RawGetString(l.ToString(1)) l.Push(val) return 1 } func witchDoes(ls *lua.LState) int { // TODO how to feed events back into the server? // it needs to behave like an event showing up in Commands stream // this handler needs a reference to the gateway which has a channel for sending events that the server will see? return 0 } func addHandler(l *lua.LState, verb string, cb *lua.LFunction) int { pattern := ".*" log.Printf("adding handler: %s %s %#v", verb, pattern, cb) handlers := l.GetGlobal("_handlers").(*lua.LTable) verbHandlers, ok := handlers.RawGetString(verb).(*lua.LTable) if !ok { verbHandlers = l.NewTable() handlers.RawSetString(verb, verbHandlers) } verbHandlers.RawSetString(pattern, cb) return 0 } func addPatternHandler(l *lua.LState, verb, pattern string, cb *lua.LFunction) int { log.Printf("adding handler: %s %s %#v", verb, string(pattern), cb) handlers := l.GetGlobal("_handlers").(*lua.LTable) verbHandlers, ok := handlers.RawGetString(verb).(*lua.LTable) if !ok { verbHandlers = l.NewTable() handlers.RawSetString(verb, verbHandlers) } verbHandlers.RawSetString(pattern, cb) return 0 }