package main import ( "context" "errors" "flag" "fmt" "io" "log" "net" "sync" "" "" "" "" ) var ( tls = flag.Bool("tls", false, "Connection uses TLS if true, else plain TCP") certFile = flag.String("cert_file", "", "The TLS cert file") keyFile = flag.String("key_file", "", "The TLS key file") port = flag.Int("port", 6666, "The server port") ) /* I'm going to take a much simpler approach to scripts than I did in tildemush: objects just get one text column with no revision tracking. to avoid re-parsing scripts per verb check (as every overheard verb has to be checked against an object's script every verb utterance) i want an in-memory cache of lua states. i'm not actually sure if the goroutine unsafety is a problem for that. if it is, i can put goroutines in memory and send them verbs over channels. annoying, but should work if i have to. going to start with a naive map of object ids to scripts, re-parsing them if they get edited and updating the cache. The cache will grow without bound as users enter rooms with objects. they ought to be garbage collected. i can do that in a goroutine though (check DB for objects in rooms with no players). One complication will be when I have "cron" support for objects. they will need to be "live" (ie, their scripts executable) in order to do their periodic tasks. An idea I just had for a cron system: respond to a "tick" verb. at server start, once all in-world objects get parsed, start emitting "tick" events from a for loop in a goroutine in rooms with objects. this can be optimized for having a way to flag periodic-able objects so they don't get the verb if they wouldn't respond. */ func _main() (err error) { l, err := net.Listen("tcp", fmt.Sprintf(":%d", *port)) if err != nil { return err } fmt.Printf("DBG %#v\n", l) var opts []grpc.ServerOption if *tls { log.Fatal("tls unsupported") /* // TODO base some stuff on the data package in the examples to get tls working if *certFile == "" { *certFile = data.Path("x509/server_cert.pem") } if *keyFile == "" { *keyFile = data.Path("x509/server_key.pem") } creds, err := credentials.NewServerTLSFromFile(*certFile, *keyFile) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Failed to generate credentials %v", err) } opts = []grpc.ServerOption{grpc.Creds(creds)} */ } grpcServer := grpc.NewServer(opts...) srv, err := newServer() if err != nil { return err } proto.RegisterGameWorldServer(grpcServer, srv) grpcServer.Serve(l) return nil } type gameWorldServer struct { proto.UnimplementedGameWorldServer db db.DB mu sync.Mutex // for msgRouter msgRouter map[string]func(*proto.ClientMessage) error Gateway *witch.Gateway } func newServer() (*gameWorldServer, error) { // TODO read from env or whatever db, err := db.NewDB("postgres://vilmibm:vilmibm@localhost:5432/hermeticum") if err != nil { return nil, err } if err = db.ClearSessions(); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not clear sessions: %w", err) } s := &gameWorldServer{ msgRouter: make(map[string]func(*proto.ClientMessage) error), db: db, Gateway: witch.NewGateway(), } return s, nil } func (s *gameWorldServer) Commands(stream proto.GameWorld_CommandsServer) error { var sid string for { cmd, err := stream.Recv() if err == io.EOF { // TODO this doesn't really do anything. if a client // disconnects without warning there's no EOF. return s.db.EndSession(sid) } if err != nil { return err } sid = cmd.SessionInfo.SessionID log.Printf("verb %s in session %s", cmd.Verb, sid) if cmd.Verb == "quit" || cmd.Verb == "q" { s.msgRouter[sid] = nil log.Printf("ending session %s", sid) return s.db.EndSession(sid) } send := s.msgRouter[sid] // TODO what is the implication of returning an error from this function? avatar, err := s.db.AvatarBySessionID(sid) if err != nil { return s.HandleError(send, err) } log.Printf("found avatar %#v", avatar) switch cmd.Verb { case "say": if err = s.HandleSay(avatar, cmd.Rest); err != nil { s.HandleError(func(_ *proto.ClientMessage) error { return nil }, err) } default: msg := &proto.ClientMessage{ Type: proto.ClientMessage_WHISPER, Text: fmt.Sprintf("unknown verb: %s", cmd.Verb), } if err = send(msg); err != nil { s.HandleError(send, err) } } /* msg := &proto.ClientMessage{ Type: proto.ClientMessage_OVERHEARD, Text: fmt.Sprintf("%s sent command %s with args %s", sid, cmd.Verb, cmd.Rest), } speaker := "ECHO" msg.Speaker = &speaker err = send(msg) if err != nil { log.Printf("failed to send %v to %s: %s", msg, sid, err) } */ } } func (s *gameWorldServer) Ping(ctx context.Context, _ *proto.SessionInfo) (*proto.Pong, error) { pong := &proto.Pong{ When: "TODO", } return pong, nil } func (s *gameWorldServer) Messages(si *proto.SessionInfo, stream proto.GameWorld_MessagesServer) error { s.msgRouter[si.SessionID] = stream.Send // TODO this is clearly bad but it works. I should refactor this so that messages are received on a channel. for { } } // TODO make sure the Foyer is created as part of initial setup / migration func (s *gameWorldServer) Register(ctx context.Context, auth *proto.AuthInfo) (si *proto.SessionInfo, err error) { var account *db.Account account, err = s.db.CreateAccount(auth.Username, auth.Password) if err != nil { return } var sessionID string sessionID, err = s.db.StartSession(*account) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to start session for %d: %w", account.ID, err) } log.Printf("started session for %s", account.Name) av, err := s.db.AvatarBySessionID(sessionID) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to find avatar for %s: %w", sessionID, err) } bedroom, err := s.db.BedroomBySessionID(sessionID) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to find bedroom for %s: %w", sessionID, err) } err = s.db.MoveInto(*av, *bedroom) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to move %d into %d: %w", av.ID, bedroom.ID, err) } // TODO send room info, avatar info to client (need to figure this out and update proto) si = &proto.SessionInfo{SessionID: sessionID} return } func (s *gameWorldServer) Login(ctx context.Context, auth *proto.AuthInfo) (si *proto.SessionInfo, err error) { var a *db.Account a, err = s.db.ValidateCredentials(auth.Username, auth.Password) if err != nil { return } var sessionID string sessionID, err = s.db.StartSession(*a) if err != nil { return } av, err := s.db.AvatarBySessionID(sessionID) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to find avatar for %s: %w", sessionID, err) } bedroom, err := s.db.BedroomBySessionID(sessionID) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to find bedroom for %s: %w", sessionID, err) } err = s.db.MoveInto(*av, *bedroom) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to move %d into %d: %w", av.ID, bedroom.ID, err) } si = &proto.SessionInfo{SessionID: sessionID} // TODO actually put them in world return } func (s *gameWorldServer) HandleSay(sender *db.Object, msg string) error { name := sender.Data["name"] if name == "" { // TODO determine this based on a hash or something name = "a mysterious figure" } heard, err := s.db.Earshot(*sender) if err != nil { log.Println(err.Error()) return err } log.Printf("found %#v in earshot of %#v\n", heard, sender) as, err := s.db.ActiveSessions() if err != nil { return err } sendErrs := []error{} for _, h := range heard { s.Gateway.VerbHandler(msg, *sender, h) // TODO once we have a script engine, deliver the HEARS event for _, sess := range as { if sess.AccountID == h.OwnerID { cm := proto.ClientMessage{ Type: proto.ClientMessage_OVERHEARD, Text: msg, Speaker: &name, } err = s.msgRouter[sess.ID](&cm) if err != nil { sendErrs = append(sendErrs, err) } } } } if len(sendErrs) > 0 { errMsg := "send errors: " for i, err := range sendErrs { errMsg += err.Error() if i < len(sendErrs)-1 { errMsg += ", " } } return errors.New(errMsg) } return nil } func (s *gameWorldServer) HandleError(send func(*proto.ClientMessage) error, err error) error { log.Printf("error: %s", err.Error()) msg := &proto.ClientMessage{ Type: proto.ClientMessage_WHISPER, Text: "server error :(", } err = send(msg) if err != nil { log.Printf("error sending to client: %s", err.Error()) } return err } // TODO other server functions func main() { // TODO at some point during startup clear out sessions err := _main() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err.Error()) } }