
81 lines
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package witch
import (
lua "github.com/yuin/gopher-lua"
the purpose of this package is to provide abstractions for sending verbs to game objects.
Game objects get pulled from the DB into memory and their scripts become Lua States.
type ScriptContext struct {
script string
l *lua.LState
incoming chan string
// TODO whatever is needed to support calling a Go API
func (sc *ScriptContext) NeedsRefresh(obj db.Object) bool {
return sc.script != obj.Script
// TODO using a dummy script for now
const dummyScript = `
name = "spaghetti",
description = "a plate of pasta covered in pomodoro sauce"
hears(".*eat.*", function(msg)
does("quivers nervously")
hears(".*", function(msg)
tellMe(sender().name + " says " + msg)
read = "world",
write = "owner"
carry = "owner",
execute = "world",
hears(".*eat.*", function(msg)
does("quivers nervously")
// TODO figure out channel stuff
// TODO figure out how to inject WITCH header
// - do i inject from Go or prepend some Lua code?
// TODO figure out how the Lua code can affect Go and thus the database
func NewScriptContext(obj db.Object) (*ScriptContext, error) {
l := lua.NewState()
l.SetGlobal("has", l.NewFunction(hasWrapper(obj)))
l.SetGlobal("_handlers", l.NewTable())
//if err := l.DoString(obj.Script); err != nil {
if err := l.DoString(dummyScript); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &ScriptContext{}, nil
func (sc *ScriptContext) Handle(verb, rest string, sender, target db.Object) error {
// TODO call _handle function from the Lstate
return nil