
77 lines
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Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "github.com/vilmibm/hermeticum/proto";
package proto;
In the existing code, there are a few classes of messages that get sent to the user:
- ACK of a meta operation (login, register, ping)
- ACK of a command (this is kind of useless, imo)
- Refresh to an object's state (used when editing objects)
- Refresh to the room state
- Message to print
these are mostly recreated below with the TODO of deciding on revision/object stuff (which I wasn't thrilled with in the alpha)
service GameWorld {
rpc Register(AuthInfo) returns (SessionInfo);
rpc Login(AuthInfo) returns (SessionInfo);
rpc Commands(stream Command) returns (stream CommandAck);
rpc State(SessionInfo) returns (stream StateUpdate);
rpc Messages(SessionInfo) returns (stream ClientMessage);
rpc Map(SessionInfo) returns (MapData);
rpc Ping(SessionInfo) returns (Pong);
// TODO decide on how revisions / object editing in general should work
message AuthInfo {
string username = 1;
string password = 2;
message SessionInfo {
string sessionID = 1;
message StateUpdate {
message Command {
string sessionInfo = 1;
string verb = 2;
string rest = 3;
message CommandAck {
bool acked = 1;
string errorMsg = 2;
message ClientMessage {
enum ClientMessageType {
WHISPER = 0; // someone or something sent a private message to user
OVERHEARD = 1; // someone or something in the same room said something out loud
EMOTE = 2; // someone or something in the same room performed an action
GENERIC = 3; // just a string that should be printed (ie, "you hear noises in a nearby room")
GLOBAL = 4; // the system sent out a PSA
ClientMessageType type = 1;
optional string speaker = 2;
string text = 3;
message MapData {
string mapData = 1;
message Pong {
string when = 1; // timestamp of pong creation