+++ title = "What’s new in March 2023" date = "2023-04-03" updated = "2023-04-03" [extra] authors = ["Ydreniv"] +++ ## Tilde Town This has been another quiet month. My only update on this website has been a [80x15 button for Keepass](@/buttons.md) ## Minis * I’ve read [Inferno! A Warhammer 40k Collection](https://minis.kestrels-and-roses.rocks/index.php?post/2023/03/06/Inferno%21-A-Warhammer-40%2C000-Collection). * I’ve done some other things as well, but nothing is published yet. ## Others I haven’t made any new articles on my music blog. I have not made any progress on my personal page revamp either. *Yes, I’ve written these exact same sentences the past two months !*