+++ draft = true title = "TSS-001 - The Pearled Gates" [extra] image = "/img/project-spg/[TSS-001] The Pearled Gates.png" tags = ["project-spg", "art"] +++ This is part of [PROJECT SPG](@/project-spg.md). This particular synthetic picture has been created for [Tilde Town Zine](https://tilde.town/~zine/) n°6. It's my first contribution to this zine, and about the first time I've published anything in a collaborative thing. When I discovered this zine, I was pretty excited, and thought about creating various things. However, time constraints amid a busy month forced me to find a quick project. With that in mind, I've resurrected PROJECT SPG. I had started this a couple years ago, but it had remained without activity for about a year. I've started this serie of artworks with the goal of using as much automatic filters as possible in Gimp. My previous art experiment in Gimp had mostly been pixel-art, and I wanted this to change. I've rapidly started to classify the different pieces of art, and started developing a loose universe. I don't know what synthetic picture I will do next, and when that will happen, but I'll be sure to notify you. ![](/~ydreniv/img/project-spg/[TSS-001]%20The%20Pearled%20Gates.png) The Pearled Gates are a B55 TSS-class SYNTHETIC PICTURE. The Pearled Gates are a fabled gateway to a mystical land where the sky always shines blue. Strange cybercreatures dwell there, including standing manatees. They use their hypnotizing shroud-daemons to catch weakly-protected programs. Then they use the entropy of their preys to feed their favourite food : the rare iridescent netmoss.