{% import "macros/opengraph.html" as opengraph_macros %} {% extends "base.html" %} {% block stylesheet %} {% endblock %} {% block head_extra %} {{ opengraph_macros::opengraph(title=page.title, url=page.permalink, content=page.content, type="website", image=config.base_url ~ "/img/80x15/rss-fullposts.png") }} {% endblock %} {% block content %}

{{ page.title }}

{{ page.content | safe }}



RSS | Fullposts RSS | Excerpts RSS | Comments RSS | Post + Com RSS | Newsfeed RSS | Who cares RSS | Feed RSS | 0.90 RSS | 0.91 RSS | 0.92 RSS | 0.93 RSS | 0.94 RSS | 1.0 RSS | 1.0 RSS | 2.0 Atom Atom 0.3 Atom | Valid XML | Feed XML | RSS 2.0 RSS | Blogtorrent OPML | Share it! RSS RSS | Valid !!!

Computer stuff

mozilla firefox no internet explorer W3C | XHTML 1.1 Jabber Email me Ultra | Tech PGP Key Unicode Linux Drupal.org WP | Wordpress Wordpress Spip XMPP me Email Contact SMS me Leave | feedback Geo URL


pink floyd




Bisexual Pride


i <3 mp3 Frenchy Go | veg! January February March April May June July August September October November December Coffee | Powered Evil | Cheese Is Beer | Powered Veg | Etarian Coffee Pizza !!! Tea | Powered <3 | Cranberry 🍌 | Banana Hot | Sauce Candy | Addict Onigiri



People's sites, webrings and pubnixes

maia dot crimew dot gay tilde.town logo shark isp versary town

Computer stuff

Made with Vim arch linux this website sucks best viewed with any browser screw ya'll i'm going back to my local network Made using GNU Nano editor best viewed with any browser Year 2000 Compliant | Y2K


acab Anarchy now this is an anti-nft site piracy now! keep the web free, say no to web3 Anti Fascist Action


queer pride nonbinary pride A trans flag : horizontal bands of light blue, pink, white, pink, light blue A pride flag, with stripes of black, brown, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple


don't click here minecraft powered by the void SCP
{% include "includes/footer.html" %} {% endblock content %}