
657 lines
16 KiB
Raw Normal View History

/* Copyright (C) 2020 June McEnroe <>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* Additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7:
* If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or
* combining it with OpenSSL (or a modified version of that library),
* containing parts covered by the terms of the OpenSSL License and the
* original SSLeay license, the licensors of this Program grant you
* additional permission to convey the resulting work. Corresponding
* Source for a non-source form of such a combination shall include the
* source code for the parts of OpenSSL used as well as that of the
* covered work.
#include <assert.h>
#include <curses.h>
#include <err.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sysexits.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "chat.h"
#define MAIN_LINES (LINES - StatusLines - InputLines)
static struct Window {
uint id;
int scroll;
bool mark;
bool mute;
bool time;
enum Heat thresh;
enum Heat heat;
uint unreadSoft;
uint unreadHard;
uint unreadWarm;
struct Buffer *buffer;
} *windows[IDCap];
static uint count;
static uint show;
static uint swap;
static uint user;
static uint windowPush(struct Window *window) {
assert(count < IDCap);
windows[count] = window;
return count++;
static uint windowInsert(uint num, struct Window *window) {
assert(count < IDCap);
assert(num <= count);
&windows[num + 1],
sizeof(*windows) * (count - num)
windows[num] = window;
return num;
static struct Window *windowRemove(uint num) {
assert(num < count);
struct Window *window = windows[num];
&windows[num + 1],
sizeof(*windows) * (count - num)
return window;
static void windowFree(struct Window *window) {
completeRemove(None, idNames[window->id]);
enum Heat windowThreshold = Cold;
struct Time windowTime = { .format = "%X" };
uint windowFor(uint id) {
for (uint num = 0; num < count; ++num) {
if (windows[num]->id == id) return num;
struct Window *window = calloc(1, sizeof(*window));
if (!window) err(EX_OSERR, "malloc");
window->id = id;
window->mark = true;
window->time = windowTime.enable;
if (id == Network || id == Debug) {
window->thresh = Cold;
} else {
window->thresh = windowThreshold;
window->buffer = bufferAlloc();
completeAdd(None, idNames[id], idColors[id]);
return windowPush(window);
enum { TimeCap = 64 };
void windowInit(void) {
char fmt[TimeCap];
char buf[TimeCap];
styleStrip(fmt, sizeof(fmt), windowTime.format);
struct tm *time = localtime(&(time_t) { -22100400 });
size_t len = strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, time);
if (!len) errx(EX_CONFIG, "invalid timestamp format: %s", fmt);
int y;
waddstr(uiMain, buf);
waddch(uiMain, ' ');
getyx(uiMain, y, windowTime.width);
static int styleAdd(WINDOW *win, struct Style init, const char *str) {
struct Style style = init;
while (*str) {
size_t len = styleParse(&style, &str);
wattr_set(win, uiAttr(style), uiPair(style), NULL);
if (waddnstr(win, str, len) == ERR)
return -1;
str += len;
return 0;
static void statusUpdate(void) {
struct {
uint unread;
enum Heat heat;
} others = { 0, Cold };
wmove(uiStatus, 0, 0);
for (uint num = 0; num < count; ++num) {
const struct Window *window = windows[num];
if (num != show && !window->scroll) {
if (window->heat < Warm) continue;
if (window->mute && window->heat < Hot) continue;
if (num != show) {
others.unread += window->unreadWarm;
if (window->heat > others.heat) others.heat = window->heat;
char buf[256], *end = &buf[sizeof(buf)];
char *ptr = seprintf(
buf, end, "\3%d%s %u%s%s %s ",
idColors[window->id], (num == show ? "\26" : ""),
num, window->thresh[(const char *[]) { "-", "", "+", "++" }],
&"="[!window->mute], idNames[window->id]
if (window->mark && window->unreadWarm) {
ptr = seprintf(
ptr, end, "\3%d+%d\3%d%s",
(window->heat > Warm ? White : idColors[window->id]),
window->unreadWarm, idColors[window->id],
(window->scroll ? "" : " ")
if (window->scroll) {
ptr = seprintf(ptr, end, "~%d ", window->scroll);
if (styleAdd(uiStatus, StyleDefault, buf) < 0) break;
const struct Window *window = windows[show];
char *end = &uiTitle[sizeof(uiTitle)];
char *ptr = seprintf(
uiTitle, end, "%s %s",, idNames[window->id]
if (window->mark && window->unreadWarm) {
ptr = seprintf(
ptr, end, " +%d%s", window->unreadWarm, &"!"[window->heat < Hot]
if (others.unread) {
ptr = seprintf(
ptr, end, " (+%d%s)", others.unread, &"!"[others.heat < Hot]
static size_t windowTop(const struct Window *window) {
size_t top = BufferCap - MAIN_LINES - window->scroll;
if (window->scroll) top += MarkerLines;
return top;
static size_t windowBottom(const struct Window *window) {
size_t bottom = BufferCap - (window->scroll ?: 1);
if (window->scroll) bottom -= SplitLines + MarkerLines;
return bottom;
static void mainAdd(int y, bool time, const struct Line *line) {
int ny, nx;
wmove(uiMain, y, 0);
if (!line || !line->str[0]) {
if (time && line->time) {
char buf[TimeCap];
strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), windowTime.format, localtime(&line->time));
struct Style init = { .fg = Gray, .bg = Default };
styleAdd(uiMain, init, buf);
waddch(uiMain, ' ');
} else if (time) {
whline(uiMain, ' ', windowTime.width);
wmove(uiMain, y, windowTime.width);
styleAdd(uiMain, StyleDefault, line->str);
getyx(uiMain, ny, nx);
if (ny != y) return;
static void mainUpdate(void) {
const struct Window *window = windows[show];
int y = 0;
int marker = MAIN_LINES - SplitLines - MarkerLines;
for (size_t i = windowTop(window); i < BufferCap; ++i) {
mainAdd(y++, window->time, bufferHard(window->buffer, i));
if (window->scroll && y == marker) break;
if (!window->scroll) return;
y = MAIN_LINES - SplitLines;
for (size_t i = BufferCap - SplitLines; i < BufferCap; ++i) {
mainAdd(y++, window->time, bufferHard(window->buffer, i));
wattr_set(uiMain, A_NORMAL, 0, NULL);
mvwhline(uiMain, marker, 0, ACS_BULLET, COLS);
void windowUpdate(void) {
void windowBare(void) {
2022-02-20 01:20:19 +00:00
const struct Window *window = windows[show];
const struct Line *line = bufferHard(window->buffer, windowBottom(window));
uint num = 0;
if (line) num = line->num;
for (size_t i = 0; i < BufferCap; ++i) {
line = bufferSoft(window->buffer, i);
if (!line) continue;
if (line->num > num) break;
if (!line->str[0]) {
char buf[TimeCap];
struct Style style = { .fg = Gray, .bg = Default };
strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), windowTime.format, localtime(&line->time));
vid_attr(uiAttr(style), uiPair(style), NULL);
printf("%s ", buf);
bool align = false;
style = StyleDefault;
for (const char *str = line->str; *str;) {
if (*str == '\t') {
printf("%c", (align ? '\t' : ' '));
align = true;
size_t len = styleParse(&style, &str);
size_t tab = strcspn(str, "\t");
if (tab < len) len = tab;
vid_attr(uiAttr(style), uiPair(style), NULL);
printf("%.*s", (int)len, str);
str += len;
static void mark(struct Window *window) {
if (window->scroll) return;
window->mark = true;
window->unreadSoft = 0;
window->unreadWarm = 0;
static void unmark(struct Window *window) {
if (!window->scroll) {
window->mark = false;
window->heat = Cold;
static void scrollN(struct Window *window, int n) {
window->scroll += n;
if (window->scroll > BufferCap - MAIN_LINES) {
window->scroll = BufferCap - MAIN_LINES;
if (window->scroll < 0) window->scroll = 0;
if (window == windows[show]) mainUpdate();
static void scrollTo(struct Window *window, int top) {
window->scroll = 0;
scrollN(window, top - MAIN_LINES + MarkerLines);
static int windowCols(const struct Window *window) {
return COLS - (window->time ? windowTime.width : 0);
bool windowWrite(uint id, enum Heat heat, const time_t *src, const char *str) {
struct Window *window = windows[windowFor(id)];
time_t ts = (src ? *src : time(NULL));
if (heat >= window->thresh) {
if (!window->unreadSoft++) window->unreadHard = 0;
if (window->mark && heat > Cold) {
if (!window->unreadWarm++) {
int lines = bufferPush(
window->buffer, windowCols(window),
window->thresh, Warm, ts, ""
if (window->scroll) scrollN(window, lines);
if (window->unreadSoft > 1) {
window->unreadHard += lines;
if (heat > window->heat) window->heat = heat;
int lines = bufferPush(
window->buffer, windowCols(window),
window->thresh, heat, ts, str
window->unreadHard += lines;
if (window->scroll) scrollN(window, lines);
if (window == windows[show]) mainUpdate();
return window->mark && heat > Warm;
static void reflow(struct Window *window) {
uint num = 0;
const struct Line *line = bufferHard(window->buffer, windowTop(window));
if (line) num = line->num;
window->unreadHard = bufferReflow(
window->buffer, windowCols(window),
window->thresh, window->unreadSoft
if (!window->scroll || !num) return;
for (size_t i = 0; i < BufferCap; ++i) {
line = bufferHard(window->buffer, i);
if (!line || line->num != num) continue;
scrollTo(window, BufferCap - i);
void windowResize(void) {
for (uint num = 0; num < count; ++num) {
uint windowID(void) {
return windows[show]->id;
uint windowNum(void) {
return show;
void windowShow(uint num) {
if (num >= count) return;
if (num != show) {
swap = show;
show = num;
user = num;
2022-02-20 01:20:19 +00:00
void windowAuto(void) {
uint minHot = UINT_MAX, numHot = 0;
uint minWarm = UINT_MAX, numWarm = 0;
for (uint num = 0; num < count; ++num) {
struct Window *window = windows[num];
if (window->heat >= Hot) {
if (window->unreadWarm >= minHot) continue;
minHot = window->unreadWarm;
numHot = num;
if (window->heat >= Warm && !window->mute) {
if (window->unreadWarm >= minWarm) continue;
minWarm = window->unreadWarm;
numWarm = num;
uint oldUser = user;
if (minHot < UINT_MAX) {
user = oldUser;
} else if (minWarm < UINT_MAX) {
user = oldUser;
} else if (user != show) {
void windowSwap(void) {
void windowMove(uint from, uint to) {
if (from >= count) return;
struct Window *window = windowRemove(from);
if (to < count) {
windowShow(windowInsert(to, window));
} else {
void windowClose(uint num) {
if (num >= count) return;
if (windows[num]->id == Network) return;
struct Window *window = windowRemove(num);
if (swap >= num) swap--;
if (show == num) {
swap = show;
} else if (show > num) {
void windowList(void) {
for (uint num = 0; num < count; ++num) {
const struct Window *window = windows[num];
Network, Warm, NULL, "\3%02d%u %s",
idColors[window->id], num, idNames[window->id]
void windowMark(void) {
void windowUnmark(void) {
void windowToggleMute(void) {
windows[show]->mute ^= true;
void windowToggleTime(void) {
windows[show]->time ^= true;
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void windowToggleThresh(int n) {
struct Window *window = windows[show];
if (n > 0 && window->thresh == Hot) return;
if (n < 0 && window->thresh == Ice) {
window->thresh = Cold;
} else {
window->thresh += n;
bool windowTimeEnable(void) {
return windows[show]->time;
void windowScroll(enum Scroll by, int n) {
struct Window *window = windows[show];
switch (by) {
break; case ScrollOne: {
scrollN(window, n);
break; case ScrollPage: {
scrollN(window, n * (MAIN_LINES - SplitLines - MarkerLines - 1));
break; case ScrollAll: {
if (n < 0) {
scrollTo(window, 0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < BufferCap; ++i) {
if (!bufferHard(window->buffer, i)) continue;
scrollTo(window, BufferCap - i);
break; case ScrollUnread: {
scrollTo(window, window->unreadHard);
break; case ScrollHot: {
for (size_t i = windowTop(window) + n; i < BufferCap; i += n) {
const struct Line *line = bufferHard(window->buffer, i);
const struct Line *prev = bufferHard(window->buffer, i - 1);
if (!line || line->heat < Hot) continue;
if (prev && prev->heat > Warm) continue;
scrollTo(window, BufferCap - i);
void windowSearch(const char *str, int dir) {
struct Window *window = windows[show];
for (size_t i = windowTop(window) + dir; i < BufferCap; i += dir) {
const struct Line *line = bufferHard(window->buffer, i);
if (!line || !strcasestr(line->str, str)) continue;
scrollTo(window, BufferCap - i);
static int writeTime(FILE *file, time_t time) {
return (fwrite(&time, sizeof(time), 1, file) ? 0 : -1);
static int writeString(FILE *file, const char *str) {
return (fwrite(str, strlen(str) + 1, 1, file) ? 0 : -1);
int windowSave(FILE *file) {
int error;
for (uint num = 0; num < count; ++num) {
const struct Window *window = windows[num];
error = 0
|| writeString(file, idNames[window->id])
|| writeTime(file, window->mute)
|| writeTime(file, window->time)
|| writeTime(file, window->thresh)
|| writeTime(file, window->heat)
|| writeTime(file, window->unreadSoft)
|| writeTime(file, window->unreadWarm);
if (error) return error;
for (size_t i = 0; i < BufferCap; ++i) {
const struct Line *line = bufferSoft(window->buffer, i);
if (!line) continue;
error = 0
|| writeTime(file, line->time)
|| writeTime(file, line->heat)
|| writeString(file, line->str);
if (error) return error;
error = writeTime(file, 0);
if (error) return error;
return writeString(file, "");
static time_t readTime(FILE *file) {
time_t time;
fread(&time, sizeof(time), 1, file);
if (ferror(file)) err(EX_IOERR, "fread");
if (feof(file)) errx(EX_DATAERR, "unexpected eof");
return time;
static ssize_t readString(FILE *file, char **buf, size_t *cap) {
ssize_t len = getdelim(buf, cap, '\0', file);
if (len < 0 && !feof(file)) err(EX_IOERR, "getdelim");
return len;
void windowLoad(FILE *file, size_t version) {
size_t cap = 0;
char *buf = NULL;
while (0 < readString(file, &buf, &cap) && buf[0]) {
struct Window *window = windows[windowFor(idFor(buf))];
if (version > 3) window->mute = readTime(file);
if (version > 6) window->time = readTime(file);
if (version > 5) window->thresh = readTime(file);
if (version > 0) {
window->heat = readTime(file);
window->unreadSoft = readTime(file);
window->unreadWarm = readTime(file);
for (;;) {
time_t time = readTime(file);
if (!time) break;
enum Heat heat = (version > 2 ? readTime(file) : Cold);
readString(file, &buf, &cap);
bufferPush(window->buffer, COLS, window->thresh, heat, time, buf);