Factor out input handling to input.c

This commit is contained in:
June McEnroe 2022-02-19 20:20:19 -05:00
parent 3359a5d69b
commit 073cebec7a
8 changed files with 424 additions and 375 deletions

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ OBJS += config.o
OBJS += edit.o
OBJS += filter.o
OBJS += handle.o
OBJS += input.o
OBJS += irc.o
OBJS += log.o
OBJS += ui.o
@ -36,7 +37,9 @@ all: catgirl
catgirl: ${OBJS}
${CC} ${LDFLAGS} ${OBJS} ${LDLIBS} -o $@
${OBJS} ${TESTS}: chat.h edit.h
${OBJS}: chat.h
edit.o edit.t input.o: edit.h
check: ${TESTS}

View File

@ -183,10 +183,12 @@ IRC connection and parsing
curses interface
.It Pa window.c
window management
.It Pa input.c
input handling
.It Pa handle.c
IRC message handling
.It Pa command.c
input command handling
command handling
.It Pa buffer.c
line wrapping
.It Pa edit.c

View File

@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
ircConfig(insecure, trust, cert, priv);
sig_t cursesWinch = signal(SIGWINCH, signalHandler);
if (save) {
@ -407,7 +407,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
ircFormat("NICK :%s\r\n", nick);
ircFormat("USER %s 0 * :%s\r\n", user, real);
// Avoid disabling VINTR until main loop.
signal(SIGHUP, signalHandler);
signal(SIGINT, signalHandler);
signal(SIGALRM, signalHandler);
@ -436,7 +437,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int nfds = poll(fds, (pipes ? ARRAY_LEN(fds) : 2), -1);
if (nfds < 0 && errno != EINTR) err(EX_IOERR, "poll");
if (nfds > 0) {
if (fds[0].revents) uiRead();
if (fds[0].revents) inputRead();
if (fds[1].revents) ircRecv();
if (fds[2].revents) utilRead();
if (fds[3].revents) execRead();
@ -488,7 +489,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// doupdate(3) needs to be called for KEY_RESIZE to be picked up.

View File

@ -311,17 +311,16 @@ enum {
extern char uiTitle[TitleCap];
extern struct _win_st *uiStatus;
extern struct _win_st *uiMain;
extern struct _win_st *uiInput;
extern bool uiSpoilerReveal;
extern struct Util uiNotifyUtil;
void uiInitEarly(void);
void uiInitLate(void);
void uiInit(void);
uint uiAttr(struct Style style);
short uiPair(struct Style style);
void uiUpdate(void);
void uiShow(void);
void uiHide(void);
void uiWait(void);
void uiDraw(void);
void uiRead(void);
void uiResize(void);
void uiWrite(uint id, enum Heat heat, const time_t *time, const char *str);
void uiFormat(
uint id, enum Heat heat, const time_t *time, const char *format, ...
@ -329,6 +328,11 @@ void uiFormat(
void uiLoad(const char *name);
int uiSave(void);
void inputInit(void);
void inputWait(void);
void inputUpdate(void);
void inputRead(void);
enum Scroll {

View File

@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ static void handleNick(struct Message *msg) {
require(msg, true, 1);
if (!strcmp(msg->nick, self.nick)) {
set(&self.nick, msg->params[0]);
uiRead(); // Update prompt.
for (uint id; (id = completeID(msg->nick));) {
if (!strcmp(idNames[id], msg->nick)) {

input.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
/* Copyright (C) 2020 June McEnroe <june@causal.agency>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7:
* If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or
* combining it with OpenSSL (or a modified version of that library),
* containing parts covered by the terms of the OpenSSL License and the
* original SSLeay license, the licensors of this Program grant you
* additional permission to convey the resulting work. Corresponding
* Source for a non-source form of such a combination shall include the
* source code for the parts of OpenSSL used as well as that of the
* covered work.
#include <curses.h>
#include <err.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sysexits.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include "chat.h"
#include "edit.h"
#define ENUM_KEY \
X(KeyCtrlLeft, "\33[1;5D", NULL) \
X(KeyCtrlRight, "\33[1;5C", NULL) \
X(KeyMeta0, "\0330", "\33)") \
X(KeyMeta1, "\0331", "\33!") \
X(KeyMeta2, "\0332", "\33@") \
X(KeyMeta3, "\0333", "\33#") \
X(KeyMeta4, "\0334", "\33$") \
X(KeyMeta5, "\0335", "\33%") \
X(KeyMeta6, "\0336", "\33^") \
X(KeyMeta7, "\0337", "\33&") \
X(KeyMeta8, "\0338", "\33*") \
X(KeyMeta9, "\0339", "\33(") \
X(KeyMetaA, "\33a", NULL) \
X(KeyMetaB, "\33b", NULL) \
X(KeyMetaD, "\33d", NULL) \
X(KeyMetaF, "\33f", NULL) \
X(KeyMetaL, "\33l", NULL) \
X(KeyMetaM, "\33m", NULL) \
X(KeyMetaN, "\33n", NULL) \
X(KeyMetaP, "\33p", NULL) \
X(KeyMetaQ, "\33q", NULL) \
X(KeyMetaS, "\33s", NULL) \
X(KeyMetaT, "\33t", NULL) \
X(KeyMetaU, "\33u", NULL) \
X(KeyMetaV, "\33v", NULL) \
X(KeyMetaEnter, "\33\r", "\33\n") \
X(KeyMetaGt, "\33>", "\33.") \
X(KeyMetaLt, "\33<", "\33,") \
X(KeyMetaEqual, "\33=", NULL) \
X(KeyMetaMinus, "\33-", "\33_") \
X(KeyMetaPlus, "\33+", NULL) \
X(KeyMetaSlash, "\33/", "\33?") \
X(KeyFocusIn, "\33[I", NULL) \
X(KeyFocusOut, "\33[O", NULL) \
X(KeyPasteOn, "\33[200~", NULL) \
X(KeyPasteOff, "\33[201~", NULL) \
X(KeyPasteManual, "\32p", "\32\20")
enum {
KeyMax = KEY_MAX,
#define X(id, seq, alt) id,
#undef X
static struct Edit edit;
void inputInit(void) {
struct termios term;
int error = tcgetattr(STDOUT_FILENO, &term);
if (error) err(EX_OSERR, "tcgetattr");
// Gain use of C-q, C-s, C-c, C-z, C-y, C-v, C-o.
term.c_iflag &= ~IXON;
#ifdef VDSUSP
error = tcsetattr(STDOUT_FILENO, TCSANOW, &term);
if (error) err(EX_OSERR, "tcsetattr");
#define X(id, seq, alt) define_key(seq, id); if (alt) define_key(alt, id);
#undef X
keypad(uiInput, true);
nodelay(uiInput, true);
static void inputAdd(struct Style reset, struct Style *style, const char *str) {
while (*str) {
const char *code = str;
size_t len = styleParse(style, &str);
wattr_set(uiInput, A_BOLD | A_REVERSE, 0, NULL);
switch (*code) {
break; case B: waddch(uiInput, 'B');
break; case C: waddch(uiInput, 'C');
break; case O: waddch(uiInput, 'O');
break; case R: waddch(uiInput, 'R');
break; case I: waddch(uiInput, 'I');
break; case U: waddch(uiInput, 'U');
break; case '\n': waddch(uiInput, 'N');
if (str - code > 1) waddnstr(uiInput, &code[1], str - &code[1]);
if (str[0] == '\n') {
*style = reset;
size_t nl = strcspn(str, "\n");
if (nl < len) len = nl;
wattr_set(uiInput, uiAttr(*style), uiPair(*style), NULL);
waddnstr(uiInput, str, len);
str += len;
static char *inputStop(
struct Style reset, struct Style *style,
const char *str, char *stop
) {
char ch = *stop;
*stop = '\0';
inputAdd(reset, style, str);
*stop = ch;
return stop;
void inputUpdate(void) {
uint id = windowID();
char *buf = editString(&edit);
const char *prefix = "";
const char *prompt = self.nick;
const char *suffix = "";
const char *skip = buf;
struct Style stylePrompt = { .fg = self.color, .bg = Default };
struct Style styleInput = StyleDefault;
size_t split = commandWillSplit(id, buf);
const char *privmsg = commandIsPrivmsg(id, buf);
const char *notice = commandIsNotice(id, buf);
const char *action = commandIsAction(id, buf);
if (privmsg) {
prefix = "<"; suffix = "> ";
skip = privmsg;
} else if (notice) {
prefix = "-"; suffix = "- ";
styleInput.fg = LightGray;
skip = notice;
} else if (action) {
prefix = "* "; suffix = " ";
stylePrompt.attr |= Italic;
styleInput.attr |= Italic;
skip = action;
} else if (id == Debug && buf[0] != '/') {
prompt = "<< ";
stylePrompt.fg = Gray;
} else {
prompt = "";
if (skip > &buf[edit.mbs.pos]) {
prefix = prompt = suffix = "";
skip = buf;
int y, x;
wmove(uiInput, 0, 0);
if (windowTimeEnable() && id != Network) {
whline(uiInput, ' ', windowTime.width);
wmove(uiInput, 0, windowTime.width);
wattr_set(uiInput, uiAttr(stylePrompt), uiPair(stylePrompt), NULL);
waddstr(uiInput, prefix);
waddstr(uiInput, prompt);
waddstr(uiInput, suffix);
getyx(uiInput, y, x);
int pos;
struct Style style = styleInput;
inputStop(styleInput, &style, skip, &buf[edit.mbs.pos]);
getyx(uiInput, y, pos);
wmove(uiInput, y, x);
style = styleInput;
const char *ptr = skip;
if (split) {
ptr = inputStop(styleInput, &style, ptr, &buf[split]);
style = styleInput;
style.bg = Red;
inputAdd(styleInput, &style, ptr);
wmove(uiInput, y, pos);
static void inputEnter(void) {
command(windowID(), editString(&edit));
editFn(&edit, EditClear);
static void keyCode(int code) {
switch (code) {
break; case KEY_RESIZE: uiResize();
break; case KeyFocusIn: windowUnmark();
break; case KeyFocusOut: windowMark();
break; case KeyMetaEnter: editInsert(&edit, L'\n');
break; case KeyMetaEqual: windowToggleMute();
break; case KeyMetaMinus: windowToggleThresh(-1);
break; case KeyMetaPlus: windowToggleThresh(+1);
break; case KeyMetaSlash: windowSwap();
break; case KeyMetaGt: windowScroll(ScrollAll, -1);
break; case KeyMetaLt: windowScroll(ScrollAll, +1);
break; case KeyMeta0 ... KeyMeta9: windowShow(code - KeyMeta0);
break; case KeyMetaA: windowAuto();
break; case KeyMetaB: editFn(&edit, EditPrevWord);
break; case KeyMetaD: editFn(&edit, EditDeleteNextWord);
break; case KeyMetaF: editFn(&edit, EditNextWord);
break; case KeyMetaL: windowBare();
break; case KeyMetaM: uiWrite(windowID(), Warm, NULL, "");
break; case KeyMetaN: windowScroll(ScrollHot, +1);
break; case KeyMetaP: windowScroll(ScrollHot, -1);
break; case KeyMetaQ: editFn(&edit, EditCollapse);
break; case KeyMetaS: uiSpoilerReveal ^= true; windowUpdate();
break; case KeyMetaT: windowToggleTime();
break; case KeyMetaU: windowScroll(ScrollUnread, 0);
break; case KeyMetaV: windowScroll(ScrollPage, +1);
break; case KeyCtrlLeft: editFn(&edit, EditPrevWord);
break; case KeyCtrlRight: editFn(&edit, EditNextWord);
break; case KEY_BACKSPACE: editFn(&edit, EditDeletePrev);
break; case KEY_DC: editFn(&edit, EditDeleteNext);
break; case KEY_DOWN: windowScroll(ScrollOne, -1);
break; case KEY_END: editFn(&edit, EditTail);
break; case KEY_ENTER: inputEnter();
break; case KEY_HOME: editFn(&edit, EditHead);
break; case KEY_LEFT: editFn(&edit, EditPrev);
break; case KEY_NPAGE: windowScroll(ScrollPage, -1);
break; case KEY_PPAGE: windowScroll(ScrollPage, +1);
break; case KEY_RIGHT: editFn(&edit, EditNext);
break; case KEY_SEND: windowScroll(ScrollAll, -1);
break; case KEY_SHOME: windowScroll(ScrollAll, +1);
break; case KEY_UP: windowScroll(ScrollOne, +1);
static void keyCtrl(wchar_t ch) {
switch (ch ^ L'@') {
break; case L'?': editFn(&edit, EditDeletePrev);
break; case L'A': editFn(&edit, EditHead);
break; case L'B': editFn(&edit, EditPrev);
break; case L'C': raise(SIGINT);
break; case L'D': editFn(&edit, EditDeleteNext);
break; case L'E': editFn(&edit, EditTail);
break; case L'F': editFn(&edit, EditNext);
break; case L'H': editFn(&edit, EditDeletePrev);
break; case L'J': inputEnter();
break; case L'K': editFn(&edit, EditDeleteTail);
break; case L'L': clearok(curscr, true);
break; case L'N': windowShow(windowNum() + 1);
break; case L'P': windowShow(windowNum() - 1);
break; case L'R': windowSearch(editString(&edit), -1);
break; case L'S': windowSearch(editString(&edit), +1);
break; case L'T': editFn(&edit, EditTranspose);
break; case L'U': editFn(&edit, EditDeleteHead);
break; case L'V': windowScroll(ScrollPage, -1);
break; case L'W': editFn(&edit, EditDeletePrevWord);
break; case L'Y': editFn(&edit, EditPaste);
static void keyStyle(wchar_t ch) {
if (iswcntrl(ch)) ch = towlower(ch ^ L'@');
char buf[8] = {0};
enum Color color = Default;
switch (ch) {
break; case L'A': color = Gray;
break; case L'B': color = Blue;
break; case L'C': color = Cyan;
break; case L'G': color = Green;
break; case L'K': color = Black;
break; case L'M': color = Magenta;
break; case L'N': color = Brown;
break; case L'O': color = Orange;
break; case L'P': color = Pink;
break; case L'R': color = Red;
break; case L'W': color = White;
break; case L'Y': color = Yellow;
break; case L'b': buf[0] = B;
break; case L'c': buf[0] = C;
break; case L'i': buf[0] = I;
break; case L'o': buf[0] = O;
break; case L'r': buf[0] = R;
break; case L's': {
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%c%02d,%02d", C, Black, Black);
break; case L'u': buf[0] = U;
if (color != Default) {
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%c%02d", C, color);
for (char *ch = buf; *ch; ++ch) {
editInsert(&edit, *ch);
static bool waiting;
void inputWait(void) {
waiting = true;
void inputRead(void) {
if (isendwin()) {
if (waiting) {
waiting = false;
} else {
wint_t ch;
static bool paste, style, literal;
for (int ret; ERR != (ret = wget_wch(uiInput, &ch));) {
bool spr = uiSpoilerReveal;
if (ret == KEY_CODE_YES && ch == KeyPasteOn) {
paste = true;
} else if (ret == KEY_CODE_YES && ch == KeyPasteOff) {
paste = false;
} else if (ret == KEY_CODE_YES && ch == KeyPasteManual) {
paste ^= true;
} else if (paste || literal) {
editInsert(&edit, ch);
} else if (ret == KEY_CODE_YES) {
} else if (ch == (L'Z' ^ L'@')) {
style = true;
} else if (style && ch == (L'V' ^ L'@')) {
literal = true;
} else if (style) {
} else if (iswcntrl(ch)) {
} else {
editInsert(&edit, ch);
style = false;
literal = false;
if (spr) {
uiSpoilerReveal = false;

View File

@ -54,7 +54,6 @@
#include "chat.h"
#include "edit.h"
// Annoying stuff from <term.h>:
#undef lines
@ -66,7 +65,7 @@
WINDOW *uiStatus;
WINDOW *uiMain;
static WINDOW *input;
WINDOW *uiInput;
static short colorPairs;
@ -101,52 +100,6 @@ static short colorPair(short fg, short bg) {
return colorPairs++;
#define ENUM_KEY \
X(KeyCtrlLeft, "\33[1;5D", NULL) \
X(KeyCtrlRight, "\33[1;5C", NULL) \
X(KeyMeta0, "\0330", "\33)") \
X(KeyMeta1, "\0331", "\33!") \
X(KeyMeta2, "\0332", "\33@") \
X(KeyMeta3, "\0333", "\33#") \
X(KeyMeta4, "\0334", "\33$") \
X(KeyMeta5, "\0335", "\33%") \
X(KeyMeta6, "\0336", "\33^") \
X(KeyMeta7, "\0337", "\33&") \
X(KeyMeta8, "\0338", "\33*") \
X(KeyMeta9, "\0339", "\33(") \
X(KeyMetaA, "\33a", NULL) \
X(KeyMetaB, "\33b", NULL) \
X(KeyMetaD, "\33d", NULL) \
X(KeyMetaF, "\33f", NULL) \
X(KeyMetaL, "\33l", NULL) \
X(KeyMetaM, "\33m", NULL) \
X(KeyMetaN, "\33n", NULL) \
X(KeyMetaP, "\33p", NULL) \
X(KeyMetaQ, "\33q", NULL) \
X(KeyMetaS, "\33s", NULL) \
X(KeyMetaT, "\33t", NULL) \
X(KeyMetaU, "\33u", NULL) \
X(KeyMetaV, "\33v", NULL) \
X(KeyMetaEnter, "\33\r", "\33\n") \
X(KeyMetaGt, "\33>", "\33.") \
X(KeyMetaLt, "\33<", "\33,") \
X(KeyMetaEqual, "\33=", NULL) \
X(KeyMetaMinus, "\33-", "\33_") \
X(KeyMetaPlus, "\33+", NULL) \
X(KeyMetaSlash, "\33/", "\33?") \
X(KeyFocusIn, "\33[I", NULL) \
X(KeyFocusOut, "\33[O", NULL) \
X(KeyPasteOn, "\33[200~", NULL) \
X(KeyPasteOff, "\33[201~", NULL) \
X(KeyPasteManual, "\32p", "\32\20")
enum {
KeyMax = KEY_MAX,
#define X(id, seq, alt) id,
#undef X
// XXX: Assuming terminals will be fine with these even if they're unsupported,
// since they're "private" modes.
static const char *FocusMode[2] = { "\33[?1004l", "\33[?1004h" };
@ -158,7 +111,7 @@ static void errExit(void) {
void uiInitEarly(void) {
void uiInit(void) {
@ -177,49 +130,20 @@ void uiInitEarly(void) {
from_status_line = "\7";
#define X(id, seq, alt) define_key(seq, id); if (alt) define_key(alt, id);
#undef X
uiStatus = newwin(StatusLines, COLS, 0, 0);
if (!uiStatus) err(EX_OSERR, "newwin");
uiMain = newwin(MAIN_LINES, COLS, StatusLines, 0);
if (!uiMain) err(EX_OSERR, "newwin");
input = newpad(InputLines, InputCols);
if (!input) err(EX_OSERR, "newpad");
keypad(input, true);
nodelay(input, true);
uiInput = newpad(InputLines, InputCols);
if (!uiInput) err(EX_OSERR, "newpad");
// Avoid disabling VINTR until main loop.
void uiInitLate(void) {
struct termios term;
int error = tcgetattr(STDOUT_FILENO, &term);
if (error) err(EX_OSERR, "tcgetattr");
// Gain use of C-q, C-s, C-c, C-z, C-y, C-v, C-o.
term.c_iflag &= ~IXON;
#ifdef VDSUSP
error = tcsetattr(STDOUT_FILENO, TCSANOW, &term);
if (error) err(EX_OSERR, "tcsetattr");
static bool hidden = true;
static bool waiting;
char uiTitle[TitleCap];
static char prevTitle[TitleCap];
@ -229,9 +153,9 @@ void uiDraw(void) {
int y, x;
getyx(input, y, x);
getyx(uiInput, y, x);
0, (x + 1 > RIGHT ? x + 1 - RIGHT : 0),
LINES - InputLines, 0,
@ -284,10 +208,10 @@ uint uiAttr(struct Style style) {
return attr | colorAttr(Colors[style.fg]);
static bool spoilerReveal;
bool uiSpoilerReveal;
short uiPair(struct Style style) {
if (spoilerReveal && style.fg == style.bg) {
if (uiSpoilerReveal && style.fg == style.bg) {
return colorPair(Colors[Default], Colors[style.bg]);
return colorPair(Colors[style.fg], Colors[style.bg]);
@ -312,10 +236,6 @@ void uiHide(void) {
void uiWait(void) {
waiting = true;
struct Util uiNotifyUtil;
static void notify(uint id, const char *str) {
if (self.restricted) return;
@ -361,283 +281,12 @@ void uiFormat(
uiWrite(id, heat, time, buf);
static void resize(void) {
void uiResize(void) {
wresize(uiMain, MAIN_LINES, COLS);
static void inputAdd(struct Style reset, struct Style *style, const char *str) {
while (*str) {
const char *code = str;
size_t len = styleParse(style, &str);
wattr_set(input, A_BOLD | A_REVERSE, 0, NULL);
switch (*code) {
break; case B: waddch(input, 'B');
break; case C: waddch(input, 'C');
break; case O: waddch(input, 'O');
break; case R: waddch(input, 'R');
break; case I: waddch(input, 'I');
break; case U: waddch(input, 'U');
break; case '\n': waddch(input, 'N');
if (str - code > 1) waddnstr(input, &code[1], str - &code[1]);
if (str[0] == '\n') {
*style = reset;
size_t nl = strcspn(str, "\n");
if (nl < len) len = nl;
wattr_set(input, uiAttr(*style), uiPair(*style), NULL);
waddnstr(input, str, len);
str += len;
static char *inputStop(
struct Style reset, struct Style *style,
const char *str, char *stop
) {
char ch = *stop;
*stop = '\0';
inputAdd(reset, style, str);
*stop = ch;
return stop;
static struct Edit edit;
void uiUpdate(void) {
char *buf = editString(&edit);
uint id = windowID();
const char *prefix = "";
const char *prompt = self.nick;
const char *suffix = "";
const char *skip = buf;
struct Style stylePrompt = { .fg = self.color, .bg = Default };
struct Style styleInput = StyleDefault;
size_t split = commandWillSplit(id, buf);
const char *privmsg = commandIsPrivmsg(id, buf);
const char *notice = commandIsNotice(id, buf);
const char *action = commandIsAction(id, buf);
if (privmsg) {
prefix = "<"; suffix = "> ";
skip = privmsg;
} else if (notice) {
prefix = "-"; suffix = "- ";
styleInput.fg = LightGray;
skip = notice;
} else if (action) {
prefix = "* "; suffix = " ";
stylePrompt.attr |= Italic;
styleInput.attr |= Italic;
skip = action;
} else if (id == Debug && buf[0] != '/') {
prompt = "<< ";
stylePrompt.fg = Gray;
} else {
prompt = "";
if (skip > &buf[edit.mbs.pos]) {
prefix = prompt = suffix = "";
skip = buf;
int y, x;
wmove(input, 0, 0);
if (windowTimeEnable() && id != Network) {
whline(input, ' ', windowTime.width);
wmove(input, 0, windowTime.width);
wattr_set(input, uiAttr(stylePrompt), uiPair(stylePrompt), NULL);
waddstr(input, prefix);
waddstr(input, prompt);
waddstr(input, suffix);
getyx(input, y, x);
int pos;
struct Style style = styleInput;
inputStop(styleInput, &style, skip, &buf[edit.mbs.pos]);
getyx(input, y, pos);
wmove(input, y, x);
style = styleInput;
const char *ptr = skip;
if (split) {
ptr = inputStop(styleInput, &style, ptr, &buf[split]);
style = styleInput;
style.bg = Red;
inputAdd(styleInput, &style, ptr);
wmove(input, y, pos);
static void inputEnter(void) {
command(windowID(), editString(&edit));
editFn(&edit, EditClear);
static void keyCode(int code) {
switch (code) {
break; case KEY_RESIZE: resize();
break; case KeyFocusIn: windowUnmark();
break; case KeyFocusOut: windowMark();
break; case KeyMetaEnter: editInsert(&edit, L'\n');
break; case KeyMetaEqual: windowToggleMute();
break; case KeyMetaMinus: windowToggleThresh(-1);
break; case KeyMetaPlus: windowToggleThresh(+1);
break; case KeyMetaSlash: windowSwap();
break; case KeyMetaGt: windowScroll(ScrollAll, -1);
break; case KeyMetaLt: windowScroll(ScrollAll, +1);
break; case KeyMeta0 ... KeyMeta9: windowShow(code - KeyMeta0);
break; case KeyMetaA: windowAuto();
break; case KeyMetaB: editFn(&edit, EditPrevWord);
break; case KeyMetaD: editFn(&edit, EditDeleteNextWord);
break; case KeyMetaF: editFn(&edit, EditNextWord);
break; case KeyMetaL: windowBare();
break; case KeyMetaM: uiWrite(windowID(), Warm, NULL, "");
break; case KeyMetaN: windowScroll(ScrollHot, +1);
break; case KeyMetaP: windowScroll(ScrollHot, -1);
break; case KeyMetaQ: editFn(&edit, EditCollapse);
break; case KeyMetaS: spoilerReveal ^= true; windowUpdate();
break; case KeyMetaT: windowToggleTime();
break; case KeyMetaU: windowScroll(ScrollUnread, 0);
break; case KeyMetaV: windowScroll(ScrollPage, +1);
break; case KeyCtrlLeft: editFn(&edit, EditPrevWord);
break; case KeyCtrlRight: editFn(&edit, EditNextWord);
break; case KEY_BACKSPACE: editFn(&edit, EditDeletePrev);
break; case KEY_DC: editFn(&edit, EditDeleteNext);
break; case KEY_DOWN: windowScroll(ScrollOne, -1);
break; case KEY_END: editFn(&edit, EditTail);
break; case KEY_ENTER: inputEnter();
break; case KEY_HOME: editFn(&edit, EditHead);
break; case KEY_LEFT: editFn(&edit, EditPrev);
break; case KEY_NPAGE: windowScroll(ScrollPage, -1);
break; case KEY_PPAGE: windowScroll(ScrollPage, +1);
break; case KEY_RIGHT: editFn(&edit, EditNext);
break; case KEY_SEND: windowScroll(ScrollAll, -1);
break; case KEY_SHOME: windowScroll(ScrollAll, +1);
break; case KEY_UP: windowScroll(ScrollOne, +1);
static void keyCtrl(wchar_t ch) {
switch (ch ^ L'@') {
break; case L'?': editFn(&edit, EditDeletePrev);
break; case L'A': editFn(&edit, EditHead);
break; case L'B': editFn(&edit, EditPrev);
break; case L'C': raise(SIGINT);
break; case L'D': editFn(&edit, EditDeleteNext);
break; case L'E': editFn(&edit, EditTail);
break; case L'F': editFn(&edit, EditNext);
break; case L'H': editFn(&edit, EditDeletePrev);
break; case L'J': inputEnter();
break; case L'K': editFn(&edit, EditDeleteTail);
break; case L'L': clearok(curscr, true);
break; case L'N': windowShow(windowNum() + 1);
break; case L'P': windowShow(windowNum() - 1);
break; case L'R': windowSearch(editString(&edit), -1);
break; case L'S': windowSearch(editString(&edit), +1);
break; case L'T': editFn(&edit, EditTranspose);
break; case L'U': editFn(&edit, EditDeleteHead);
break; case L'V': windowScroll(ScrollPage, -1);
break; case L'W': editFn(&edit, EditDeletePrevWord);
break; case L'Y': editFn(&edit, EditPaste);
static void keyStyle(wchar_t ch) {
if (iswcntrl(ch)) ch = towlower(ch ^ L'@');
char buf[8] = {0};
enum Color color = Default;
switch (ch) {
break; case L'A': color = Gray;
break; case L'B': color = Blue;
break; case L'C': color = Cyan;
break; case L'G': color = Green;
break; case L'K': color = Black;
break; case L'M': color = Magenta;
break; case L'N': color = Brown;
break; case L'O': color = Orange;
break; case L'P': color = Pink;
break; case L'R': color = Red;
break; case L'W': color = White;
break; case L'Y': color = Yellow;
break; case L'b': buf[0] = B;
break; case L'c': buf[0] = C;
break; case L'i': buf[0] = I;
break; case L'o': buf[0] = O;
break; case L'r': buf[0] = R;
break; case L's': {
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%c%02d,%02d", C, Black, Black);
break; case L'u': buf[0] = U;
if (color != Default) {
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%c%02d", C, color);
for (char *ch = buf; *ch; ++ch) {
editInsert(&edit, *ch);
void uiRead(void) {
if (hidden) {
if (waiting) {
waiting = false;
} else {
wint_t ch;
static bool paste, style, literal;
for (int ret; ERR != (ret = wget_wch(input, &ch));) {
bool spr = spoilerReveal;
if (ret == KEY_CODE_YES && ch == KeyPasteOn) {
paste = true;
} else if (ret == KEY_CODE_YES && ch == KeyPasteOff) {
paste = false;
} else if (ret == KEY_CODE_YES && ch == KeyPasteManual) {
paste ^= true;
} else if (paste || literal) {
editInsert(&edit, ch);
} else if (ret == KEY_CODE_YES) {
} else if (ch == (L'Z' ^ L'@')) {
style = true;
} else if (style && ch == (L'V' ^ L'@')) {
literal = true;
} else if (style) {
} else if (iswcntrl(ch)) {
} else {
editInsert(&edit, ch);
style = false;
literal = false;
if (spr) {
spoilerReveal = false;
static FILE *saveFile;
static const uint64_t Signatures[] = {

View File

@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ void windowUpdate(void) {
void windowBare(void) {
const struct Window *window = windows[show];
const struct Line *line = bufferHard(window->buffer, windowBottom(window));
@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ void windowShow(uint num) {
user = num;
void windowAuto(void) {
@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ void windowToggleTime(void) {
windows[show]->time ^= true;
void windowToggleThresh(int n) {