
391 lines
11 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 2020 June McEnroe <>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* Additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7:
* If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or
* combining it with OpenSSL (or a modified version of that library),
* containing parts covered by the terms of the OpenSSL License and the
* original SSLeay license, the licensors of this Program grant you
* additional permission to convey the resulting work. Corresponding
* Source for a non-source form of such a combination shall include the
* source code for the parts of OpenSSL used as well as that of the
* covered work.
#include <curses.h>
#include <err.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sysexits.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include "chat.h"
#include "edit.h"
#define ENUM_KEY \
X(KeyCtrlLeft, "\33[1;5D", NULL) \
X(KeyCtrlRight, "\33[1;5C", NULL) \
X(KeyMeta0, "\0330", "\33)") \
X(KeyMeta1, "\0331", "\33!") \
X(KeyMeta2, "\0332", "\33@") \
X(KeyMeta3, "\0333", "\33#") \
X(KeyMeta4, "\0334", "\33$") \
X(KeyMeta5, "\0335", "\33%") \
X(KeyMeta6, "\0336", "\33^") \
X(KeyMeta7, "\0337", "\33&") \
X(KeyMeta8, "\0338", "\33*") \
X(KeyMeta9, "\0339", "\33(") \
X(KeyMetaA, "\33a", NULL) \
X(KeyMetaB, "\33b", NULL) \
X(KeyMetaD, "\33d", NULL) \
X(KeyMetaF, "\33f", NULL) \
X(KeyMetaL, "\33l", NULL) \
X(KeyMetaM, "\33m", NULL) \
X(KeyMetaN, "\33n", NULL) \
X(KeyMetaP, "\33p", NULL) \
X(KeyMetaQ, "\33q", NULL) \
X(KeyMetaS, "\33s", NULL) \
X(KeyMetaT, "\33t", NULL) \
X(KeyMetaU, "\33u", NULL) \
X(KeyMetaV, "\33v", NULL) \
X(KeyMetaEnter, "\33\r", "\33\n") \
X(KeyMetaGt, "\33>", "\33.") \
X(KeyMetaLt, "\33<", "\33,") \
X(KeyMetaEqual, "\33=", NULL) \
X(KeyMetaMinus, "\33-", "\33_") \
X(KeyMetaPlus, "\33+", NULL) \
X(KeyMetaSlash, "\33/", "\33?") \
X(KeyFocusIn, "\33[I", NULL) \
X(KeyFocusOut, "\33[O", NULL) \
X(KeyPasteOn, "\33[200~", NULL) \
X(KeyPasteOff, "\33[201~", NULL) \
X(KeyPasteManual, "\32p", "\32\20")
enum {
KeyMax = KEY_MAX,
#define X(id, seq, alt) id,
#undef X
static struct Edit edit;
void inputInit(void) {
struct termios term;
int error = tcgetattr(STDOUT_FILENO, &term);
if (error) err(EX_OSERR, "tcgetattr");
// Gain use of C-q, C-s, C-c, C-z, C-y, C-v, C-o.
term.c_iflag &= ~IXON;
#ifdef VDSUSP
error = tcsetattr(STDOUT_FILENO, TCSANOW, &term);
if (error) err(EX_OSERR, "tcsetattr");
#define X(id, seq, alt) define_key(seq, id); if (alt) define_key(alt, id);
#undef X
keypad(uiInput, true);
nodelay(uiInput, true);
static void inputAdd(struct Style reset, struct Style *style, const char *str) {
while (*str) {
const char *code = str;
size_t len = styleParse(style, &str);
wattr_set(uiInput, A_BOLD | A_REVERSE, 0, NULL);
switch (*code) {
break; case B: waddch(uiInput, 'B');
break; case C: waddch(uiInput, 'C');
break; case O: waddch(uiInput, 'O');
break; case R: waddch(uiInput, 'R');
break; case I: waddch(uiInput, 'I');
break; case U: waddch(uiInput, 'U');
break; case '\n': waddch(uiInput, 'N');
if (str - code > 1) waddnstr(uiInput, &code[1], str - &code[1]);
if (str[0] == '\n') {
*style = reset;
size_t nl = strcspn(str, "\n");
if (nl < len) len = nl;
wattr_set(uiInput, uiAttr(*style), uiPair(*style), NULL);
waddnstr(uiInput, str, len);
str += len;
static char *inputStop(
struct Style reset, struct Style *style,
const char *str, char *stop
) {
char ch = *stop;
*stop = '\0';
inputAdd(reset, style, str);
*stop = ch;
return stop;
void inputUpdate(void) {
uint id = windowID();
char *buf = editString(&edit);
const char *prefix = "";
const char *prompt = self.nick;
const char *suffix = "";
const char *skip = buf;
struct Style stylePrompt = { .fg = self.color, .bg = Default };
struct Style styleInput = StyleDefault;
size_t split = commandWillSplit(id, buf);
const char *privmsg = commandIsPrivmsg(id, buf);
const char *notice = commandIsNotice(id, buf);
const char *action = commandIsAction(id, buf);
if (privmsg) {
prefix = "<"; suffix = "> ";
skip = privmsg;
} else if (notice) {
prefix = "-"; suffix = "- ";
styleInput.fg = LightGray;
skip = notice;
} else if (action) {
prefix = "* "; suffix = " ";
stylePrompt.attr |= Italic;
styleInput.attr |= Italic;
skip = action;
} else if (id == Debug && buf[0] != '/') {
prompt = "<< ";
stylePrompt.fg = Gray;
} else {
prompt = "";
if (skip > &buf[edit.mbs.pos]) {
prefix = prompt = suffix = "";
skip = buf;
int y, x;
wmove(uiInput, 0, 0);
if (windowTimeEnable() && id != Network) {
whline(uiInput, ' ', windowTime.width);
wmove(uiInput, 0, windowTime.width);
wattr_set(uiInput, uiAttr(stylePrompt), uiPair(stylePrompt), NULL);
waddstr(uiInput, prefix);
waddstr(uiInput, prompt);
waddstr(uiInput, suffix);
getyx(uiInput, y, x);
int pos;
struct Style style = styleInput;
inputStop(styleInput, &style, skip, &buf[edit.mbs.pos]);
getyx(uiInput, y, pos);
wmove(uiInput, y, x);
style = styleInput;
const char *ptr = skip;
if (split) {
ptr = inputStop(styleInput, &style, ptr, &buf[split]);
style = styleInput; = Red;
inputAdd(styleInput, &style, ptr);
wmove(uiInput, y, pos);
static void inputEnter(void) {
command(windowID(), editString(&edit));
editFn(&edit, EditClear);
static void keyCode(int code) {
switch (code) {
break; case KEY_RESIZE: uiResize();
break; case KeyFocusIn: windowUnmark();
break; case KeyFocusOut: windowMark();
break; case KeyMetaEnter: editInsert(&edit, L'\n');
break; case KeyMetaEqual: windowToggleMute();
break; case KeyMetaMinus: windowToggleThresh(-1);
break; case KeyMetaPlus: windowToggleThresh(+1);
break; case KeyMetaSlash: windowSwap();
break; case KeyMetaGt: windowScroll(ScrollAll, -1);
break; case KeyMetaLt: windowScroll(ScrollAll, +1);
break; case KeyMeta0 ... KeyMeta9: windowShow(code - KeyMeta0);
break; case KeyMetaA: windowAuto();
break; case KeyMetaB: editFn(&edit, EditPrevWord);
break; case KeyMetaD: editFn(&edit, EditDeleteNextWord);
break; case KeyMetaF: editFn(&edit, EditNextWord);
break; case KeyMetaL: windowBare();
break; case KeyMetaM: uiWrite(windowID(), Warm, NULL, "");
break; case KeyMetaN: windowScroll(ScrollHot, +1);
break; case KeyMetaP: windowScroll(ScrollHot, -1);
break; case KeyMetaQ: editFn(&edit, EditCollapse);
break; case KeyMetaS: uiSpoilerReveal ^= true; windowUpdate();
break; case KeyMetaT: windowToggleTime();
break; case KeyMetaU: windowScroll(ScrollUnread, 0);
break; case KeyMetaV: windowScroll(ScrollPage, +1);
break; case KeyCtrlLeft: editFn(&edit, EditPrevWord);
break; case KeyCtrlRight: editFn(&edit, EditNextWord);
break; case KEY_BACKSPACE: editFn(&edit, EditDeletePrev);
break; case KEY_DC: editFn(&edit, EditDeleteNext);
break; case KEY_DOWN: windowScroll(ScrollOne, -1);
break; case KEY_END: editFn(&edit, EditTail);
break; case KEY_ENTER: inputEnter();
break; case KEY_HOME: editFn(&edit, EditHead);
break; case KEY_LEFT: editFn(&edit, EditPrev);
break; case KEY_NPAGE: windowScroll(ScrollPage, -1);
break; case KEY_PPAGE: windowScroll(ScrollPage, +1);
break; case KEY_RIGHT: editFn(&edit, EditNext);
break; case KEY_SEND: windowScroll(ScrollAll, -1);
break; case KEY_SHOME: windowScroll(ScrollAll, +1);
break; case KEY_UP: windowScroll(ScrollOne, +1);
static void keyCtrl(wchar_t ch) {
switch (ch ^ L'@') {
break; case L'?': editFn(&edit, EditDeletePrev);
break; case L'A': editFn(&edit, EditHead);
break; case L'B': editFn(&edit, EditPrev);
break; case L'C': raise(SIGINT);
break; case L'D': editFn(&edit, EditDeleteNext);
break; case L'E': editFn(&edit, EditTail);
break; case L'F': editFn(&edit, EditNext);
break; case L'H': editFn(&edit, EditDeletePrev);
break; case L'J': inputEnter();
break; case L'K': editFn(&edit, EditDeleteTail);
break; case L'L': clearok(curscr, true);
break; case L'N': windowShow(windowNum() + 1);
break; case L'P': windowShow(windowNum() - 1);
break; case L'R': windowSearch(editString(&edit), -1);
break; case L'S': windowSearch(editString(&edit), +1);
break; case L'T': editFn(&edit, EditTranspose);
break; case L'U': editFn(&edit, EditDeleteHead);
break; case L'V': windowScroll(ScrollPage, -1);
break; case L'W': editFn(&edit, EditDeletePrevWord);
break; case L'Y': editFn(&edit, EditPaste);
static void keyStyle(wchar_t ch) {
if (iswcntrl(ch)) ch = towlower(ch ^ L'@');
char buf[8] = {0};
enum Color color = Default;
switch (ch) {
break; case L'A': color = Gray;
break; case L'B': color = Blue;
break; case L'C': color = Cyan;
break; case L'G': color = Green;
break; case L'K': color = Black;
break; case L'M': color = Magenta;
break; case L'N': color = Brown;
break; case L'O': color = Orange;
break; case L'P': color = Pink;
break; case L'R': color = Red;
break; case L'W': color = White;
break; case L'Y': color = Yellow;
break; case L'b': buf[0] = B;
break; case L'c': buf[0] = C;
break; case L'i': buf[0] = I;
break; case L'o': buf[0] = O;
break; case L'r': buf[0] = R;
break; case L's': {
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%c%02d,%02d", C, Black, Black);
break; case L'u': buf[0] = U;
if (color != Default) {
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%c%02d", C, color);
for (char *ch = buf; *ch; ++ch) {
editInsert(&edit, *ch);
static bool waiting;
void inputWait(void) {
waiting = true;
void inputRead(void) {
if (isendwin()) {
if (waiting) {
waiting = false;
} else {
wint_t ch;
static bool paste, style, literal;
for (int ret; ERR != (ret = wget_wch(uiInput, &ch));) {
bool spr = uiSpoilerReveal;
if (ret == KEY_CODE_YES && ch == KeyPasteOn) {
paste = true;
} else if (ret == KEY_CODE_YES && ch == KeyPasteOff) {
paste = false;
} else if (ret == KEY_CODE_YES && ch == KeyPasteManual) {
paste ^= true;
} else if (paste || literal) {
editInsert(&edit, ch);
} else if (ret == KEY_CODE_YES) {
} else if (ch == (L'Z' ^ L'@')) {
style = true;
} else if (style && ch == (L'V' ^ L'@')) {
literal = true;
} else if (style) {
} else if (iswcntrl(ch)) {
} else {
editInsert(&edit, ch);
style = false;
literal = false;
if (spr) {
uiSpoilerReveal = false;