272 lines
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272 lines
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package main
import (
// Style represents a pair of colors, foreground and background.
type Style struct {
fg termenv.Color
bg termenv.Color
// Convert is a wrapper for termenv.Profile.Convert, it converts the foreground
// and background colors of a Style to be within a given terminal's Profile.
func (s Style) Convert(profile termenv.Profile) Style {
return Style{
// String fills the Stringer interface and returns an ANSI escape code
// formatted to produce text in the specified Style.
func (s Style) String() string {
if s.fg == nil {
s.fg = termenv.NoColor{}
if s.bg == nil {
s.bg = termenv.NoColor{}
// TODO: Looks like the background color is overriding the foreground color. What's the proper way to do this?
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s;%sm", termenv.CSI, s.fg.Sequence(false), s.bg.Sequence(true))
// Scene holds all the necessary information to make a dynamic, weather-y ASCII
// landscape.
type Scene struct {
foreground [][]rune
background [][]rune
windground [][]rune
depth [][]rune
forecast Forecast
generator opensimplex.Noise
Width int
Height int
const (
fgPath = "foreground.txt"
depthPath = "depth.txt"
windPath = "wind.txt"
earlyPath = "early.txt"
morningPath = "morning.txt"
afternoonPath = "afternoon.txt"
nightPath = "night.txt"
var timeToPath = []string{
// NewScene accepts a path to a folder containing foreground, windground,
// depth, and background files and loads them from disk as needed to generate
// imagery for the given forecast.
func NewScene(scenePath string, forecast Forecast) (Scene, error) {
var s Scene
var err error
s.forecast = forecast
s.generator = opensimplex.NewNormalized(0)
s.foreground, err = readRunesFromFile(path.Join(scenePath, fgPath))
if err != nil {
return s, err
s.depth, err = readRunesFromFile(path.Join(scenePath, depthPath))
if err != nil {
return s, err
s.windground, err = readRunesFromFile(path.Join(scenePath, windPath))
if err != nil {
return s, err
bgPath := timeToPath[forecast.time]
s.background, err = readRunesFromFile(path.Join(scenePath, bgPath))
if err != nil {
return s, err
/*m.depthData = make([][]uint8, 0)
for i := range depthRunes {
m.depthData = append(m.depthData, make([]uint8, 0))
for j := range depthRunes[i] {
m.depthData[i] = append(m.depthData[i], uint8(depthRunes[i][j])-48)
return s, nil
// normalize adjusts the foreground, windground, depth map, and background to
// have matching widths and heights. It adjusts by cropping to the shortest
// number of lines between the four and adjusts each line to the shortest of
// any lines in any of the four maps.
func (s *Scene) normalize() {
scenes := [...][][]rune{s.foreground, s.windground, s.depth, s.background}
s.Height = 999999999
for i := range scenes {
if len(scenes[i]) < s.Height {
s.Height = len(scenes[i])
for i := range scenes {
scenes[i] = scenes[i][:s.Height]
s.Width = 999999999
for j := 0; j < s.Height; j++ {
for i := range scenes {
if len(scenes[i][j]) < s.Width {
s.Width = len(scenes[i][j])
for i := range scenes {
scenes[i][j] = scenes[i][j][:s.Width]
// TODO: Change this to a map? Map can be iterated over and still referenced by name.
s.foreground = scenes[0]
s.windground = scenes[1]
s.depth = scenes[2]
s.background = scenes[3]
func (s Scene) GetCell(x, y, time int) (rune, Style) {
fx := float64(x)
fy := float64(y)
ftime := float64(time)
fcloud := float64(s.forecast.cloudiness)
fwind := float64(s.forecast.windiness)
frain := float64(s.forecast.raininess)
char := ' '
style := Style{
// Out of bounds
if y >= s.Height || y < 0 {
return char, Style{}
if x >= s.Width || x < 0 {
return char, Style{}
depth := uint8(s.depth[y][x] - 48)
// Char selection
char = s.foreground[y][x]
// Pull from wind map if the current cell is windswept.
if fwind > 0.0 && s.generator.Eval3(fx/40+fwind/8*ftime*2, fy/20, ftime/5+fwind/10*ftime/2) > 0.6 {
char = s.windground[y][x]
// Depth 9 is considered "transparent," so use the char from the background.
if depth == 9 {
char = s.background[y][x]
if frain > 0.0 && 0.1+frain/20 > s.generator.Eval3(fx+ftime*fwind*3, fy-ftime*5, ftime/15) {
char = '|'
if fwind > 1.0 {
char = '/'
// Style selection
// Calculate fog
fog := (depth - 1) + uint8(s.forecast.visibility-1)*2
if s.forecast.visibility == 0 {
fog = (depth + uint8(s.forecast.visibility)) / 2
// Don't show fog in the sky during the night.
if depth == 9 && (s.forecast.time == Night || s.forecast.time == EarlyMorning) {
fog = 0
// Add clouds
cloudiness := 0
if depth > 8 && fcloud/5 > s.generator.Eval3(fx/50+ftime/24+ftime*(fwind/8), fy/12, 1000+ftime/80) {
cloudiness += 10
if depth > 6 && fcloud/7 > s.generator.Eval3(fx/20+ftime/14+ftime*(fwind/8), fy/6, 0+ftime/80) {
cloudiness += 10
// At night, fog obscures distant objects with darkness.
if s.forecast.time == Night || s.forecast.time == EarlyMorning {
style.fg = termenv.ANSI256Color(255 - fog - fog/2)
} else {
// Merge fog with clouds during daytime.
cloudiness += int(fog)
if cloudiness > 23 {
cloudiness = 23
if cloudiness > 0 {
style.bg = termenv.ANSI256Color(232 + cloudiness)
} else {
style.bg = termenv.ANSI256Color(232 + fog)
return char, style
// readRunesFromFile reads the file at the given path and reads it character by
// character, line by line into a slice of slices of runes.
func readRunesFromFile(filepath string) ([][]rune, error) {
file, err := os.Open(filepath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
br := bufio.NewReader(file)
img := make([][]rune, 0)
img = append(img, make([]rune, 0))
for {
r, s, err := br.ReadRune()
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
return nil, err
// Invalid unicode characters are skipped.
if r == unicode.ReplacementChar && s == 1 {
// Start a new slice on newline, otherwise append character to current slice.
if r == '\n' {
img = append(img, make([]rune, 0))
} else {
img[len(img)-1] = append(img[len(img)-1], r)
return img, nil