Add HTML output and tweak username detection. I think. These are some old changes.

diff 2021-03-26 06:07:50 +00:00
parent 0222a74997
commit f0499a26ba
1 changed files with 61 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ package main
import (
@ -40,6 +42,7 @@ func main() {
func GetStatus(args []string) {
getFlags := flag.NewFlagSet(os.Args[0]+" get", flag.ExitOnError)
freshDays := getFlags.Int("freshness", 14, "get all statuses newer than this number of days")
htmlOutput := getFlags.Bool("output-html", false, "output statuses as a list of HTML links")
freshLimit := time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, *freshDays*-1)
@ -62,6 +65,10 @@ func GetStatus(args []string) {
if *htmlOutput {
// Print the contents of all statuses
for _, statusPath := range freshStatusPaths {
statusBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(statusPath)
@ -70,6 +77,20 @@ func GetStatus(args []string) {
status := string(statusBytes)
// Get user's name
// Strip /home from path
homelessPath, err := filepath.Rel("/home", statusPath)
if err != nil {
username := filepath.Dir(homelessPath)
// Check to see if file starts with user's name.
// TODO: split this stuff out into like a normalizeStatus() function.
if !strings.HasPrefix(status, "~"+username) {
status = fmt.Sprintf("~%s: %s", username, status)
// Check to see if file starts with user's name.
if !strings.HasPrefix(status, "~") {
// Strip /home from path
@ -78,15 +99,53 @@ func GetStatus(args []string) {
// Strip .checkin from path, leaving us with the user's name.
username := filepath.Dir(homelessPath)
username = filepath.Dir(homelessPath)
status = fmt.Sprintf("~%s: %s", username, status)
// Trim trailing newline (if any)
status = strings.TrimSpace(status)
// If HTML output is wanted, detect URLs and replace them with links.
if *htmlOutput {
position := 0
links := linkify.Links(status)
statusFragments := make([]string, 0, len(links)*2+1)
for _, v := range links {
// Copy the stuff before this link and since the last.
statusFragments = append(statusFragments, status[position:v.Start])
// Format the link
link := status[v.Start:v.End]
if v.Scheme == "" {
v.Scheme = "http://"
if !strings.HasPrefix(link, v.Scheme) {
link = v.Scheme + link
link = fmt.Sprintf("<A HREF=\"%s\">%s</A>", html.EscapeString(link), html.EscapeString(status[v.Start:v.End]))
// Copy the actual link
statusFragments = append(statusFragments, link)
position = v.End
// Copy everything that remains
statusFragments = append(statusFragments, status[position:])
// Replace the initial ~user with a link to their public_html page.
homepage := fmt.Sprintf("<A HREF=\"\">~%s</A>", username, username)
statusFragments[0] = strings.Replace(statusFragments[0], "~"+username, homepage, 1)
status = "<LI>" + strings.Join(statusFragments, "") + "</LI>"
if *htmlOutput {
@ -191,7 +250,7 @@ func GetFriendlyWd(curUser *user.User) (string, error) {
// If the path is within the user's public_html directory, return an http link.
weblessPath := strings.TrimPrefix(homelessPath, "public_html/")
weblessPath := strings.TrimPrefix(homelessPath, "public_html")
if weblessPath != homelessPath {
return fmt.Sprintf("", curUser.Username, weblessPath), nil