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2023-08-21 03:23:06 +00:00
#import "template.typ": ppage, blockquote
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title: [Horses on the Brink!],
subtitle: [A supplement for SPORTS HORSE],
author: [dozens],
date: [2023-08-13]
"They can but bring horse to the water brink
But horse may choose whether that horse will drink"
_Narcissus_, 1602. \
== ABOUT <about>
_Horses on the brink!_ is a supplement for SPORTS HORSE
#link("") \
providing exciting new HORSE LOCATIONS
mysterious and engaging HORSE PLOTS
and mystical magical HORSE MAGIC.
The content provided herein is enough to get you started with a game of SPORTS
HORSE. But it doesn't tell you _everything_ you need to know. The finer details
of the HORSE LOCATIONS and the resolution of your HORSE PLOT are left up to
you. You must _play to find out_.
== HORSE MAGIC <horse-magic>
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[1], [pat], [stable], [cab],
[2], [gallop], [tight], [rein],
[3], [trot], [smart], [whip],
[4], [clean], [troubled], [stable],
[5], [whip], [careless], [groom],
[6], [temper], [strained], [stall],
[7], [stroke], [vicious], [colt],
[8], [neigh], [sore], [rider],
[9], [strain], [restless], [hostler],
[10], [whistle], [cheery], [harness],
[11], [bleed], [uphill], [hay],
[12], [flog], [shady], [bridle],
[13], [stumble], [hoof], [oat],
[14], [harness], [thoughtful], [hedge],
[15], [fret], [airy], [coachman],
[16], [chuck], [plucky], [farrier],
[17], [heal], [timid], [bran],
[18], [rein], [uncommon], [mash],
[19], [lash], [lazy], [halter],
[20], [shy], [lame], [luggage],
kind: "table",
caption: [HORSE MAGIC],
supplement: [TABLE]
) <tmagic>
Behold the wonderous wonders and mysterious mysteries of horse magic!
The most "unique" verbs, adjectives, and
nouns from _Black Beauty_
according to `Temmon/Bibliomantic_Oracles`
Here's the deal with horse magic. Roll on @tmagic from two columns of your choice at the beginning of each session.
For example, I just rolled for _adjective noun_ and got a 12 and a 3. That's _shady whip_. Spooky!
Now it's all about interpreting the spell's meaning, and negotiating its
impact and effect.
Horse magic is freeform. The only rule is that it costs dice from your
SPIRIT pool. A minor effect probably costs 1 or 2 SPIRIT. A medium
effect, 3 or 4. A large effect could cost 6 or more!
You can roll for a new horse spell at the beginning of each session, or
when the fiction calls for it. e.g. after a momentous event, after a
significant rest, etc.
Optionally roll twice, and then choose any one word
from each of the rows that you rolled.
== HORSE PLOT <horse-plot>
Ways to use @tplot:
+ *Straightforward*: Roll d6. Read the WHO the WANTS and the BUT from left to
right. This is the plot for your game.
+ *Ramdomized*: Roll d6 three times. Once for WHO, once for WANTS, and once for BUT.
This creates a more random, zanier plot for your game.
+ *Imaginative*: Do any or none or both of the above. Look at the results and let them
spark your imagination. Come up with your own characters, motivations,
and complications.
== HORSE LOCATIONS <horse-locations>
*THE OLD WATERING HOLE*: There is a wise old farmhand here.
What a glorious mustache they have. The old watering hole is shady and
cool and its muddy banks are welcoming to all creatures, tame and
wild. There is a large, large tree here, its branches reaching out
over the water.
*THE PASTURE*: Green, green grass as far as the eye can see.
Troy, a retired show horse, can be found here and will happily
reminisce about their glory days to anybody who will listen.
*THE STABLES*: Where the horses are stabled and groomed. The
farrier shoes the horses out back.
*THE RACETRACK*: Kids and spectators crowd the fences to see
the horses race by. Small fortunes are made and lost each afternoon.
Three-Fingered Gerald, a local gambling enthusiast, has experienced
the highest highs and the lowest lows at this track. Horse sports
of all varieties are held in the infield.
*THE VET*: Where horses go to get better. Dr. Arizona Chance is
working on perfecting her groundbreaking horse massage technique.
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[D6], [WHO], [WANTS], [BUT],
[1], [stableboy], [impress the stablemaster], [secretly terrified of horses!],
[2], [farmhand], [create a new breed of underwater horses], [can't swim!],
[3], [farrier], [a date to horse prom], [a leprechaun stole all the horseshoes!],
[4], [photo-journalist], [take first prize at the competition], [is a were-horse!],
[5], [groomer], [replace jockeys with robots], [camels?],
[6], [veterinarian], [develop a new technique], [sabotaged by a bitter rival!],
caption: [HORSE PLOT],
kind: "table",
supplement: [TABLE]
) <tplot>
width: 75%,