# STORY JOURNAL MICROBLOG > The Most Interesting Thing That Happened To Me Today Was... ## ABOUT it's kind of what it says on the tin. this is a microblog of daily reflections. reflecting on what was the most story-worthy, interesting thing that happened that day. ## MOVIVATION - recall interesting things that happened so you have stories to tell during smalltalk and at social functions. - prime your mind for noticing things as they happen, and thinking of them as interesting ## GETTING STARTED - CLI: copy `bin/interesting` to somewhere in your PATH. e.g., `~/bin/interesting`. - start daily blogging with `interesting bla bla bla`. or: ``` cat<<EOF | interesting bla bla bla bla bla bla EOF ``` - run `bin/build.sh` to build `index.html` and `feed.xml`. do whatever you want with it.