This commit is contained in:
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ src/epistolary/00031.md
@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ I think with my share of the reward I'll buy more books. Lots and lots of books,
- Player: sinatra
- XP: 1
- Skills: Do Anything 1, Arcane Lore 2, Sneak 2
- XP: 0
- Skills: Do Anything 1, Arcane Lore 2, Sneak 2, Combat Magic 2
- Equipment: Sword of Yam'L, Ginnarak Crystal (Earth)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
title: 00035
created: Wed, 09 Nov 2022 12:34:03 -0700
updated: Thu, 10 Nov 2022 21:49:20 -0700
public: yes
syndicated: yes
### 00035 {#00035}
> Shouting in the direction of the grampus "Yo! That dude is
> definitely going to forget us. We're almost the definition of
> forgettable, I mean it's not like we're some kind of murderous
> hobos or something!"
> While shouting Corraidhin takes aim, and slings his magic missing
> at the figure, aiming for a kill. (Meta: I'd like to spend that xp
> now, lets take this sucker down).
> After the missile flies loose the skeleton begins to pull
> Corraidhin back into the hull of the ship, he kicks desperately at
> the boney clutches desperately trying to break free.
> "I always knew I'd go out fighting some undead spooky thing. If you
> don't become a necromancer, you end up some necromancers thrall."
> at least, that's what Kevin used to tell me. I always thought he
> was being melodramatic.
> As the skeleton drags Corraidhin back through the hatch he grabs
> the dagger, in a vein attempt to ready himself.
> "I guess this is it my Stabby friend, time to show these Skeletons
> what happens when you back a Sysorceor into a corner"
> And with that Corraidhin activates his fork bomb.
> While feeding their jellyfish bites of wasabi pear and watching the
> sysorcerer investigate the hull, Inky eventually notices movement
> in the direction of the ship's deck in the form of a figure
> crawling out of the hatch with a bundle. Inky squints at the
> retreating form. Could it be another retrieval team, or a rogue
> agent? Master Corraidhín would probably not be pleased if the
> crystal melon were to fall into unknown hands, never mind of those
> whose names don't start with the letter "B" and end in the letter
> "r".
> Sparing a brief second to lament the waste of a perfectly good
> snack, Inky reaches into their bag and lobs a spiky chestnut
> cluster at the figure's breathing bell from the opening of their
> bubblebee, followed by a glass bottle of blahoblin shoe polish. The
> glass shatters on impact, sending the dark, sticky and somewhat
> pungent substance all over the figure's (punctured) breathing bell
> and face.
> As Inky's bubblebee floats up a little closer to the figure, Inky
> tosses a smaller bottle at the figure, this time of some synthetic
> blood from another brick that Inky had set aside for experiments of
> a different sort. At the last moment the thruster accelerates, Inky
> throws their paring knife at the bundle where the cord hugged the
> figure's waist, before veering away just as quickly as the
> horkosgrampus nearby catch a whiff of the blood.
**RETCON**: It has been brought to our attention that the `scp` spell
does not *move* an entity, but merely copies it from one location to
another. As such, the original merbear and tardigrade are still on
the deck of the SS RSS. Their facsimiles are present near where Inky
used to be.
Okay so two extremely interesting and complicated things happen all
at once and in quick succession. It's very chaotic and explosive and
Corraidhín aims his shootin' finger---the one that resolutely,
emphatically mashes the Enter key when deploying to production---at
the floaty thief. The very same second he fires off the magic
missile, he sees the figure jerk as a small projectile first
punctures its jellyfish helmet and then coats its entire cranial area
in black ink.
It screams, "Aw, fuck!"
The breathing bell is having none of this shit, thank you very much,
and detaches itself from the figure's head and starts to propel
itself away. As such, the figure no longer has access to breathable
It screams, "No, wait!"
And then a fine blade juts out from the bubblebee severing the cord
connecting the floating bundle to the would-be thief. The blade
scoops out a hunk of flesh from the thief's hip in the process.
It screams, "Ouch! Stop, I wasn't going to..."
The horkosgrampus---kind of lazily drifting about thus far---stir
from complacency at the first scent of blood. But they snap to
ravenous attention at the first utterance of a possible lie.
Finally (an instant later) the magic missile strikes its target and
the thief splatters like a wet paper bag full of soup hitting the
It sputters and coughs and screams, "I wasn't going to! Please, you
can have it! I wasn't going to take it! I don't even want it! It's
And the horkosgrampus fucking lose their minds. They stop being mere
toothy scavenger whales, and instead become the ravenous, wrathful
instruments of the god of oaths and promises. They descend upon the
liar in a fury of teeth and tusks. First Mate "Lucky" Three-Fingered
Gerald cackles with depraved, unhinged mirth as he is torn to shreds.
In the end a single golden orb---his false eye---is all that is left of
the would-be thief of the second Ginnarak Crystal.
The eye and the crystal slowly emerge from the horkosgrampus frenzy,
hovering suspended above the harrowkrake trench.
Remember there are two extremely interesting and complicated things
happening all at once?
The second thing is this.
First, Corraidhín lets loose his magic missile at Three-Fingered
Gerald. Then, as he is being pulled down by the undead pirate
skeleton, he lets loose a fork bomb.
The fork bomb is also known as a 'rabbit attack' because the rapidity
with which it spawns new processes resembles the fecundity of
breeding rabbits.
So here's what it looks like. The skeleton pulls Corraidhín downward.
Corraidhín points and clicks. Pew, pew. A single small sea bunny slug
wriggles its way between the skeleton's fingers where it has a hold
of the sysorcerer's ankle. Another two wriggle out. Then four, eight,
sixteen. In an instant there are dozens, hundreds, thousands,
millions of the tiny slugs in the hold of the ship.
Everything, every living entity, every process, light and sound and
thought itself, it all grinds to a halt as the sea bunnies continue
to multiply until billions and trillions of them squeeze and burrow
their way amongst molecules, betwixt atoms, and into the quantum foam
between subatomic particles.
The ship and everything on it and inside it---including the original
merbear and tardigrade---collapse into a singularity. It continues to
exist in this moment in space and time but only as a static snapshot
of the moment that its operating system crashed. It is a mirage, a
core memory dump, a segmentation fault, a flickering feedback loop,
the same two to three seconds endlessly repeating: Corraidhín backed
into a corner, and pointing a finger at a skeleton, and then BANG!
over and over and over again.
Corraidhín, you can continue to act and move, but your have become
unhinged and unattached from this moment in space and time. You can
interact with entities inside the ship, but will struggle mightily to
comprehend and interact with entities outside the fork bomb.
Outside observers see the SS RSS become paper thin and translucent as
it starts to lose its footing in this plane of reality.
@ -256,6 +256,7 @@ of the Were-Hare</a></li>
<li><a href="#00032" id="toc-00032">00032</a></li>
<li><a href="#00033" id="toc-00033">00033</a></li>
<li><a href="#00034" id="toc-00034">00034</a></li>
<li><a href="#00035" id="toc-00035">00035</a></li>
<li><a href="#bestiary" id="toc-bestiary">Bestiary</a></li>
<li><a href="#geography" id="toc-geography">Geography</a></li>
@ -265,9 +266,9 @@ of the Were-Hare</a></li>
<h2 id="stats">Stats</h2>
<p>Total length: 28654 words / 122 minute read.</p>
<p>There have been 117 messages posted over 119 days since the first
post on July 13, 2022 for a daily post rate of .98.</p>
<p>Total length: 29826 words / 127 minute read.</p>
<p>There have been 122 messages posted over 120 days since the first
post on July 13, 2022 for a daily post rate of 1.01.</p>
<h2 id="about">About</h2>
<p>This is a game that me and the kids in the basement are playing over
@ -304,8 +305,8 @@ story entirely.</p>
<li>Player: sinatra</li>
<li>XP: 1</li>
<li>Skills: Do Anything 1, Arcane Lore 2, Sneak 2</li>
<li>XP: 0</li>
<li>Skills: Do Anything 1, Arcane Lore 2, Sneak 2, Combat Magic 2</li>
<li>Equipment: Sword of Yam’L, Ginnarak Crystal (Earth)</li>
@ -577,8 +578,8 @@ otherwise worse off than you.</li>
<li><ol start="2" type="1">
<li><strong>Pocket Sand</strong> (Overcome a foe while blinded
yourself): You have at least one handful of sand, gravel, grit, or
rubble in your pockets that you can use to attempt to blind your
yourself): You always have at least one handful of sand, gravel, grit,
or rubble in your pockets that you can use to attempt to blind your
<li><ol start="3" type="1">
@ -3412,7 +3413,131 @@ down by the skeleton. Or you can blast the skeleton and risk the figure
getting away.</p>
<h3 id="00035">00035</h3>
<p>Shouting in the direction of the grampus “Yo! That dude is definitely
going to forget us. We’re almost the definition of forgettable, I mean
it’s not like we’re some kind of murderous hobos or something!”</p>
<p>While shouting Corraidhin takes aim, and slings his magic missing at
the figure, aiming for a kill. (Meta: I’d like to spend that xp now,
lets take this sucker down).</p>
<p>After the missile flies loose the skeleton begins to pull Corraidhin
back into the hull of the ship, he kicks desperately at the boney
clutches desperately trying to break free.</p>
<p>“I always knew I’d go out fighting some undead spooky thing. If you
don’t become a necromancer, you end up some necromancers thrall.” at
least, that’s what Kevin used to tell me. I always thought he was being
<p>As the skeleton drags Corraidhin back through the hatch he grabs the
dagger, in a vein attempt to ready himself.</p>
<p>“I guess this is it my Stabby friend, time to show these Skeletons
what happens when you back a Sysorceor into a corner”</p>
<p>And with that Corraidhin activates his fork bomb.</p>
<p>While feeding their jellyfish bites of wasabi pear and watching the
sysorcerer investigate the hull, Inky eventually notices movement in the
direction of the ship’s deck in the form of a figure crawling out of the
hatch with a bundle. Inky squints at the retreating form. Could it be
another retrieval team, or a rogue agent? Master Corraidhín would
probably not be pleased if the crystal melon were to fall into unknown
hands, never mind of those whose names don’t start with the letter “B”
and end in the letter “r”.</p>
<p>Sparing a brief second to lament the waste of a perfectly good snack,
Inky reaches into their bag and lobs a spiky chestnut cluster at the
figure’s breathing bell from the opening of their bubblebee, followed by
a glass bottle of blahoblin shoe polish. The glass shatters on impact,
sending the dark, sticky and somewhat pungent substance all over the
figure’s (punctured) breathing bell and face.</p>
<p>As Inky’s bubblebee floats up a little closer to the figure, Inky
tosses a smaller bottle at the figure, this time of some synthetic blood
from another brick that Inky had set aside for experiments of a
different sort. At the last moment the thruster accelerates, Inky throws
their paring knife at the bundle where the cord hugged the figure’s
waist, before veering away just as quickly as the horkosgrampus nearby
catch a whiff of the blood.</p>
<p><strong>RETCON</strong>: It has been brought to our attention that
the <code>scp</code> spell does not <em>move</em> an entity, but merely
copies it from one location to another. As such, the original merbear
and tardigrade are still on the deck of the SS RSS. Their facsimiles are
present near where Inky used to be.</p>
<p>Okay so two extremely interesting and complicated things happen all
at once and in quick succession. It’s very chaotic and explosive and
<p>Corraidhín aims his shootin’ finger—the one that resolutely,
emphatically mashes the Enter key when deploying to production—at the
floaty thief. The very same second he fires off the magic missile, he
sees the figure jerk as a small projectile first punctures its jellyfish
helmet and then coats its entire cranial area in black ink.</p>
<p>It screams, “Aw, fuck!”</p>
<p>The breathing bell is having none of this shit, thank you very much,
and detaches itself from the figure’s head and starts to propel itself
away. As such, the figure no longer has access to breathable air.</p>
<p>It screams, “No, wait!”</p>
<p>And then a fine blade juts out from the bubblebee severing the cord
connecting the floating bundle to the would-be thief. The blade scoops
out a hunk of flesh from the thief’s hip in the process.</p>
<p>It screams, “Ouch! Stop, I wasn’t going to…”</p>
<p>The horkosgrampus—kind of lazily drifting about thus far—stir from
complacency at the first scent of blood. But they snap to ravenous
attention at the first utterance of a possible lie.</p>
<p>Finally (an instant later) the magic missile strikes its target and
the thief splatters like a wet paper bag full of soup hitting the
<p>It sputters and coughs and screams, “I wasn’t going to! Please, you
can have it! I wasn’t going to take it! I don’t even want it! It’s
<p>And the horkosgrampus fucking lose their minds. They stop being mere
toothy scavenger whales, and instead become the ravenous, wrathful
instruments of the god of oaths and promises. They descend upon the liar
in a fury of teeth and tusks. First Mate “Lucky” Three-Fingered Gerald
cackles with depraved, unhinged mirth as he is torn to shreds. In the
end a single golden orb—his false eye—is all that is left of the
would-be thief of the second Ginnarak Crystal.</p>
<p>The eye and the crystal slowly emerge from the horkosgrampus frenzy,
hovering suspended above the harrowkrake trench.</p>
<p>Remember there are two extremely interesting and complicated things
happening all at once?</p>
<p>The second thing is this.</p>
<p>First, Corraidhín lets loose his magic missile at Three-Fingered
Gerald. Then, as he is being pulled down by the undead pirate skeleton,
he lets loose a fork bomb.</p>
<p>The fork bomb is also known as a ‘rabbit attack’ because the rapidity
with which it spawns new processes resembles the fecundity of breeding
<p>So here’s what it looks like. The skeleton pulls Corraidhín downward.
Corraidhín points and clicks. Pew, pew. A single small sea bunny slug
wriggles its way between the skeleton’s fingers where it has a hold of
the sysorcerer’s ankle. Another two wriggle out. Then four, eight,
sixteen. In an instant there are dozens, hundreds, thousands, millions
of the tiny slugs in the hold of the ship.</p>
<p>Everything, every living entity, every process, light and sound and
thought itself, it all grinds to a halt as the sea bunnies continue to
multiply until billions and trillions of them squeeze and burrow their
way amongst molecules, betwixt atoms, and into the quantum foam between
subatomic particles.</p>
<p>The ship and everything on it and inside it—including the original
merbear and tardigrade—collapse into a singularity. It continues to
exist in this moment in space and time but only as a static snapshot of
the moment that its operating system crashed. It is a mirage, a core
memory dump, a segmentation fault, a flickering feedback loop, the same
two to three seconds endlessly repeating: Corraidhín backed into a
corner, and pointing a finger at a skeleton, and then BANG! over and
over and over again.</p>
<p>Corraidhín, you can continue to act and move, but your have become
unhinged and unattached from this moment in space and time. You can
interact with entities inside the ship, but will struggle mightily to
comprehend and interact with entities outside the fork bomb.</p>
<p>Outside observers see the SS RSS become paper thin and translucent as
it starts to lose its footing in this plane of reality.</p>
<h2 id="bestiary">Bestiary</h2>
<p>Some of the creatures who inhabit the world of Basmentaria</p>
@ -5,94 +5,6 @@
<title>BASEMENT QWEST</title>
<description>Friends having ADVENTURES! Huzzah!</description>
<author>dozens@tilde.team (dozens)</author>
<guid isPermaLink="false">33 - Mon, 07 Nov 2022 15:58:50
<pubDate>Wed, 09 Nov 2022 09:48:03 -0700</pubDate>
<h3 id="00033">00033</h3>
<p>At Master Corraidhín’s confirmation of the crystal’s
presence within the shipwreck, Inky moves the bubblebee closer
above the opening in the hull, adjusting the angle of the
headlights so that a little more light falls over the gaping
hole should the rest of the party wish to enter the ship
through it.</p>
<p>Next, Inky pulls out some wasabi pears from their bag,
biting into one before dropping the others one at a time
several paces apart, starting near the bow of the ship in a
trail until a few roll down into the hole and land in a hollow
thonks somewhere inside the ship.</p>
<p>Inky then settles near the opening, partly-eaten pear in
hand and waits for the source of the rustling sounds to
emerge, if it decides to emerge at all.</p>
<p>From their vantage point, Inky sees a figure crawl up onto
the deck of the ship through a hatch from somewhere below. It
appears to be wearing a breathing bell and a vest of weighted
sandbags similar to yours. It is carrying a bulky bundle tied
to its waist by a cord.</p>
<p>It freezes when it sees the merbear and the tardigrade on
ship deck. But then the bears are teleported to safety a few
meters from the inkling. The figure looks around curiously and
shrugs. It casts off some sandbags and starts rising up
through the water toward the happy manta ray and the restless
horkusgrampus. It looks down in your direction as it goes. Its
face is somewhat blurred and obscured by the breathing bell,
but you see a glint of gold as the light of your bubblebee
reflects off one of its eyes.</p>
<p>Ah ha! Our prize is near then. And it looks like that bolt
forced that squid monster thing back into its hole. Likely
we’ll be alright to plum the depths here.</p>
<p>Thank goodness our bears are safe, I should probably move
them somewhere out of harms way, just in case.</p>
safety=$(find /ocean/* -perm 644 | head -n 1)
for bear in merbear tardigrade; do
sudo usermod -a -G party $bear
sudo scp /ocean/shipwreck/$bear /ocean/$safety
sudo chown corraidhin:party /ocean/$safety
sudo chown -R 770 /ocean/$safety</code></pre>
<p>That should ward them sufficiently, now only the party
members can come and go freely, and they’re part of the party.
I’m positive nobody will complain, they might, but there won’t
be anymore bolt mishaps this way at least..</p>
<p>As Corraidhin finishes his relocation spell he creeps
closer to the hull of the ship. “Lets see what we’re dealing
with here..” he sticks his head into the opening looking about
inside the wreckage, a small orb of light illuminates the tip
of his right hand pointer finger, and he uses it to carefully
probe around the opening as though it were a flash light.</p>
<p>Corraidhín cautiously explores the breach in the hull of
the SS RSS. You poke your head in and see the cargo hold of
the ship. The remains of some of the ship crew are here, long
since picked clean by ocean critters. Their bones are bleached
white and they grin mirthlessly at you. They are nestled in
and amongst the spilled contents of several large chests:
jewelry, gold coins, precious stones litter the floor of the
<p>You do not see any lumpy, multi-faceted, blue and gold
crystal melon here.</p>
<p>The ship is resting mostly on its side, so its sloping
“floor” is actually the ship wall. The hatch up to the upper
deck is to your right, and as you enter the hold, someone or
something shuts the hatch closed.</p>
<p>A skeleton by the hull entrance crawls forward, trying to
block your exit. And two more start to claw themselves up and
free of the ship’s treasure, and they start to advance toward
<author>dozens@tilde.team (dozens)</author>
@ -234,68 +146,90 @@ sudo chown -R 770 /ocean/$safety</code></pre>
<author>dozens@tilde.team (dozens)</author>
<guid isPermaLink="false">32 - Mon, 07 Nov 2022 09:50:03
<guid isPermaLink="false">33 - Mon, 07 Nov 2022 15:58:50
<pubDate>Mon, 07 Nov 2022 09:50:12 -0700</pubDate>
<pubDate>Wed, 09 Nov 2022 09:48:03 -0700</pubDate>
<h3 id="00032">00032</h3>
<h3 id="00033">00033</h3>
<p>Oh thank goodness, I thought I killed that innocent bear! I
should probably be a little more careful with my spells..</p>
<p>Nonetheless, we need to shed some light on what’s going on
here, no sense in diving into the clutches of some evil sea
creature blind.</p>
<p>Gather himself, Corraidhin casts a fzf on the ship,
searching for the creature inside</p>
<p><code>sudo fzf $(pwd)</code></p>
<p>At Master Corraidhín’s confirmation of the crystal’s
presence within the shipwreck, Inky moves the bubblebee closer
above the opening in the hull, adjusting the angle of the
headlights so that a little more light falls over the gaping
hole should the rest of the party wish to enter the ship
through it.</p>
<p>Next, Inky pulls out some wasabi pears from their bag,
biting into one before dropping the others one at a time
several paces apart, starting near the bow of the ship in a
trail until a few roll down into the hole and land in a hollow
thonks somewhere inside the ship.</p>
<p>Inky then settles near the opening, partly-eaten pear in
hand and waits for the source of the rustling sounds to
emerge, if it decides to emerge at all.</p>
<p>From their vantage point, Inky sees a figure crawl up onto
the deck of the ship through a hatch from somewhere below. It
appears to be wearing a breathing bell and a vest of weighted
sandbags similar to yours. It is carrying a bulky bundle tied
to its waist by a cord.</p>
<p>It freezes when it sees the merbear and the tardigrade on
ship deck. But then the bears are teleported to safety a few
meters from the inkling. The figure looks around curiously and
shrugs. It casts off some sandbags and starts rising up
through the water toward the happy manta ray and the restless
horkusgrampus. It looks down in your direction as it goes. Its
face is somewhat blurred and obscured by the breathing bell,
but you see a glint of gold as the light of your bubblebee
reflects off one of its eyes.</p>
<p>t e n t a c l e</p>
<p>Ah ha! Our prize is near then. And it looks like that bolt
forced that squid monster thing back into its hole. Likely
we’ll be alright to plum the depths here.</p>
<p>Thank goodness our bears are safe, I should probably move
them somewhere out of harms way, just in case.</p>
safety=$(find /ocean/* -perm 644 | head -n 1)
for bear in merbear tardigrade; do
sudo usermod -a -G party $bear
sudo scp /ocean/shipwreck/$bear /ocean/$safety
sudo chown corraidhin:party /ocean/$safety
sudo chown -R 770 /ocean/$safety</code></pre>
<p>That should ward them sufficiently, now only the party
members can come and go freely, and they’re part of the party.
I’m positive nobody will complain, they might, but there won’t
be anymore bolt mishaps this way at least..</p>
<p>As Corraidhin finishes his relocation spell he creeps
closer to the hull of the ship. “Lets see what we’re dealing
with here..” he sticks his head into the opening looking about
inside the wreckage, a small orb of light illuminates the tip
of his right hand pointer finger, and he uses it to carefully
probe around the opening as though it were a flash light.</p>
<p>Hmmm, no nothing too interesting there.. Maybe crystal?</p>
<p><code>sudo fzf $(pwd)</code></p>
<p>c r y s t a l</p>
<p>Blast! Why can’t I find anything.. The syscerroer muses for
a moment.</p>
<p><code>sudo fzf /sea/ship_wreck/interior</code></p>
<p>t e n t a c l e</p>
<p>You probe the ship. You do not detect the presence of any
tentacles inside the ship. But you do detect the presence of
the crystal you seek.</p>
<p>If you scan the trench, you will detect the presence of a
<em>harrowkrake</em>. A colossal, many-tentacled sea monster
with a plow shaped shell that it drags across the ocean floor,
digging deep furrows. Kind of like if a giant squid could grow
a nautilus shell. They are usually content to stay in their
trenches, grabbing prey as it swims by with their long
tentacles like some kind of nightmarish barnacle.</p>
<p>The giant manta is still gliding around crunching on
candies. A few blue spherical globules of harrowkrake blood
float lazily upward from where Gabs got her stabs on,
attracting the attention of a couple horkosgrampus. The manta
gives them a wide berth but doesn’t otherwise seem too
concerned about them.</p>
<p>Horkosgrampus are toothy whales with a single long tusk.
They are mostly scavengers, and are only provoked to violence
in the presence of a lie or the breaking of an oath, in which
case they go into a frenzy preying on the liar or liars. They
can smell blood from a great distance, but can hear a lie from
much further.</p>
<p>You hear a thud from inside the ship, and a slow rustling
like smooth stones rolling over each other. The ship settles a
little further onto its side, and dangles just a little
further over the harrowkrake trench.</p>
<p>Corraidhín cautiously explores the breach in the hull of
the SS RSS. You poke your head in and see the cargo hold of
the ship. The remains of some of the ship crew are here, long
since picked clean by ocean critters. Their bones are bleached
white and they grin mirthlessly at you. They are nestled in
and amongst the spilled contents of several large chests:
jewelry, gold coins, precious stones litter the floor of the
<p>You do not see any lumpy, multi-faceted, blue and gold
crystal melon here.</p>
<p>The ship is resting mostly on its side, so its sloping
“floor” is actually the ship wall. The hatch up to the upper
deck is to your right, and as you enter the hold, someone or
something shuts the hatch closed.</p>
<p>A skeleton by the hull entrance crawls forward, trying to
block your exit. And two more start to claw themselves up and
free of the ship’s treasure, and they start to advance toward
@ -549,6 +483,72 @@ sudo chown -R 770 /ocean/$safety</code></pre>
<author>dozens@tilde.team (dozens)</author>
<guid isPermaLink="false">32 - Mon, 07 Nov 2022 09:50:03
<pubDate>Mon, 07 Nov 2022 09:50:12 -0700</pubDate>
<h3 id="00032">00032</h3>
<p>Oh thank goodness, I thought I killed that innocent bear! I
should probably be a little more careful with my spells..</p>
<p>Nonetheless, we need to shed some light on what’s going on
here, no sense in diving into the clutches of some evil sea
creature blind.</p>
<p>Gather himself, Corraidhin casts a fzf on the ship,
searching for the creature inside</p>
<p><code>sudo fzf $(pwd)</code></p>
<p>t e n t a c l e</p>
<p>Hmmm, no nothing too interesting there.. Maybe crystal?</p>
<p><code>sudo fzf $(pwd)</code></p>
<p>c r y s t a l</p>
<p>Blast! Why can’t I find anything.. The syscerroer muses for
a moment.</p>
<p><code>sudo fzf /sea/ship_wreck/interior</code></p>
<p>t e n t a c l e</p>
<p>You probe the ship. You do not detect the presence of any
tentacles inside the ship. But you do detect the presence of
the crystal you seek.</p>
<p>If you scan the trench, you will detect the presence of a
<em>harrowkrake</em>. A colossal, many-tentacled sea monster
with a plow shaped shell that it drags across the ocean floor,
digging deep furrows. Kind of like if a giant squid could grow
a nautilus shell. They are usually content to stay in their
trenches, grabbing prey as it swims by with their long
tentacles like some kind of nightmarish barnacle.</p>
<p>The giant manta is still gliding around crunching on
candies. A few blue spherical globules of harrowkrake blood
float lazily upward from where Gabs got her stabs on,
attracting the attention of a couple horkosgrampus. The manta
gives them a wide berth but doesn’t otherwise seem too
concerned about them.</p>
<p>Horkosgrampus are toothy whales with a single long tusk.
They are mostly scavengers, and are only provoked to violence
in the presence of a lie or the breaking of an oath, in which
case they go into a frenzy preying on the liar or liars. They
can smell blood from a great distance, but can hear a lie from
much further.</p>
<p>You hear a thud from inside the ship, and a slow rustling
like smooth stones rolling over each other. The ship settles a
little further onto its side, and dangles just a little
further over the harrowkrake trench.</p>
<author>dozens@tilde.team (dozens)</author>
@ -741,6 +741,61 @@ sudo chown -R 770 /ocean/$safety</code></pre>
<author>dozens@tilde.team (dozens)</author>
<guid isPermaLink="false">31 - Mon, 07 Nov 2022 08:16:11
<pubDate>Mon, 07 Nov 2022 08:16:14 -0700</pubDate>
<h3 id="00031">00031</h3>
<p>Inky follows behind the merbear at a healthy 2 meters’
distance away in the bubblebee, the headlights illuminating a
moderate distance ahead of the distraught bear as it darts
after its brother.</p>
<p>As the merbear homes in on the tardigrade near the ship
deck, Inky keeps a lookout for any signs of movement or
tentacles from behind or below the shipwreck. The bubblebee’s
headlights cast an eerie shadow from the ship’s double masts
even as it partly lights up the rim of a gaping hole in the
<p>The tardigrade, still tucked into a ball, lands on the ship
deck with a gentle thud. It rolls a couple of times and
finally comes to rest against the rigging. The merbear reaches
it a moment later and cradles its jelly-like body gently in
its bear arms. “My brother!” it cries. “My dear bear
<p>The tardigrade slowly uncurls and stretches out and looks
around, disoriented and bleary-eyed. It waggles its eight arms
around experimentally, closes and opens its claws as though
kneading the water. “Brother?” says the merbear in
<p>“I am okay brother!” says the tardigrade. “We water bears
are very hardy and resilient! It will take more than a mere
other worldly tentacle attack and an arcane electric blast to
do me in!”</p>
<p>While the bears are having their teary-eyed reunion, you
sense movement in the shadows deep in the ocean trench, over
which protrude the ship’s masts. Your lights don’t penetrate
the darkness enough to see what it was. But it was large. The
very stuff that thalassophobia is made of.</p>
<p>You also think you see a flash of gold as the light of the
bubblebee reflects off of something inside the ship through
the hole in the hull. Could it be the second Ginnarak
<p>The breach in the hull is easily large enough to admit a
medium sized creature such as an inkling in a bubblebee
apparatus. Or a sysorcer or a lanky old half-devil tavern
<author>dozens@tilde.team (dozens)</author>
@ -1226,57 +1281,69 @@ scp sysorceor.guild:/home/corraidhin/chest milkbase.alpha:/home/corraidhin/chest
<author>dozens@tilde.team (dozens)</author>
<guid isPermaLink="false">31 - Mon, 07 Nov 2022 08:16:11
<guid isPermaLink="false">34 - Wed, 09 Nov 2022 11:43:05
<pubDate>Mon, 07 Nov 2022 08:16:14 -0700</pubDate>
<pubDate>Wed, 09 Nov 2022 11:43:08 -0700</pubDate>
<h3 id="00031">00031</h3>
<h3 id="00034">00034</h3>
<p>Inky follows behind the merbear at a healthy 2 meters’
distance away in the bubblebee, the headlights illuminating a
moderate distance ahead of the distraught bear as it darts
after its brother.</p>
<p>As the merbear homes in on the tardigrade near the ship
deck, Inky keeps a lookout for any signs of movement or
tentacles from behind or below the shipwreck. The bubblebee’s
headlights cast an eerie shadow from the ship’s double masts
even as it partly lights up the rim of a gaping hole in the
<p>Fuck, skeletons? This is ridiculous, I did not sign up for
underwater pirate skeletons.</p>
<p>Reacting quickly Corraidhin prepares a fork bomb, if the
skeletons are going to take him out, he’s going to take out
those skeletons too.</p>
<p>Hopefully I won’t have to use that. Corraidhin hoists
himself up into the opening and begins targetting the
skeletons one by one. No time for much fancy preparation here,
just good old fashioned magic missiles strewn about the
interior of the hull. While so doing Corraidhin glances around
the treasure strewn hull, searching for the crystal, can’t
blow the whole ship up if the prize is here.</p>
<p>Then again, a magical item that powerful, could probably
withstand a fork bomb pretty easily. It’s worth the risk if
things get worse.</p>
<p>Corraidhin ensures his back is to the opening, able to make
a haphazard escape should the skeletons get the better of
<p>The tardigrade, still tucked into a ball, lands on the ship
deck with a gentle thud. It rolls a couple of times and
finally comes to rest against the rigging. The merbear reaches
it a moment later and cradles its jelly-like body gently in
its bear arms. “My brother!” it cries. “My dear bear
<p>The tardigrade slowly uncurls and stretches out and looks
around, disoriented and bleary-eyed. It waggles its eight arms
around experimentally, closes and opens its claws as though
kneading the water. “Brother?” says the merbear in
<p>“I am okay brother!” says the tardigrade. “We water bears
are very hardy and resilient! It will take more than a mere
other worldly tentacle attack and an arcane electric blast to
do me in!”</p>
<p>While the bears are having their teary-eyed reunion, you
sense movement in the shadows deep in the ocean trench, over
which protrude the ship’s masts. Your lights don’t penetrate
the darkness enough to see what it was. But it was large. The
very stuff that thalassophobia is made of.</p>
<p>You also think you see a flash of gold as the light of the
bubblebee reflects off of something inside the ship through
the hole in the hull. Could it be the second Ginnarak
<p>The breach in the hull is easily large enough to admit a
medium sized creature such as an inkling in a bubblebee
apparatus. Or a sysorcer or a lanky old half-devil tavern
Roll Do Anything 1 for magic missiles = 5
success at cost
<p>You prep your fork bomb to keep in your back pocket as a
last resort.</p>
<p>In the meantime you start blasting skeletons. They maintain
a slow advance but you able to pick them off slowly one by
one. Bones splinter and fly apart.</p>
<p>During your maneuvering, you get turned around and are
backed into the corner with the hatch leading up to the upper
deck. You reach behind yourself and fumble with the latch. One
skeleton manages to get its bony claws around your ankle just
as you open the hatch. You look behind you and see a human
shaped figure floating away, illuminated in the beams of
Inky’s bubblebee. It is toting a small bundle. Up above you
can see the shadow of the manta ray gliding around eating
candy, and the horkosgrampus idling in the absence of carrion
or lies.</p>
<p>“I thank ye, gents!” cries the figure down to you as it
ascends. “You distracted the harrowkrake just long enough for
me to get in that ship and grab what I needs!” It tugs on the
cord attached to its bundle and laughs. “I shan’t forget ye!”
It waves and gives a little salute.</p>
<p>You have a magic missile loaded and ready to go. In a
moment the figure will be out of range. You can blast it now
and risk being pulled down by the skeleton. Or you can blast
the skeleton and risk the figure getting away.</p>
@ -1384,69 +1451,155 @@ scp sysorceor.guild:/home/corraidhin/chest milkbase.alpha:/home/corraidhin/chest
<author>dozens@tilde.team (dozens)</author>
<guid isPermaLink="false">34 - Wed, 09 Nov 2022 11:43:05
<guid isPermaLink="false">35 - Wed, 09 Nov 2022 12:34:03
<pubDate>Wed, 09 Nov 2022 11:43:08 -0700</pubDate>
<pubDate>Thu, 10 Nov 2022 21:49:20 -0700</pubDate>
<h3 id="00034">00034</h3>
<h3 id="00035">00035</h3>
<p>Fuck, skeletons? This is ridiculous, I did not sign up for
underwater pirate skeletons.</p>
<p>Reacting quickly Corraidhin prepares a fork bomb, if the
skeletons are going to take him out, he’s going to take out
those skeletons too.</p>
<p>Hopefully I won’t have to use that. Corraidhin hoists
himself up into the opening and begins targetting the
skeletons one by one. No time for much fancy preparation here,
just good old fashioned magic missiles strewn about the
interior of the hull. While so doing Corraidhin glances around
the treasure strewn hull, searching for the crystal, can’t
blow the whole ship up if the prize is here.</p>
<p>Then again, a magical item that powerful, could probably
withstand a fork bomb pretty easily. It’s worth the risk if
things get worse.</p>
<p>Corraidhin ensures his back is to the opening, able to make
a haphazard escape should the skeletons get the better of
<p>Shouting in the direction of the grampus “Yo! That dude is
definitely going to forget us. We’re almost the definition of
forgettable, I mean it’s not like we’re some kind of murderous
hobos or something!”</p>
<p>While shouting Corraidhin takes aim, and slings his magic
missing at the figure, aiming for a kill. (Meta: I’d like to
spend that xp now, lets take this sucker down).</p>
<p>After the missile flies loose the skeleton begins to pull
Corraidhin back into the hull of the ship, he kicks
desperately at the boney clutches desperately trying to break
<p>“I always knew I’d go out fighting some undead spooky
thing. If you don’t become a necromancer, you end up some
necromancers thrall.” at least, that’s what Kevin used to tell
me. I always thought he was being melodramatic.</p>
<p>As the skeleton drags Corraidhin back through the hatch he
grabs the dagger, in a vein attempt to ready himself.</p>
<p>“I guess this is it my Stabby friend, time to show these
Skeletons what happens when you back a Sysorceor into a
<p>And with that Corraidhin activates his fork bomb.</p>
Roll Do Anything 1 for magic missiles = 5
success at cost
<p>You prep your fork bomb to keep in your back pocket as a
last resort.</p>
<p>In the meantime you start blasting skeletons. They maintain
a slow advance but you able to pick them off slowly one by
one. Bones splinter and fly apart.</p>
<p>During your maneuvering, you get turned around and are
backed into the corner with the hatch leading up to the upper
deck. You reach behind yourself and fumble with the latch. One
skeleton manages to get its bony claws around your ankle just
as you open the hatch. You look behind you and see a human
shaped figure floating away, illuminated in the beams of
Inky’s bubblebee. It is toting a small bundle. Up above you
can see the shadow of the manta ray gliding around eating
candy, and the horkosgrampus idling in the absence of carrion
or lies.</p>
<p>“I thank ye, gents!” cries the figure down to you as it
ascends. “You distracted the harrowkrake just long enough for
me to get in that ship and grab what I needs!” It tugs on the
cord attached to its bundle and laughs. “I shan’t forget ye!”
It waves and gives a little salute.</p>
<p>You have a magic missile loaded and ready to go. In a
moment the figure will be out of range. You can blast it now
and risk being pulled down by the skeleton. Or you can blast
the skeleton and risk the figure getting away.</p>
<p>While feeding their jellyfish bites of wasabi pear and
watching the sysorcerer investigate the hull, Inky eventually
notices movement in the direction of the ship’s deck in the
form of a figure crawling out of the hatch with a bundle. Inky
squints at the retreating form. Could it be another retrieval
team, or a rogue agent? Master Corraidhín would probably not
be pleased if the crystal melon were to fall into unknown
hands, never mind of those whose names don’t start with the
letter “B” and end in the letter “r”.</p>
<p>Sparing a brief second to lament the waste of a perfectly
good snack, Inky reaches into their bag and lobs a spiky
chestnut cluster at the figure’s breathing bell from the
opening of their bubblebee, followed by a glass bottle of
blahoblin shoe polish. The glass shatters on impact, sending
the dark, sticky and somewhat pungent substance all over the
figure’s (punctured) breathing bell and face.</p>
<p>As Inky’s bubblebee floats up a little closer to the
figure, Inky tosses a smaller bottle at the figure, this time
of some synthetic blood from another brick that Inky had set
aside for experiments of a different sort. At the last moment
the thruster accelerates, Inky throws their paring knife at
the bundle where the cord hugged the figure’s waist, before
veering away just as quickly as the horkosgrampus nearby catch
a whiff of the blood.</p>
<p><strong>RETCON</strong>: It has been brought to our
attention that the <code>scp</code> spell does not
<em>move</em> an entity, but merely copies it from one
location to another. As such, the original merbear and
tardigrade are still on the deck of the SS RSS. Their
facsimiles are present near where Inky used to be.</p>
<p>Okay so two extremely interesting and complicated things
happen all at once and in quick succession. It’s very chaotic
and explosive and cinematic.</p>
<p>Corraidhín aims his shootin’ finger—the one that
resolutely, emphatically mashes the Enter key when deploying
to production—at the floaty thief. The very same second he
fires off the magic missile, he sees the figure jerk as a
small projectile first punctures its jellyfish helmet and then
coats its entire cranial area in black ink.</p>
<p>It screams, “Aw, fuck!”</p>
<p>The breathing bell is having none of this shit, thank you
very much, and detaches itself from the figure’s head and
starts to propel itself away. As such, the figure no longer
has access to breathable air.</p>
<p>It screams, “No, wait!”</p>
<p>And then a fine blade juts out from the bubblebee severing
the cord connecting the floating bundle to the would-be thief.
The blade scoops out a hunk of flesh from the thief’s hip in
the process.</p>
<p>It screams, “Ouch! Stop, I wasn’t going to…”</p>
<p>The horkosgrampus—kind of lazily drifting about thus
far—stir from complacency at the first scent of blood. But
they snap to ravenous attention at the first utterance of a
possible lie.</p>
<p>Finally (an instant later) the magic missile strikes its
target and the thief splatters like a wet paper bag full of
soup hitting the ground.</p>
<p>It sputters and coughs and screams, “I wasn’t going to!
Please, you can have it! I wasn’t going to take it! I don’t
even want it! It’s yours!”</p>
<p>And the horkosgrampus fucking lose their minds. They stop
being mere toothy scavenger whales, and instead become the
ravenous, wrathful instruments of the god of oaths and
promises. They descend upon the liar in a fury of teeth and
tusks. First Mate “Lucky” Three-Fingered Gerald cackles with
depraved, unhinged mirth as he is torn to shreds. In the end a
single golden orb—his false eye—is all that is left of the
would-be thief of the second Ginnarak Crystal.</p>
<p>The eye and the crystal slowly emerge from the
horkosgrampus frenzy, hovering suspended above the harrowkrake
<p>Remember there are two extremely interesting and
complicated things happening all at once?</p>
<p>The second thing is this.</p>
<p>First, Corraidhín lets loose his magic missile at
Three-Fingered Gerald. Then, as he is being pulled down by the
undead pirate skeleton, he lets loose a fork bomb.</p>
<p>The fork bomb is also known as a ‘rabbit attack’ because
the rapidity with which it spawns new processes resembles the
fecundity of breeding rabbits.</p>
<p>So here’s what it looks like. The skeleton pulls Corraidhín
downward. Corraidhín points and clicks. Pew, pew. A single
small sea bunny slug wriggles its way between the skeleton’s
fingers where it has a hold of the sysorcerer’s ankle. Another
two wriggle out. Then four, eight, sixteen. In an instant
there are dozens, hundreds, thousands, millions of the tiny
slugs in the hold of the ship.</p>
<p>Everything, every living entity, every process, light and
sound and thought itself, it all grinds to a halt as the sea
bunnies continue to multiply until billions and trillions of
them squeeze and burrow their way amongst molecules, betwixt
atoms, and into the quantum foam between subatomic
<p>The ship and everything on it and inside it—including the
original merbear and tardigrade—collapse into a singularity.
It continues to exist in this moment in space and time but
only as a static snapshot of the moment that its operating
system crashed. It is a mirage, a core memory dump, a
segmentation fault, a flickering feedback loop, the same two
to three seconds endlessly repeating: Corraidhín backed into a
corner, and pointing a finger at a skeleton, and then BANG!
over and over and over again.</p>
<p>Corraidhín, you can continue to act and move, but your have
become unhinged and unattached from this moment in space and
time. You can interact with entities inside the ship, but will
struggle mightily to comprehend and interact with entities
outside the fork bomb.</p>
<p>Outside observers see the SS RSS become paper thin and
translucent as it starts to lose its footing in this plane of
@ -256,6 +256,7 @@ of the Were-Hare</a></li>
<li><a href="#00032" id="toc-00032">00032</a></li>
<li><a href="#00033" id="toc-00033">00033</a></li>
<li><a href="#00034" id="toc-00034">00034</a></li>
<li><a href="#00035" id="toc-00035">00035</a></li>
<li><a href="#bestiary" id="toc-bestiary">Bestiary</a></li>
<li><a href="#geography" id="toc-geography">Geography</a></li>
@ -268,9 +269,9 @@ id="toc-acknowledgements">Acknowledgements</a></li>
<h2 id="stats">Stats</h2>
<p>Total length: 28654 words / 122 minute read.</p>
<p>There have been 117 messages posted over 119 days since the first
post on July 13, 2022 for a daily post rate of .98.</p>
<p>Total length: 29826 words / 127 minute read.</p>
<p>There have been 122 messages posted over 120 days since the first
post on July 13, 2022 for a daily post rate of 1.01.</p>
<h2 id="about">About</h2>
<p>This is a game that me and the kids in the basement are playing over
@ -307,8 +308,8 @@ story entirely.</p>
<li>Player: sinatra</li>
<li>XP: 1</li>
<li>Skills: Do Anything 1, Arcane Lore 2, Sneak 2</li>
<li>XP: 0</li>
<li>Skills: Do Anything 1, Arcane Lore 2, Sneak 2, Combat Magic 2</li>
<li>Equipment: Sword of Yam’L, Ginnarak Crystal (Earth)</li>
@ -580,8 +581,8 @@ otherwise worse off than you.</li>
<li><ol start="2" type="1">
<li><strong>Pocket Sand</strong> (Overcome a foe while blinded
yourself): You have at least one handful of sand, gravel, grit, or
rubble in your pockets that you can use to attempt to blind your
yourself): You always have at least one handful of sand, gravel, grit,
or rubble in your pockets that you can use to attempt to blind your
<li><ol start="3" type="1">
@ -3415,7 +3416,131 @@ down by the skeleton. Or you can blast the skeleton and risk the figure
getting away.</p>
<h3 id="00035">00035</h3>
<p>Shouting in the direction of the grampus “Yo! That dude is definitely
going to forget us. We’re almost the definition of forgettable, I mean
it’s not like we’re some kind of murderous hobos or something!”</p>
<p>While shouting Corraidhin takes aim, and slings his magic missing at
the figure, aiming for a kill. (Meta: I’d like to spend that xp now,
lets take this sucker down).</p>
<p>After the missile flies loose the skeleton begins to pull Corraidhin
back into the hull of the ship, he kicks desperately at the boney
clutches desperately trying to break free.</p>
<p>“I always knew I’d go out fighting some undead spooky thing. If you
don’t become a necromancer, you end up some necromancers thrall.” at
least, that’s what Kevin used to tell me. I always thought he was being
<p>As the skeleton drags Corraidhin back through the hatch he grabs the
dagger, in a vein attempt to ready himself.</p>
<p>“I guess this is it my Stabby friend, time to show these Skeletons
what happens when you back a Sysorceor into a corner”</p>
<p>And with that Corraidhin activates his fork bomb.</p>
<p>While feeding their jellyfish bites of wasabi pear and watching the
sysorcerer investigate the hull, Inky eventually notices movement in the
direction of the ship’s deck in the form of a figure crawling out of the
hatch with a bundle. Inky squints at the retreating form. Could it be
another retrieval team, or a rogue agent? Master Corraidhín would
probably not be pleased if the crystal melon were to fall into unknown
hands, never mind of those whose names don’t start with the letter “B”
and end in the letter “r”.</p>
<p>Sparing a brief second to lament the waste of a perfectly good snack,
Inky reaches into their bag and lobs a spiky chestnut cluster at the
figure’s breathing bell from the opening of their bubblebee, followed by
a glass bottle of blahoblin shoe polish. The glass shatters on impact,
sending the dark, sticky and somewhat pungent substance all over the
figure’s (punctured) breathing bell and face.</p>
<p>As Inky’s bubblebee floats up a little closer to the figure, Inky
tosses a smaller bottle at the figure, this time of some synthetic blood
from another brick that Inky had set aside for experiments of a
different sort. At the last moment the thruster accelerates, Inky throws
their paring knife at the bundle where the cord hugged the figure’s
waist, before veering away just as quickly as the horkosgrampus nearby
catch a whiff of the blood.</p>
<p><strong>RETCON</strong>: It has been brought to our attention that
the <code>scp</code> spell does not <em>move</em> an entity, but merely
copies it from one location to another. As such, the original merbear
and tardigrade are still on the deck of the SS RSS. Their facsimiles are
present near where Inky used to be.</p>
<p>Okay so two extremely interesting and complicated things happen all
at once and in quick succession. It’s very chaotic and explosive and
<p>Corraidhín aims his shootin’ finger—the one that resolutely,
emphatically mashes the Enter key when deploying to production—at the
floaty thief. The very same second he fires off the magic missile, he
sees the figure jerk as a small projectile first punctures its jellyfish
helmet and then coats its entire cranial area in black ink.</p>
<p>It screams, “Aw, fuck!”</p>
<p>The breathing bell is having none of this shit, thank you very much,
and detaches itself from the figure’s head and starts to propel itself
away. As such, the figure no longer has access to breathable air.</p>
<p>It screams, “No, wait!”</p>
<p>And then a fine blade juts out from the bubblebee severing the cord
connecting the floating bundle to the would-be thief. The blade scoops
out a hunk of flesh from the thief’s hip in the process.</p>
<p>It screams, “Ouch! Stop, I wasn’t going to…”</p>
<p>The horkosgrampus—kind of lazily drifting about thus far—stir from
complacency at the first scent of blood. But they snap to ravenous
attention at the first utterance of a possible lie.</p>
<p>Finally (an instant later) the magic missile strikes its target and
the thief splatters like a wet paper bag full of soup hitting the
<p>It sputters and coughs and screams, “I wasn’t going to! Please, you
can have it! I wasn’t going to take it! I don’t even want it! It’s
<p>And the horkosgrampus fucking lose their minds. They stop being mere
toothy scavenger whales, and instead become the ravenous, wrathful
instruments of the god of oaths and promises. They descend upon the liar
in a fury of teeth and tusks. First Mate “Lucky” Three-Fingered Gerald
cackles with depraved, unhinged mirth as he is torn to shreds. In the
end a single golden orb—his false eye—is all that is left of the
would-be thief of the second Ginnarak Crystal.</p>
<p>The eye and the crystal slowly emerge from the horkosgrampus frenzy,
hovering suspended above the harrowkrake trench.</p>
<p>Remember there are two extremely interesting and complicated things
happening all at once?</p>
<p>The second thing is this.</p>
<p>First, Corraidhín lets loose his magic missile at Three-Fingered
Gerald. Then, as he is being pulled down by the undead pirate skeleton,
he lets loose a fork bomb.</p>
<p>The fork bomb is also known as a ‘rabbit attack’ because the rapidity
with which it spawns new processes resembles the fecundity of breeding
<p>So here’s what it looks like. The skeleton pulls Corraidhín downward.
Corraidhín points and clicks. Pew, pew. A single small sea bunny slug
wriggles its way between the skeleton’s fingers where it has a hold of
the sysorcerer’s ankle. Another two wriggle out. Then four, eight,
sixteen. In an instant there are dozens, hundreds, thousands, millions
of the tiny slugs in the hold of the ship.</p>
<p>Everything, every living entity, every process, light and sound and
thought itself, it all grinds to a halt as the sea bunnies continue to
multiply until billions and trillions of them squeeze and burrow their
way amongst molecules, betwixt atoms, and into the quantum foam between
subatomic particles.</p>
<p>The ship and everything on it and inside it—including the original
merbear and tardigrade—collapse into a singularity. It continues to
exist in this moment in space and time but only as a static snapshot of
the moment that its operating system crashed. It is a mirage, a core
memory dump, a segmentation fault, a flickering feedback loop, the same
two to three seconds endlessly repeating: Corraidhín backed into a
corner, and pointing a finger at a skeleton, and then BANG! over and
over and over again.</p>
<p>Corraidhín, you can continue to act and move, but your have become
unhinged and unattached from this moment in space and time. You can
interact with entities inside the ship, but will struggle mightily to
comprehend and interact with entities outside the fork bomb.</p>
<p>Outside observers see the SS RSS become paper thin and translucent as
it starts to lose its footing in this plane of reality.</p>
<h2 id="bestiary">Bestiary</h2>
<p>Some of the creatures who inhabit the world of Basmentaria</p>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user