
1.4 KiB

title created updated spoilers syndicated
00001 - we meet in a tavern 2022-07-24 2022-07-24 no yes


"Congratulations!" The slightly tipsy hobbit grins and salutes you with his martini. "On Retrieval Team 43's inaugural mission! I'm so excited for you, I'm sure you'll do fantastic!"

You are all seated around a table in the corner at Lucy's Basement. It is dimly lit and fairly noisy. The walls are covered in red velvet curtains, and the tablecloths have little gold tassels. A cloud of purple smoke from candles, cigars, and pipes hangs in the air. Waiters bustle between tables refilling drinks.

"So to recap, the Benefactor has tasked you with retrieving the five fabled Ginnarak Crystals. I, Blavin Blandfoot, will be your case manager. You will be paid handsomely for each crystal you retrieve. And if you retrieve all 5, you'll get to meet the Benefactor at be their guest at their glorious mansion!"

"The first crystal has been spotted near a Gnomish dig site in the Tammineaux Forest, just east of here."

"I recommend getting started right away!" He polishes off his drink and squints at his empty glass. "Well, maybe first thing in the morning. Waiter!"

  • Who are you?
  • What role do you think you will fill on the team?
  • What do you plan to do with your cut of the money?
