
178 lines
7.5 KiB

title: 00065
created: Tue, 21 Feb 2023 14:02:22 -0700
updated: Tue, 21 Feb 2023 14:02:22 -0700
public: yes
syndicated: yes
### 00065 {#00065}
Marvelo fetched a fluffy blanket from the piles of blankets and
pillows in the ritual room where the dreamers continue to sleep. He
has wrapped up the child and is drying them off. The sound of rain
continues to drum incessantly outside.
"Poor thing, you're chilled to the bone. Don't worry, Uncle Marv will
take care of you. There we go. Fix you right up!"
The child is still and silent. It has not made a noise this whole
time. Nor has it acted on its own to actually do anything besides
stare up at Marvelo with wide, dark eyes.
"How did you end up outside by yourself in the rain, hmm? No? That's
okay. What about your name? Have you got a name?"
"Rind," says a voice behind Marvelo. At the sound of its name, the
child's eyes flick over Marvelo's shoulder. The mercenary starts to
spin around even as the blanket writhes in his hands, wrapping itself
around his wrists and binding them tightly together.
"Hungh!" he cries out wordlessly and tucks into a roll, turning to
face his assailant and---he hopes---dodging any potential attack from
behind. And also putting some distance between himself and the child
to get it out of harms way.
Marvelo tries to push up to his knees as cords of rope snake their
way out of the shadows and coil around his knees and elbows. He
struggles to pull free of them. A thicker rope wraps around his
waist, and another squeezes around his chest and back. The ropes
contract and pull Marvelo into a ball. He groans and falls to his
side. He looks up into the eyes of a man wearing a bright red sash.
The child has tottled over to the man and reaches its arms up. The
man scoops the child up and holds it in the crook of one arm. The
child puts its arms around the man's neck and looks down at Marvelo
while resting its cheek on the man's chest.
"His name is Rind," the man smiles.
> Feeling bedraggled yet dry despite having been submerged under water,
> Inky lays on the beach, staring up at the sky before sitting up and
> looking around the landscape. They are now attired in a hooded azure
> blue vest over red shirt and shorts, and blue shoes over mismatched
> knee-high stockings. Their auburn hair is tied back with the
> drawstrings from an attached small pouch. A plush toy resembling a
> certain floofy duck peeks out from the hood.
> They sense a soft weight land on one shoulder, and smile as Fuko nips
> at their ear, no doubt partly in reproach for wandering off again
> without her, and maybe partly meant to be reassuring. This is
> followed several moments later by a low hiss and a series of light
> taps next to Inky's ear with her beak. Inky murmurs, "Is that so … we
> should call it a wrap soon. Master Alex would probably be happy
> having Big Bother to himself anyway, to grill as he likes."
> After a very long minute, Inky sighs and taking out a piece of paper
> and pencil from their suitcase, scribbles a "pome":
> ```
> Island tower of towers
> Nowhere everywhere the sea
> Keep your apples and flowers
> Your suitor has come for thee
> ```
> They roll up the paper and tuck it into a small and clear glass
> bottle with a cork stopper. Murmuring the sysorcerer's name to the
> bottle, they lower it into the water and watch as the bottle drifts
> into the distance.
> Walking along the shoreline and stopping a short distance from the
> lone figure, Inky says casually, "Good day, fellow thing-finder."
The figure turns in your direction and lowers their hood revealing a
long, hooked, black beak and a face covered in black feathers. Beady
black eyes regard you without blinking.
The feathers around its throat bristle when it speaks like a thick
bristling beard.
"Greetings, Dreamer, and welcome to Ephemeris, the Heart of the
Dreaming. What brings you to the Throne of Konsu?"
> Well Kasutva, I may as well trust you. I imagine if you meant me harm
> there are more direct and interesting ways to harm me than to
> misguide me. Give me a moment to collect myself, I've never been much
> for swimming you see, learned late and was always deathly afraid as a
> child. Dreadful stuff really.
> Alex steps away briefly to the edge of the pier and looks into the
> Azure blue ocean, a swirl of unending blue depth. Still not my thing,
> Alex mutters to himself. As he steels himself he notices a bottle
> adrift, nearing the pier. As it comes closer, he plucks it from the
> water, decorks it and inspects the note inside.
> "What does it say" the little Kasutva inquires.
> "Oh nothing, just someone trying to get in contact about our floating
> pirateships extended warranty" Alex replies bruskly. This definitely
> must have come from Inky Alex thinks to himself. They must have found
> the way.
> "Look Kasutva, this has been great fun, but I really think I ought to
> be going, not really sure that a sea of anyones dreams is my sort of
> thing and all that. And I seem ot have done not but create a mess of
> things" Alex says as he gestures to the wreckage of the Mech. Alex
> gestures in the air before him, a small split keyboard appears in
> front of him and he types out a few short commands.
> > ```
> > cat > /home/inky/messages/urgent <<EOF
> > Got your message
> > In a bit of a bind, wrapped up with some weird mushroom guy who wants to go for a swim.
> > Not sure how to handle it, but I might have to dip back to the real world and let you finish here.
> > I've made a write mess of things, but I trust you can finish this.
> >
> > Oh, see attached, if you get into a pinch just use this spell, it'll get you what you need.
> >
> > grep -A4 AID ~/messages/urgent | sed 's/AID//' | sh
> >
> > AID
> > 4b1af3fcf4ce005ef86d83c45713ba1a548b4e79da09a6d44632cdb6c5917489
> > d7d500fa37b986d931b70e114b4e67375b10b373aa6649641e7132e8b3dc7d18
> > ef6efe98ffd070f486c00b4f50d8bf1448414ef9c2fabe0cacd40bebafba8a02
> > 1d0d1bf0188b842d9ae08b9b37b0f266936ef38b8f07e5c90e4a9351bf018898
> > EOF
> > ```
> "Right!" Alex exclaims startling the little Kasutva accidentally.
> "Time for me to head back to the real world. Anything you need from
> me before I head out? Oh also, can I take the ak74u? I think I might
> need it."
"Back ... back to the waking world?" Mushroom Kasutva stammers.
It looks out at the sea with a look of longing, confusion, and
frustration. "But we were finally going to see Ephemeris," they say
almost wistfully.
"You were going to take us to Ephemeris!" they shout at you, suddenly
Mushroom Kasutva screws up its face and roars in rage as it rushes at
you and tries to shove you over the edge of the pier into the waters
But Kasutva is less than a foot tall and quite ineffective at shoving
a human-sized person such as Alex.
Big Kasutva, on the otherhand, is roughly twelve feet tall and quite
capable of manhandling a human-sized person.
You look up in time to jerk back out of the way as they swipe at your
chest with their face-removing knife. It was all a feint though. As
soon as you are slightly off balance from dodging their attack, they
reach out with their other hand and give you a shove.
You trip over Mushroom Kasutva, who has positioned themself in just
such a way to best tangle up your feet. You stumble backwards a few
steps until one of your feet steps out into open air. You twist and
and look behind you as Ousia rises up to meet you.
Kasutva clings to your leg as you fall, crying. "We're sorry. We're
sorry," they say over and over as you are pulled below the waves.