
104 lines
3.9 KiB

title: 00068
created: Wed, 01 Mar 2023 18:14:47 -0700
updated: Wed, 01 Mar 2023 18:14:47 -0700
public: yes
syndicated: yes
### 00068 {#00068}
The fingertips of the Nyxmaer graze the eye and an eldritch wind
begins to howl inside the fish market.
It whips around and around inside the ritual circle, flipping
blankets and tossing pillows. The dreamers also toss and turn in
their sleep, but still do not wake. The foul wind tugs at their hair
and at their clothing.
The small candles around the edge of the circle go out, plunging the
room into near darkness. The dark flame of the demon candle sputters.
The wind screams as it pushes through the small smudged gap in the
circle and out onto the floor of the market. It coils around Rind's
feet and teases at the hem of the child's dress. It ruffles the
duck's feathers.
The fingertips flick over the eye, caress it, draw it close. And
finally its fist closes tightly around it.
The last candle goes out, plunging the room into darkness. The wind
and the sirens stop all at once, and in the silence all that can be
heard is the steady rain outside.
> "Look Trine or not, I need a little more than this. I ain't nobodies
> errand boy, and insofar as I can tell either the Gods are dead, or
> they haven't given a rats ass about me or anyone else. What's more,
> you're claiming to be some sort of divinity, yet you can only
> manifest here amongst my nightmares, the same ones I learned years
> ago to shut out. You never forget the face of your first mark, but
> what they don't tell you is it doesn't have to haunt you either."
> Alex looks directly at the apparition.
> "But I'm reasonable too. Give me some proof you say what you are. You
> say you have power to share? Well power I need. I have people to
> protect, and an unclue to rescue. I'll be damned if I let anything
> happen to them. Yet here I am, stuck in this god firsaken place
> chittering away with my own subconcious getting attacked by freaking
> mushrooms people."
> "Just give it to me straight Neddas, what assistance are you
> offering, and what must I give in return? If you an guarantee me a
> way to protect those close to me, I don't give a rats ass about the
> rest."
Neddas silently holds your gaze for a long moment.
"What you ask of me is fair, since I am asking so much of you."
They hold out their hands and present you with a stone amulet. It
slightly resembles the Ginnarak Crystals. Much smaller. And more
almond shaped than melon shaped. But it is the same shade of blue,
with the same veins of slightly pulsating gold throughout. It hangs
from a fine chain of small silver links.
"As long as this stone is in your possession, you will find you have
the courage to do what you think is right. Be aware that it is a
piece of me. And those who know about it will try to take it from
In the distance you can hear alarms and terrible moans carried on a
howling wind.
Corraidhín impatiently flips over the first three tumbrot cards in
front of Inky:
1. A tall man looks from a battlemented roof over sea and shore; he
holds a globe in his right hand, while a staff in his left rests on
the battlement; another is fixed in a ring. The Rose and Cross and
Lily should be noticed on the left side.
2. Strange chalices of vision, but the images are more especially
those of the fantastic spirit.
3. A ferryman carrying passengers in his punt to the further shore.
The course is smooth, and seeing that the freight is light, it may be
noted that the work is not beyond his strength.
Felixe the Cat passes the two six-sided tumbrot dice to Inky and
recites a small pome for the inkling:
> ```
> In the superior world it is
> A young man, leaning on his
> to indicate therein. It is
> speaking, to the traditional
> red standard has been
> ```
You can suddenly hear an ominous wind whistling outside the club and
battering at the windows.
"Well?" Balvin prompts. "What do you do?"