
836 B


syntax, filtetype detection, folding, and navigation for tbls files


  1. find out where your syntax and ftdetect files are. e.g. $HOME/.config/nvim/ or $HOME/.vim/.

  2. copy syntax/tbls.vim and ftdetect/tbls.vim to the appropriate folders

after installing, any .tbl file should be detected.

to use syntax for, e.g. a .txt file, in vim do :set filetype=tbls


the syntax defines a foldable table block as the region between a :: header and a blank line. all folding commands should work. (e.g. zj and zk to jump to next fold. see :help fold.) the plugin file sets the foldmethod to syntax, so your tables should start out folded if folding in enabled.

the plugin file also maps ]] and [[ (next section and previous section, respectively) to jump between table headers.