dzwdz dzwdz
  • Joined on 2021-03-28

dzwdz pushed to master at dzwdz/catboy

2022-03-24 21:02:47 +00:00

dzwdz pushed to master at dzwdz/catboy

  • 551f22a901 Allow plaintext connections with -P
  • 714b4bc76a Skip non-spacing when moving and deleting by "character"
  • 1f9e3463c3 Document using -S to connect over IPv4 or IPv6
  • ee82e5d376 Always refresh the screen with ^L
  • c78b511dfb Update STANDARDS section authors, titles and URLs

2022-03-24 20:50:19 +00:00

dzwdz created repository dzwdz/catboy

2022-03-24 20:49:44 +00:00

dzwdz pushed to master at dzwdz/towngolf

2021-03-29 17:45:47 +00:00

dzwdz pushed to master at dzwdz/towngolf

2021-03-28 21:32:45 +00:00

dzwdz pushed to master at dzwdz/towngolf

  • 0a1de81462 static pages; challenges are now pulled from a directory

2021-03-28 14:42:18 +00:00

dzwdz pushed to master at dzwdz/towngolf

  • e0307eb7e0 more "complete" solution pages, a basic css theme, and a todo

2021-03-28 14:15:23 +00:00

dzwdz pushed to master at dzwdz/towngolf

  • bfe7c56bcf mirror all submissions + generate a very basic per-challenge listing

2021-03-28 13:39:27 +00:00

dzwdz created repository dzwdz/towngolf

2021-03-28 13:36:46 +00:00